All Classes and Interfaces

Android device information.
This message is sent every time users are added removed from audiences.
Audience data stream subscription settings.
This message is sent when mParticle customers add, update, or remove audience subscription.
Audience subscription actions.
A response for the audience subscription request.
Record of consent under the CCPA.
Indicates the source of the original Batch-object when sent to mParticle's server.
Custom event types.
The DsrProcessingRegistration object should be constructed by Firehose integrations that wish to function as DSR integrations within the mParticle platform.
This message contains the information to fulfill a Data Subject Request.
Event types.
The EventProcessingRegistration object should be constructed by Firehose integrations that wish to function as event-integrations within the mParticle platform.
This message contains application events logged by the mobile SDKs.
Record of consent under the GDPR.
Identity value encoding formats.
iOS device information.
Message types.
Provides basic structure for implementing a custom message processing module.
Converts messages to JSON and back.
Specifies how the access token will be provided to the integration
Identity value encoding formats.
Class representing a Partner Identity to send to a given Partner
Available setting types.
Event types.
tvOS device information.
Web Environment