MPAliasRequest Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MPAliasRequest.h


A request to copy data from one user to another, constrained to a particular time period.

Note that this request will not automatically copy user attributes to the destination user–this must be done manually, if desired.

+ requestWithSourceUser:destinationUser:

Creates a request specifying a source and destination user.

+ (MPAliasRequest *)requestWithSourceUser:(MParticleUser *)sourceUser destinationUser:(MParticleUser *)destinationUser


Creates a request specifying a source and destination user.

Alias start and end times will be automatically inferred based on the sourceUser’s firstSeen and lastSeen properties.

If the first/last seen dates are earlier than the supported alias max time window, they will be adjusted automatically.

You can obtain user objects by indexing into the array returned by [MParticle.sharedInstance.identity getAllUsers] or by calling [MParticle.sharedInstance.identity getUser:<MPID>].

Note that when using the latter method the user IDs must be known to the SDK or the call to getUser: will return nil.

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+ requestWithSourceMPID:destinationMPID:startTime:endTime:

Creates a request specifying source and destination MPIDs and explicitly providing start and end times.

+ (MPAliasRequest *)requestWithSourceMPID:(NSNumber *)sourceMPID destinationMPID:(NSNumber *)destinationMPID startTime:(NSDate *)startTime endTime:(NSDate *)endTime


Creates a request specifying source and destination MPIDs and explicitly providing start and end times.

(MPID is also referred to as the userId property on MParticleUser.)

Unlike the above method, these dates will be sent to the server without adjusting them to take into account the alias max time window.

You can register a listener to get any errors that may be returned if the start/end times are outside the range accepted by the server. See MPListenerController#onAliasRequestFinished:.

Additionally, to support any potential advanced use cases, this method does not require MPIDs to be known to the SDK to perform the alias request.

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The MPID of the user that has existing data.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSNumber *sourceMPID


The MPID of the user that has existing data.

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The MPID of the user that should receive the copied data.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSNumber *destinationMPID


The MPID of the user that should receive the copied data.

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The timestamp of the earliest data that should be copied, defaults to the source user’s first seen timestamp.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSDate *startTime


The timestamp of the earliest data that should be copied, defaults to the source user’s first seen timestamp.

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The timestamp of the latest data that should be copied, defaults to the source user’s last seen timestamp.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSDate *endTime


The timestamp of the latest data that should be copied, defaults to the source user’s last seen timestamp.

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Whether the start/end times were automatically inferred from the source user’s firstSeen and lastSeen properties

@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL usedFirstLastSeen


Whether the start/end times were automatically inferred from the source user’s firstSeen and lastSeen properties

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