MPKitRegister Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to MPExtensionKitProtocol
Declared in MPKitRegister.h


Kit code. Obtained from mParticle and informed to the Core SDK

@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull, readonly) NSNumber *code


Kit code. Obtained from mParticle and informed to the Core SDK

Declared In



Instance of the 3rd party kit wrapper implementation. The instance is allocated by the mParticle SDK and uses the class name provided by the className parameter. You should not set this property. It’s lifecycle is managed by the mParticle SDK

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) id<MPKitProtocol> wrapperInstance


Instance of the 3rd party kit wrapper implementation. The instance is allocated by the mParticle SDK and uses the class name provided by the className parameter. You should not set this property. It’s lifecycle is managed by the mParticle SDK

Declared In



Kit name. Obtained from the 3rd party library provider and informed to the Core SDK

@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull, readonly) NSString *name


Kit name. Obtained from the 3rd party library provider and informed to the Core SDK

Declared In



Name of the class implementing the wrapper to forward calls to 3rd party kits

@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull, readonly) NSString *className


Name of the class implementing the wrapper to forward calls to 3rd party kits

Declared In


– initWithName:className:

Allocates and initializes a register to a 3rd party kit implementation

- (nullable instancetype)initWithName:(nonnull NSString *)name className:(nonnull NSString *)className



Kit name. Obtained from the 3rd party library provider and informed to the Core SDK


Name of the class implementing the wrapper to forward calls to 3rd party kits

Return Value

An instance of a kit register or nil if a kit register could not be instantiated


Allocates and initializes a register to a 3rd party kit implementation

Declared In
