
Cortex provides a Machine Learning (ML) platform for Marketing, AdTech, and Product teams to transform user data into automated decisions to optimize the customer journey. An integration between mParticle and Cortex allows anyone to quickly build ML pipelines and send the predictions back to mParticle as intelligent attributes within your customer profiles, ultimately enabling smarter targeting for more data-driven customer interactions.

Enable the Integration

Complete steps 1-6 found in the Event documentation of the mParticle-Cortex connection before proceeding here. Complete the below steps before continuing onto step 7 found in the Event documentation.

Enable Attributes to be Ingested from Cortex to mParticle

  1. From within the mParticle UI, find Cortex within the mParticle integration directory and create a Feed Input.

  1. Within Cortex, specify one or more prediction columns to send to mParticle. The prediction columns will appear in mParticle as User Attributes with the naming convention $intelligent_attribute:cortex:[pipeline name]__score and $intelligent_attribute:cortex:[pipeline name]__percentile, where score represents the prediction itself (e.g. conversion probability for a Future Events pipeline, predicted value for a Regression pipeline, etc). These attributes will be visible in mParticle’s Data Master > Catalog.

Replay Historical Events from mParticle to Cortex

After completing these steps, continue with Replay Historical Events.

Supported Identities

User Identities

  • mParticle ID (MPID)

Sample Payload

The sample JSON below illustrates the payload that might be sent from Cortex to mParticle if results were exported from a Machine Learning Pipeline configured to predict each customer’s likelihood to purchase. The payload includes two attributes per customer: (1) conversion probability (the probability that the customer purchases) and (2) percentile (how this customer’s purchase probability ranks relative to all other customers).

  "environment": "production",
  "user_attributes": { 
    "$intelligent_attribute:cortex:likelihood_to_purchase__score": 0.171425,    
    "$intelligent_attribute:cortex:likelihood_to_purchase__percentile": 0.879432
  "mpid": 123456789

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