Group Identity API Reference

Use the Group Identity API to create and manage groups of users that are related by a single shared user identifier. Groups can contain shared attributes, where each profile of a user in a group inherits all of the shared attributes values.

Example use case

Imagine you want to send a discount coupon to all of your users who own a dog, but you know that some of the users you want to reach might live in a household where only one person is identified as the dog owner.

By creating a group definition for members of a household, where a household consists of users who share the same physical address, you can create an attribute has_dog (or use an existing attribute) that is inherited by all members of the group if any other member’s profile has that attribute.

You can then use the shared, or inherited, attribute when creating audiences of users.

Step 1: Create a group definition

First, we use the Group Identity API to create a new group definition for families by sending a POST API request to /platform/workspaces/{workspace_id}/groups/

The body of our request is:

  "id": "household",
  "description": "users who share the same physical address",
  "source_user_attribute": "$address",
  "attributes": [
      "id": "has_dog",
      "type": "boolean_or"

The source_user_attribute field is how mParticle determines if a user should be added to a group. In this example, two users who share the same $address will be added to a new group.

Every group definition includes a list of group attributes in the attributes array, where each attribute is represented by an object with an id equaling the name of the user attribute to use as a group attribute and a type specifying the aggregation logic used for attribute. To learn more about group attributes and attribute aggregation logic, see the Group attributes overview.

Group attributes are added to the profiles for all users who join a group. User profiles are updated with new group attributes every Monday on a weekly basis.

Step 2: mParticle automatically adds users to a group

Once you have created a group definition, mParticle runs a search on a recurring, weekly schedule looking for any users with a user attribute matching a group identity’s source_user_attribute. Users with matching attributes are added to a group instance created using the group definition. Their profiles then inherit any group attributes listed in the group’s definition.

In our example, imagine two users John Doe and Jane Doe where both John and Jane have the same address, "$address": "123 Main St". Since they share the same address, they are added to a new group using the household group definition.

Both profiles for John and Jane then also display the new shared attribute has_dog. If any member of the group has a user attribute has_dog: true, then the group attribute household:has_dog=true is added to all other members of the same group. Otherwise, the value of household:has_dog remains false for all group members.

Step 3: Create an audience using your new group definition and group attributes

In the mParticle audience builder, we can now use our new group attributes, such as household:has_dog, as criteria to create or supplement an audience that contains users who are members of a household that has a dog. For more information on how to create audiences, see Create an audience.

The Group Identity API allows you to create group definitions. mParticle then uses these definitions to create groups of users based on their shared user identifiers. This means you can create one group definition for families that results in the creation of multiple family groups. (For example, all the “Jones” family members and all the “Smith” family members.)


The Group Identity API can be authenticated using a bearer token.

Authenticate with a bearer token

To create a bearer token, send a POST request to mParticle’s SSO token endpoint at

The JSON body of the request must contain:

  • client_id - the client ID, issued by mParticle when creating the API credentials
  • client_secret - the client secret, issued by mParticle when creating the API credentials
  • audience - set to a value of ""
  • grant_type - set to a value of "client_credentials"

Example cURL request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"client_id":"...","client_secret":"...","audience":"","grant_type":"client_credentials"}'

Example HTTP request

POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
  "client_id": "your_client_id",
  "client_secret": "your_client_secret",
  "audience": "",
  "grant_type": "client_credentials"

A successful POST request to the token endpoint results in a JSON response as follows:

  "access_token": "YWIxMjdi883GHBBDnjsdKAJQxNjdjYUUJABbg6hdI.8V6HhxW-",
  "expires_in" : 28800,
  "token_type": "Bearer"

Subsequent requests to the API can then be authorized by setting the authorization header to:

Authorization: Bearer YWIxMjdi883GHBBDnjsdKAJQxNjdjYUUJABbg6hdI.8V6HhxW-

Tokens cannot be revoked, but they expire every eight hours. The initial token request can take between one and three seconds, so mParticle recommends that you cache the token and refresh it only when necessary.

Get a specific group definition by its group ID


Path parameters

Path Parameter Type Description
{workspace_id} Integer The ID of the workspace containing the group definition you want to retrieve.
{group_id} String The ID for the group definition you want to retrieve.

Example cURL request

curl --location --request GET '{workspace_id}/groups/{group_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

Example JSON request body

No request body.


A successful request receives a 200 response with a JSON object for the group.

  "id": "neustar-household-group",
  "description": "A group of users related by shared Neustar household ID",
  "source_user_attribute": "neustar-household-id",
  "attributes": [
      "id": "has_dog",
      "type": "boolean_or"
  "created_on": "2023-11-13T21:50:17.732Z",
  "created_by": "",
  "last_modified_on": "2023-11-13T21:50:17.732Z",
  "last_modified_by": ""

Get all group definitions contained in a workspace


Path parameters

Path Parameter Type Description
{workspace_id} Integer The ID of the workspace containing the group definitions you want to retrieve.

Example cURL request

curl --location --request GET '{workspace_id}/groups' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

Example JSON request body

No request body.


A successful request receives a 200 response with an array containing all groups.

    "id": "neustar-household-group",
    "description": "A group of users related by shared Neustar household ID",
    "source_user_attribute": "neustar-household-id",
    "attributes": [
        "id": "has_dog",
        "type": "boolean_or"
    "created_on": "2023-11-13T21:50:17.732Z",
    "created_by": "",
    "last_modified_on": "2023-11-13T21:50:17.732Z",
    "last_modified_by": ""

Create a new group definition in a workspace


Request body options

Field Description
id A unique ID used to identify the group definition.
description A human readable description for the group definition.
For example: users who all share the same Neustar household ID
source_user_attribute A single user attribute that mParticle uses to determine users’ group memberships.
For example: $neustar-household-id
attributes An array of group attribute objects, where each attribute contains an id and type.
  • The id can be any string value you want to use to identify the attribute.
    For example, has_dog
  • The type represents the aggregation logic used for the attribute. Valid options are: latest, boolean_or, sum, or average. Read more about attribute aggregation logic here.

Example cURL request

curl --location --request POST '{workspace_id}/groups' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

Example JSON request body

  "id": "neustar-household-group",
  "description": "A group of users related by shared Neustar household ID",
  "source_user_attribute": "neustar-household-id",
  "attributes": [
      "id": "has_dog",
      "type": "boolean_or"


A successful request receives a 200 response with a JSON object for the new group.

  "id": "neustar-household-group",
  "description": "A group of users related by shared Neustar household ID",
  "source_user_attribute": "neustar-household-id",
  "attributes": [
      "id": "has_dog",
      "type": "boolean_or"
  "created_on": "2023-11-13T21:50:17.732Z",
  "created_by": "",
  "last_modified_on": "2023-11-13T21:50:17.732Z",
  "last_modified_by": ""

Update a group definition


Path parameters

Path Parameter Type Description
{workspace_id} Integer The ID of the workspace containing the group definition.
{group_id} String The ID for the group definition you want to update.

Example cURL request

curl --location --request PUT '{workspace_id}/groups/{group_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

Example JSON request body

  "description": "A group of users related by shared Neustar household ID",
  "source_user_attribute": "neustar-household-id",
  "attributes": [
      "id": "has_dog",
      "type": "boolean_or"


A successful request receives a 200 response with a JSON object for the group.

  "id": "group-id",
  "description": "A group of users related by shared Neustar household ID",
  "source_user_attribute": "neustar-household-id",
  "attributes": [
      "id": "has_dog",
      "type": "boolean_or"
  "created_on": "2023-11-13T21:53:57.917Z",
  "created_by": "",
  "last_modified_on": "2023-11-13T21:53:57.917Z",
  "last_modified_by": ""

Set attributes for a group


Path parameters

Path Parameter Type Description
{workspace_id} Integer The ID of the workspace containing the group definition.
{group_id} String The ID for the group definition you want to add attributes to.

Example cURL request

curl --location --request PUT '{workspace_id}/groups/{group_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

Example JSON request body

  "attributes": [
      "id": "has_dog",
      "type": "boolean_or"
      "id": "country",
      "type": "latest"


A successful request receives a 200 response with a JSON object for the group.

  "id": "group-id",
  "description": "A group of users related by shared Neustar household ID",
  "source_user_attribute": "neustar-household-id",
  "attributes": [
      "id": "id of the attribute shared by the group",
      "type": "either 'latest' or 'boolean_or'"
  "created_on": "2023-11-13T21:57:26.947Z",
  "created_by": "",
  "last_modified_on": "2023-11-13T21:57:26.947Z",
  "last_modified_by": ""

Delete a group


Path parameters

Path Parameter Type Description
{workspace_id} Integer The ID of the workspace containing the group definition you want to delete.
{group_id} String The ID of the group definition you want to delete.

Example cURL request

curl --location --request DELETE '{workspace_id}/groups/{group_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

Example JSON request body

No request body.


A successful request receives a 204 response with an empty body.


Limit Description
Group ID Must be between 3 and 32 characters
Group description Must be between 0 and 255 characters
Group attribute ID’s Must be between 1 and 223 characters
Number of group definitions per workspace 1
Number of attributes per group 10
Number of users per group 10

Error handling

Response code Error message Description
400 No user ID provided You must provide a valid user ID when attempting to view a user.
401 Unauthorized Verify that you have created the correct API credentials for the FeatureName API and that you are using the correct authentication method.
403 Forbidden Verify that you have created the correct API credentials for the FeatureName API and that you are using the correct authentication method.
404 Not found The specified resource was not found.
422 Unprocessable entity The request was understood but cannot be processed.

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