
This section contains in-depth information about the mParticle platform and features.

  • For information about our SDKs, APIs, and tools, visit the Developers section.
  • For information about our latest product releases, visit the mParticle Changelog.

Learn to manage your data in the mParticle dashboard.

Data Filter

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A from-scratch guide to get you started sending data to mParticle and forwarding it on to Event and Audience outputs.

Create Inputs
Start capturing data
Connect an Event Output
Create an Audience

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Uncover actionable insights across the entire customer journey without SQL or writing a single line of code.


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Learn about mParticle’s premium Identity Management Framework

Use Cases for IDSync
Components of IDSync

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Explore every data point in your workspace and manage your data quality.

Data Master Introduction
Live Stream
Data Plan

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Ingest data from third-party warehouses using mParticle's reverse-ETL solution.

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Collect and leverage consumer consent and opt-outs towards compliance with GDPR and CCPA.

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Explore how to respond to data subject requests as mandated by the GDPR and CCPA regulations.

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Learn about the default limits mParticle imposes on incoming data in order to protect the performance of the mParticle dashboard and your app.

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Harness third-party data sources with Feeds.

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Share audience data with other accounts within your organization.

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Import bulk data from a data warehouse or legacy system.

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List of mParticle-specific terms and definitions.

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List of embedded videos.

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Resources for legacy Analytics customers.

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