
The Identity HTTP API is utilized by the mParticle iOS, Android, and Web SDKs, and can also be used directly. See our IDSync guide for more information.

Base URL

The mParticle Identity endpoint is available at:

Swagger Documentation

For a full API reference, download the Swagger spec file and open it in the Swagger Editor.


The mParticle Identity API supports three methods of authentication:

  1. Basic Authentication
  2. HMAC-based digest
  3. API key only

All methods use platform-level API credentials. To find or create API credentials, navigate to Setup > Inputs in the mParticle dashboard, and select a platform (iOS, Android, Web, etc).

Basic Authentication

You can use basic authentication in 2 ways:

  1. Many HTTP clients support basic authentication out of the box. Use the platform API Key for the “username” and your API Secret for “password”.
  2. Manually set the authentication header by encoding your key and secret together:

    2.1 Concatenate your API Key and API Secret together with a colon (:) separating the two: example-api-key:example-api-secret

    2.2 Base64 with UTF-8 encode the result:


2.3 Prefix the encoded string with Basic, including a space:

Basic ZXhhbXBsZS1hcGkta2V5OmV4YW1wbGUtYXBpLXNlY3JldA==

2.4 Set resulting string as the Authorization header in your HTTP requests:

Authorization: Basic ZXhhbXBsZS1hcGkta2V5OmV4YW1wbGUtYXBpLXNlY3JldA==

HMAC-based digest Authentication

The HMAC digest authentication method should be used by all clients of the Identity API. The requirements are as follows:

  1. Include your mParticle platform API Key as the x-mp-key header in the request.
  2. Include the current date in ISO 8601 format (ex 20170712T224127Z) as the Date header in the request.
  3. Include the signature described below as the x-mp-signature header in the request.

Building the signature

  1. Concatenate the following:

    • HTTP method (ex POST) + newline
    • ISO 8601 date from above (ex 20170712T224127Z) + newline
    • Path of the request (ex /v1/identify) + Body of the request

    For example, your concatenation should look similar to:

  2. Encode the string

    Using the utf-8 bytes of your mParticle platform API Secret (matching the API Key in the x-mp-key header), and the string above, create a byte encoding using HMAC SHA256 and convert the result to a hexadecimal string. Include that string as the x-mp-signature header.

API key-only Authentication

On devices that cannot support the above algorithm, you may use only the mParticle platform API Key for authentication, by providing it as the x-mp-key header. This is only selectively enabled - and is disabled by default.



The identify request should be used to establish a user identity, typically when an app is first initialized. It accepts a set of known identities and returns an mParticle ID, in accordance with an Identity Strategy. You should provide all available identifying information for the given user.

Request Body

The identify, search, login, and logout requests accept a POST body with the following schema.

You must always supply at least one known identity

  "client_sdk": {
    "platform": "ios",
    "sdk_vendor": "string",
    "sdk_version": "string"
  "context": "string",
  "environment": "production",
  "request_id": "string",
  "request_timestamp_ms": 0,
  "previous_mpid": "string",
  "known_identities": {
    "ios_idfa": "string",
    "android_aaid": "string",
    "amp_id": "string",
    "android_uuid": "string",
    "ios_idfv": "string",
    "push_token": "string",
    "roku_publisher_id": "string",
    "roku_aid": "string",
    "fire_aid": "string",
    "customerid": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "facebook": "string",
    "facebookcustomaudienceid": "string",
    "google": "string",
    "microsoft": "string",
    "other": "string",
    "twitter": "string",
    "yahoo": "string",
    "device_application_stamp": "string"
Property Type Required Description
client_sdk.platform enum Accepted values are ios, android, web, tvos, roku, alexa, smart_tv, fire, xbox, and other.
context string An encoded string representing the result of the previous request. This is available in the Response body.
environment enum Required Either production or development.
request_id string A UUID for the request.
request_timestamp_ms integer Unix timestamp for the request.
previous_mpid string The mParticle ID returned by the previous request.
known_identities object Required An object containing all available identifiers for a user, to be used by mParticle to match and return a user profile. This object must include at least one identifier. See the example for a full list of allowed identifiers.

Response Body

The identify, search, login, and logout return a body with the following schema:

  "context": "string",
  "mpid": "string",
  "matched_identities": {
    "ios_idfa": "string",
    "android_aaid": "string",
    "amp_id": "string",
    "android_uuid": "string",
    "ios_idfv": "string",
    "push_token": "string",
    "roku_publisher_id": "string",
    "roku_aid": "string",
    "fire_aid": "string",
    "customerid": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "facebook": "string",
    "facebookcustomaudienceid": "string",
    "google": "string",
    "microsoft": "string",
    "other": "string",
    "twitter": "string",
    "yahoo": "string",
    "device_application_stamp": "string"
  "is_ephemeral": true
Property Type Description
context string Encoded version of the response, may be used as the context parameter in the next request
mpid string The mParticle ID of the matched user profile
matched_identities object Each identifier from the known_identities object in the request body that matched to an identifier in the returned user profile. N.B - only identifiers which were matched from your request will be returned. This is not a complete list of all identities associated with the user profile.
is_ephemeral bool The returned identity can be removed from local storage when you transition to the next identity

The search path should be used when you wish to determine the existence of a user identity. It is similar to identify in that it accepts a set of known identities and returns an mParticle ID. You should provide all available identifying information for the given user. However, the search path is different from identify in that if there are no matches, it will not create a new mParticle ID, it will return a user not found error message.

Request / Response

The search endpoint takes the same request and response objects as the Identify request.

/login and /logout

These paths should be used when you wish to transition user states in your app. For example, you may use /login to transition from your initial state with an anonymous user, to a logged in state with a known user. Just as with /identify, these paths accept a set of known identities and return an mParticle ID, in accordance with an Identity Strategy. You should provide all available identifying information for the given user.

For both /login and /logout, the known_identities object should refer to the user profile you wish to transition to. For logout, this may mean that you only include a device id or a device_application_stamp that you generate to associate with the unauthenticated user/device.

Request / Response

The login, and logout endpoints take the same request and response objects as the Identify request.

/{mParticle ID}/modify

Modify must be performed on an existing mParticle ID. It will mutate an existing user, and will never result in a new user. Use the JSON null sentinel to convey the addition or removal of an ID:

Request Body

  "client_sdk": {
    "platform": "ios",
    "sdk_vendor": "string",
    "sdk_version": "string"
  "environment": "production",
  "request_id": "string",
  "request_timestamp_ms": 0,
  "identity_changes": [
      "old_value": "string",
      "new_value": "string",
      "identity_type": "ios_idfa"
      "old_value": "string",
      "new_value": null,
      "identity_type": "ios_idfv"
      "old_value": null,
      "new_value": "",
      "identity_type": "email"


Error Description
400 Bad Request See the response body for detailed error message.
401 Unauthorized Request failed authentication.
429 Too Many Requests Too many requests have been submitted. To correct, perform an exponential backoff. Learn more about API throttling in Default Service Limits.
5xx Server Error A server-side error has occured. Try your request again.

Error Body

  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "message": "string"

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