
Client SDK: AMP


Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a way to build web pages for static content that render fast. AMP includes an amp-analytics element that allows you to track user interactions with AMP pages. To learn more about analytics for AMP pages see the amp-analytics reference. For general information about AMP see What Is AMP? on the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project site.

Supported user interactions

amp-analytics is an extended component and must be explicitly included into the document as a custom element to use it. To add AMP analytics functionality to your page:

  1. Include this script in the <head>, before the AMP JS library:

    <script async custom-element="amp-analytics"
    <amp-analytics type="mparticle" id="analytics1">
  2. Add the amp-analytics element to the body of your page and set the type attribute of the amp-analytics element to mparticle.
  3. It is recommended to include an id attribute so that you can easily identify each amp-analytics element (e.g. debugging).

The following trigger request values are supported for the mParticle configuration:

  • pageview for page tracking
  • app events for event tracking

AMP Page tracking

Page tracking allows you to measure the number of views you had for a particular page on your website. Pageview hits can be sent by setting the trigger request value to pageview.

<amp-analytics type="mparticle" id="analytics1">
<script type="application/json">
  "vars": {
    "apiKey": "Your mParticle API Key"
    "pageName": "Your custom page name"
  "triggers": {
    "trackPageview": {
      "on": "visible",
      "request": "pageview"

You can set key-value pairs for the following pageview fields in the vars attribute of the trigger.

Value Default Value Required Description
title Defaults to title no The title of the page.
ampdocUrl Defaults to ampdocUrl no URL of the page being tracked.
pageName no Allows you to set up a custom name for your page, separate from that of title.

The following example overrides the default pageview values for title and ampdocUrl:

<amp-analytics type="mparticle" id="analytics2">
<script type="application/json">
  "vars": {
    "apiKey": "Your mParticle API Key"
  "triggers": {
    "trackPageviewWithAmpdocUrl": {
      "on": "visible",
      "request": "pageview",
      "vars": {
        "title": "Custom Title",
        "ampdocUrl": ""

AMP Event tracking

Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load. Event hits can be sent by setting the trigger request value to event and providing additional event properties.

The following example uses the selector attribute of the trigger to send an event when a particular element is clicked.

<amp-analytics type="mparticle" id="analytics3">
<script type="application/json">
    "vars": {
      "apiKey": "AppKey"
    "triggers": {
      "trackAppEvent": {
        "on": "click",
        "selector": "#test1",
        "request": "event",
        "vars": {
          "eventName": "AMP Test 1 button clicked",
          "eventType": "Unknown",
          "eventAttributes_Keys": ["test key1","test key2"],
          "eventAttributes_Values": ["test value1","test value2"],
          "userAttributes_Keys": ["test user attr key1","test user attr key2"],
          "userAttributes_Values": ["test user attr value1","test user attr value2"],
          "userIdentities_Types" : ["facebook", "twitter"],
          "userIdentities_Values" : ["", "@example"],
          "debug": "true",
          "location": [26.4619396, -80.0691996],
          "customFlags_Keys": ["custom flag1", "custom flag2"],
          "customFlags_Values": ["[100, 200]", "[test val1, test val2]"],
          "appVersion": "1.0"
        "extraUrlParams": {
          "consent_state": {

You can set key-value pairs for the following event fields in the vars attribute of the trigger.

Value Default Value Required Description
eventName no The name of the event.
eventType “Unknown” no The type of event. The supported event types are listed here.
eventAttributes_Keys no An array of event attribute keys.
eventAttributes_Values no An array of event attribute values, corresponding to the eventAttributes_Keys. Encode before sending to the server.
userAttributes_Keys no An array of user attribute keys.
userAttributes_Values no An array of user attribute values, corresponding to the userAttributes_Keys. Encode before sending to the server.
userIdentities_Types no An array of user identities.
userIdentities_Values no An array of user identity values, corresponding to the userIdentities_Types.
debug “false” no Set the debug flag to “true” to indicate development data or to “false” to indicate production data.
location no The location where the event occurred represented as [lat,long]
customFlags_Keys no An array of custom flags.
customFlags_Values no An array of custom flag values, corresponding to the customFlags_Keys. Encode before sending to the server.
appVersion no Your application version.

You can send consent state data in the optional extraUrlParams property of the trigger.

"extraUrlParams": {
  "consent_state": {
    "gdpr": {
      "location_collection": {
        "consented": true,
        "document": "location_collection_agreement_v4",
        "timestamp_unixtime_ms": "${timestamp}",
        "location": "17 Cherry Tree Lane",
        "hardware_id": "IDFA:a5d934n0-232f-4afc-2e9a-3832d95zc702"
      "parental": {
        "consented": false,
        "document": "parental_consent_agreement_v2",
        "timestamp_unixtime_ms": "${timestamp}",
        "location": "17 Cherry Tree Lane",
        "hardware_id": "IDFA:a5d934n0-232f-4afc-2e9a-3832d95zc702"     
        "consented": true,
        "document": null,
        "timestamp_unixtime_ms": "${timestamp}",
        "location": null,
        "hardware_id": null

The consent_state object accepts two types of regulations: gdpr and ccpa. Both the gdpr and ccpa objects have the same signature as a key-value mapping between purpose and consent data. For GDPR, the purpose object in the above example is shown as location_collection and parental, but should be named according to your needs. For CCPA, the purpose is always data_sale_opt_out.

Value Data Type Required Example Value(s) Description
document string no "v23.2b" An identifier for the document, document version, or experience that the user may have consented to.
consented bool yes true / false The user’s decision on a prompted consent purpose. If the user agreed: true. If the user rejected: false.
timestamp_unixtime_ms number yes 1510949166, "${timestamp}"* The timestamp (Unix time) representing when the consent data was created. *${timestamp} is a special amp-analytics variable.
location string no "", "123 My Street" The location where the user gave consent. This property exists only to provide additional context. It may be a physical or digital location.
hardware_id string no "IDFA:a5d934n0-232f-4afc-2e9a-3832d95zc702" A hardware ID for the device or browser used to give consent. This property exists only to provide additional context and is not used to identify users.

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