All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
AliasRequest |
This class represents a request to indicate that a provided mpid should be a proxy for another,
over a given timespan.
AliasRequest.Builder |
AliasResponse |
Object describing the results of the most recent Alias request, including success indicators,
and any error messages.
AttributionError |
Class representing the result of an attribution query to an integration partner.
AttributionListener |
Implement this interface and react to deep links.
AttributionResult |
Class representing the result of an attribution query to an integration partner.
BaseEvent |
BaseEvent.MessageType |
BaseEvent.Type |
BaseIdentityTask |
BaseNetworkConnection |
BuildConfig |
CCPAConsent |
Record of consent under the CCPA.
CCPAConsent.Builder |
Certificate |
CommerceEvent |
The canonical object used to measure a commerce-related datapoint.
CommerceEvent.Builder |
Configuration<T> |
ConsentInstance |
ConsentState |
ConsentState represents the set of purposes and regulations for which a user
has consented for data collection.
ConsentState.Builder |
DomainMapping |
DomainMapping.Builder |
ExceptionHandler |
Class used to capture and log uncaught exceptions.
GDPRConsent |
Record of consent under the GDPR.
GDPRConsent.Builder |
IdentityApi |
Helper class that is used to access Identity endpoints to manage User's Attributes and Identities.
IdentityApi.MpIdChangeListener |
IdentityApiRequest |
Class that represents observed changes in user state, can be used as a parameter in an Identity Request.
IdentityApiRequest.Builder |
A class used for constructing IdentityApiRequest.
IdentityApiResult |
A class for expressing the results of an IdentityApi request
IdentityHttpResponse |
IdentityHttpResponse.Error |
IdentityStateListener |
The IdentityStateListener is a callback which will be invoked when either a new user is identified,
or the current user's "logged in" status changes.
Impression |
Class representing an impression of one of more Product objects.
InstallReferrerHelper |
InstallReferrerHelper.InstallReferrerCallback |
InstanceIdService |
mParticle implementation of InstanceIDListenerService.
MediaCallbacks |
MessagingConfigCallbacks |
MParticle |
The primary access point to the mParticle SDK.
MParticle.Environment |
The Environment in which the SDK and hosting app are running.
MParticle.EventType |
Event type to use when logging MPEvent s.
MParticle.IdentityType |
Identity type to use when setting the user identity.
MParticle.InstallType |
To be used when initializing MParticle.
MParticle.LogLevel |
Enumeration used to moderate the amount of messages that are printed
by the SDK to the console.
MParticle.OperatingSystem |
MParticle.ResetListener |
MParticle.ServiceProviders |
This interface defines constants that can be used to interact with specific 3rd-party services.
MParticle.UserAttributes |
This interface defines a series of constants that can be used to specify certain characteristics of a user.
MParticleBaseClient |
MParticleBaseClientImpl |
MParticleBaseClientImpl.Endpoint |
MParticleIdentityClient |
MParticleIdentityClientImpl |
MParticleOptions |
class used for passing optional settings to the SDK when it is started.
MParticleOptions.Builder |
MParticleOptions.DataplanOptions |
MParticleOptions.DataplanOptions.Builder |
MParticleTask<MParticleTaskResult> |
MParticleUser |
MParticleUserImpl |
A class which represents a User.
MPConnection |
MPEvent |
Class representation of an event.
MPEvent.Builder |
Class used to build an MPEvent object.
MPMediaAPI |
Utility class to interact with the mParticle Media APIs.
MPMessagingAPI |
Utility class to enable and adjust push notification behavior.
MPMessagingRouter |
MPReceiver |
Core BroadcastReceiver used to support push notifications.
MPService |
IntentService used internally by the SDK to process incoming broadcast messages in the background.
MPServiceUtil |
MPUrl |
NetworkConnection |
NetworkOptions |
NetworkOptions.Builder |
NetworkOptionsManager |
Product |
A Product represents any good or service that a user may purchase, view, or otherwise interact with in your app.
Product.Builder |
This class is designed to construct a Product object using the Builder pattern.
Product.EqualityComparator |
A simple interface that you can implement in order to customize Product equality comparisons.
Promotion |
Class representing an internal promotions within an app, such as banners.
ProviderCloudMessage |
Representation of an FCM/push sent by a 3rd party such as Urban Airship or Mixpanel.
PushAnalyticsReceiver |
BroadcastReceiver to be used to listen for, manipulate, and react to FCM notifications.
PushAnalyticsReceiverCallback |
SdkListener |
Note: This is an Experimental feature.
SdkListener.DatabaseTable |
SdkListener.Endpoint |
Segment |
This class represents a single Segment of which one or more users may be a member.
SegmentListener |
Use this callback interface to retrieve the current user's segment membership.
SegmentMembership |
This class is returned as response from a user segments call.
Session |
Public Session API exposing characteristics of a given session.
TaskFailureListener |
TaskSuccessListener |
TransactionAttributes |
Class encaspulating the parameters of a given Product CommerceEvent.
UserAliasHandler |
Deprecated. |
UserAttributeListener |