Package com.mparticle

Class MParticle

  • public class MParticle
    extends java.lang.Object
    The primary access point to the mParticle SDK. In order to use this class, you must first call start(MParticleOptions). You can then retrieve a reference to an instance of this class via getInstance().
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected MParticle()  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void addListener​(android.content.Context context, SdkListener listener)
      NOTE: Experimental feature, adding a Listener will slow down the SDK, and should be used only for development purposes.
      void disableLocationTracking()
      Disables any mParticle location tracking that had been started.
      void disableUncaughtExceptionLogging()
      Disables mParticle exception handling and restores the original UncaughtExceptionHandler.
      void enableLocationTracking​(java.lang.String provider, long minTime, long minDistance)
      Enables location tracking given a provider and update frequency criteria.
      void enableUncaughtExceptionLogging()
      Enable mParticle exception handling to automatically log events on uncaught exceptions.
      AttributionListener getAttributionListener()
      Retrieve the current Attribution Listener.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,​AttributionResult> getAttributionResults()
      Queries the attribution results.
      Session getCurrentSession()
      Query for a read-only Session API object.
      static java.lang.String getDeviceImei()
      Get the device's current IMEI.
      MParticle.Environment getEnvironment()
      Get the current Environment that the SDK has interpreted.
      java.lang.String getInstallReferrer()
      Retrieve the current install referrer, if it has been set.
      static MParticle getInstance()
      Retrieve an instance of the MParticle class.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getIntegrationAttributes​(int integrationId)
      Queries the current integration attributes for a given integration ID.
      java.lang.Object getKitInstance​(int kitId)
      Retrieve the underlying object for the given Kit Id for direct calls.
      java.lang.Boolean getOptOut()
      Get the current opt-out status for the application.
      int getSessionTimeout()
      Retrieves the current session timeout setting in seconds getSurveyUrl​(int kitId)
      Retrieve a URL to be loaded within a WebView to show the user a survey or feedback form.
      void getUserSegments​(long timeout, java.lang.String endpointId, SegmentListener listener)  
      IdentityApi Identity()  
      void incrementSessionAttribute​(java.lang.String key, int value)
      Increment a single session attribute.
      MParticle.Internal Internal()  
      static boolean isAndroidIdDisabled()
      This method has been replaced as the behavior has been inverted - Android ID collection is now disabled by default.
      static boolean isAndroidIdEnabled()
      Query the status of Android ID collection.
      java.lang.Boolean isAutoTrackingEnabled()
      Retrieves the current setting of automatic screen tracking.
      boolean isDevicePerformanceMetricsDisabled()
      Query whether device performance metrics are disabled
      boolean isKitActive​(int serviceProviderId)
      Detect whether the given service provider kit is active.
      boolean isLocationTrackingEnabled()
      Retrieves the current setting of location tracking.
      boolean isProviderActive​(int serviceProviderId)
      void leaveBreadcrumb​(java.lang.String breadcrumb)
      Leave a breadcrumb to be included with error and exception logging, as well as with regular session events.
      void logError​(java.lang.String message)
      Logs an error event.
      void logError​(java.lang.String message, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> errorAttributes)
      Logs an error event
      void logEvent​(BaseEvent event)  
      void logException​(java.lang.Exception exception)
      Logs an Exception.
      void logException​(java.lang.Exception exception, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> eventData)
      Logs an Exception.
      void logException​(java.lang.Exception exception, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> eventData, java.lang.String message)
      Logs an Exception.
      void logLtvIncrease​(java.math.BigDecimal valueIncreased, java.lang.String eventName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> contextInfo)
      Logs an increase in the lifetime value of a user.
      void logNetworkPerformance​(java.lang.String url, long startTime, java.lang.String method, long length, long bytesSent, long bytesReceived, java.lang.String requestString, int responseCode)  
      void logNotification​(android.content.Intent intent)
      Logs a Push Notification displayed to the User.
      void logNotificationOpened​(android.content.Intent intent)
      Logs a Push Notification has been tapped or opened.
      void logPushRegistration​(java.lang.String instanceId, java.lang.String senderId)  
      void logScreen​(MPEvent screenEvent)
      Logs a screen view event.
      void logScreen​(java.lang.String screenName)
      Logs a screen view event.
      void logScreen​(java.lang.String screenName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> eventData)
      Logs a screen view event.
      void logScreen​(java.lang.String screenName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> eventData, java.lang.Boolean shouldUploadEvent)
      Logs a screen view event.
      MPMediaAPI Media()
      Entry point to the Media APIs.
      MPMessagingAPI Messaging()
      Entry point to the Messaging APIs.
      void registerWebView​(android.webkit.WebView webView)
      Instrument a WebView so that communication can be facilitated between this Native SDK instance and any instance of the mParticle Javascript SDK is loaded within the provided WebView.
      void registerWebView​(android.webkit.WebView webView, java.lang.String requiredBridgeName)
      Instrument a WebView so that communication can be facilitated between this Native SDK instance and any instance of the mParticle Javascript SDK is loaded within the provided WebView.
      void removeAttributionListener()
      Clears the current Attribution Listener.
      static void removeListener​(SdkListener listener)
      Remove an instance of SdkListener.
      static void reset​(android.content.Context context)
      This method will permanently remove ALL MParticle data from the device, included SharedPreferences and Database, and halt any upload or download behavior that may be in process.
      static void reset​(android.content.Context context, MParticle.ResetListener callback)
      This method will permanently remove ALL MParticle data from the device, included SharedPreferences and Database, and halt any upload or download behavior that may be in process.
      static void setDeviceImei​(java.lang.String deviceImei)
      Set the device's current IMEI.
      void setInstallReferrer​(java.lang.String referrer)
      Manually set the install referrer.
      static void setInstance​(MParticle instance)
      Use this method for your own unit testing.
      void setIntegrationAttributes​(int integrationId, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> attributes)
      Set or remove the integration attributes for a given integration ID.
      void setLocation​(android.location.Location location)
      Set the current location of the active session.
      static void setLogLevel​(MParticle.LogLevel level)
      Set the minimum log level before the SDK is initialized.
      void setOptOut​(java.lang.Boolean optOutStatus)
      Control the opt-in/opt-out status for the application.
      void setSessionAttribute​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
      Set a single session attribute.
      static void start​(MParticleOptions options)
      Start the mParticle SDK and begin tracking a user session.
      void upload()
      Force upload all queued messages to the mParticle server.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • mKitManager

        protected com.mparticle.internal.KitFrameworkWrapper mKitManager
        Used to delegate messages, events, user actions, etc on to embedded kits.
      • mAppStateManager

        protected com.mparticle.internal.AppStateManager mAppStateManager
        The state manager is primarily concerned with Activity lifecycle and app visibility in order to manage sessions, automatically log screen views, and pass lifecycle information on top embedded kits.
      • mConfigManager

        protected com.mparticle.internal.ConfigManager mConfigManager
      • mMessageManager

        protected com.mparticle.internal.MessageManager mMessageManager
      • mPreferences

        protected android.content.SharedPreferences mPreferences
      • mLocationListener

        protected com.mparticle.internal.MPLocationListener mLocationListener
      • mAppContext

        protected android.content.Context mAppContext
      • mDatabaseManager

        protected mDatabaseManager
      • mIdentityApi

        protected IdentityApi mIdentityApi
      • locationTrackingEnabled

        protected boolean locationTrackingEnabled
    • Constructor Detail

      • MParticle

        protected MParticle()
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public static void start​(@NonNull
                                 MParticleOptions options)
        Start the mParticle SDK and begin tracking a user session. This method must be called prior to getInstance().
        options - Required to initialize the SDK properly
      • getInstance

        public static MParticle getInstance()
        Retrieve an instance of the MParticle class. start(MParticleOptions) must be called prior to this.
        An instance of the mParticle SDK configured with your API key
      • setInstance

        public static void setInstance​(@Nullable
                                       MParticle instance)
        Use this method for your own unit testing. Using a framework such as Mockito, or by extending MParticle, use this method to set a mock of mParticle.
        instance -
      • isAndroidIdDisabled

        public static boolean isAndroidIdDisabled()
        This method has been replaced as the behavior has been inverted - Android ID collection is now disabled by default.

        Use androidIdEnabled(boolean) instead. Query the status of Android ID collection. By default, the SDK will NOT collect Android Id for the purpose of anonymous analytics. If you're not using an mParticle integration that consumes Android ID and you would like to collect it, use this API to enable collection

        false if Android ID collection is enabled. (true by default)
        See Also:
      • isAndroidIdEnabled

        public static boolean isAndroidIdEnabled()
        Query the status of Android ID collection. By default, the SDK will NOT collect Android Id for the purpose of anonymous analytics. If you're not using an mParticle integration that consumes Android ID and you would like to collect it, use this API to enable collection.
        true if Android ID collection is enabled. (false by default)
        See Also:
      • setDeviceImei

        public static void setDeviceImei​(@Nullable
                                         java.lang.String deviceImei)
        Set the device's current IMEI. The mParticle SDK does not collect IMEI but you may use this API to provide it. Collecting the IMEI is generally unnecessary and discouraged for apps in Google Play. For apps distributed outside of Google Play, IMEI may be necessary for accurate install attribution. The mParticle SDK does not persist this value - it must be set whenever the SDK is initialized.
        deviceImei - a string representing the device's current IMEI, or null to remove clear it.
      • getDeviceImei

        public static java.lang.String getDeviceImei()
        Get the device's current IMEI. The mParticle SDK does not collect IMEI but you may use the setDeviceImei(String) API to provide it.. Collecting the IMEI is generally unnecessary and discouraged for apps in Google Play. For apps distributed outside of Google Play, IMEI may be necessary for accurate install attribution. The mParticle SDK does not persist this value - it must be set whenever the SDK is initialized.
        a string representing the device's current IMEI, or null if not set.
      • isDevicePerformanceMetricsDisabled

        public boolean isDevicePerformanceMetricsDisabled()
        Query whether device performance metrics are disabled
        true if Device Performance Metrics are disabled
      • getCurrentSession

        public Session getCurrentSession()
        Query for a read-only Session API object.
      • upload

        public void upload()
        Force upload all queued messages to the mParticle server.
      • setInstallReferrer

        public void setInstallReferrer​(@Nullable
                                       java.lang.String referrer)
        Manually set the install referrer. This will replace any install referrer that was automatically retrieved upon installation from Google Play.
      • getInstallReferrer

        public java.lang.String getInstallReferrer()
        Retrieve the current install referrer, if it has been set.
        The current Install Referrer
      • logEvent

        public void logEvent​(@NonNull
                             BaseEvent event)
      • logLtvIncrease

        public void logLtvIncrease​(@NonNull
                                   java.math.BigDecimal valueIncreased,
                                   java.lang.String eventName,
                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> contextInfo)
        Logs an increase in the lifetime value of a user. This will signify an increase in the revenue assigned to this user for service providers that support revenue tracking.
        valueIncreased - The currency value by which to increase the current user's LTV (required)
        eventName - An event name to be associated with this increase in LTV (optional)
        contextInfo - An MPProduct or any set of data to associate with this increase in LTV (optional)
      • logScreen

        public void logScreen​(@NonNull
                              java.lang.String screenName)
        Logs a screen view event.
        screenName - the name of the screen to be tracked
      • logScreen

        public void logScreen​(@NonNull
                              java.lang.String screenName,
                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> eventData)
        Logs a screen view event.
        screenName - the name of the screen to be tracked
        eventData - a Map of data attributes to associate with this screen view
      • logScreen

        public void logScreen​(@NonNull
                              java.lang.String screenName,
                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> eventData,
                              java.lang.Boolean shouldUploadEvent)
        Logs a screen view event.
        screenName - the name of the screen to be tracked
        eventData - a Map of data attributes to associate with this screen view
        shouldUploadEvent - A boolean flag that indicates whether this screen event should be uploaded to mParticle when logged or only passed to kits
      • logScreen

        public void logScreen​(@NonNull
                              MPEvent screenEvent)
        Logs a screen view event.
        screenEvent - an event object, the name of the event will be used as the screen name
      • leaveBreadcrumb

        public void leaveBreadcrumb​(@NonNull
                                    java.lang.String breadcrumb)
        Leave a breadcrumb to be included with error and exception logging, as well as with regular session events.
        breadcrumb -
      • logError

        public void logError​(@NonNull
                             java.lang.String message)
        Logs an error event.
        message - the name of the error event to be tracked
      • logError

        public void logError​(@NonNull
                             java.lang.String message,
                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> errorAttributes)
        Logs an error event
        message - the name of the error event to be tracked
        errorAttributes - a Map of data attributes to associate with this error
      • logNetworkPerformance

        public void logNetworkPerformance​(@NonNull
                                          java.lang.String url,
                                          long startTime,
                                          java.lang.String method,
                                          long length,
                                          long bytesSent,
                                          long bytesReceived,
                                          java.lang.String requestString,
                                          int responseCode)
      • logException

        public void logException​(@NonNull
                                 java.lang.Exception exception)
        Logs an Exception.
        exception - an Exception
      • logException

        public void logException​(@NonNull
                                 java.lang.Exception exception,
                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> eventData)
        Logs an Exception.
        exception - an Exception
        eventData - a Map of data attributes
      • removeAttributionListener

        public void removeAttributionListener()
        Clears the current Attribution Listener.
      • getAttributionListener

        public AttributionListener getAttributionListener()
        Retrieve the current Attribution Listener.
      • getAttributionResults

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,​AttributionResult> getAttributionResults()
        Queries the attribution results.
        the current attribution results
      • logException

        public void logException​(@NonNull
                                 java.lang.Exception exception,
                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> eventData,
                                 java.lang.String message)
        Logs an Exception.
        exception - an Exception
        eventData - a Map of data attributes
        message - the name of the error event to be tracked
      • enableLocationTracking

        public void enableLocationTracking​(@NonNull
                                           java.lang.String provider,
                                           long minTime,
                                           long minDistance)
        Enables location tracking given a provider and update frequency criteria. The provider must be available and the correct permissions must have been requested within your application's manifest XML file.
        provider - the provider key
        minTime - the minimum time (in milliseconds) to trigger an update
        minDistance - the minimum distance (in meters) to trigger an update
      • disableLocationTracking

        public void disableLocationTracking()
        Disables any mParticle location tracking that had been started.
      • isLocationTrackingEnabled

        public boolean isLocationTrackingEnabled()
        Retrieves the current setting of location tracking.
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(@Nullable
                                android.location.Location location)
        Set the current location of the active session.
        location -
      • setSessionAttribute

        public void setSessionAttribute​(@NonNull
                                        java.lang.String key,
                                        java.lang.Object value)
        Set a single session attribute. The attribute will combined with any existing session attributes.
        key - the attribute key
        value - the attribute value. This value will be converted to its String representation as dictated by its toString() method.
      • incrementSessionAttribute

        public void incrementSessionAttribute​(@NonNull
                                              java.lang.String key,
                                              int value)
        Increment a single session attribute. If the attribute does not exist, it will be added as a new attribute.
        key - the attribute key
        value - the attribute value
      • getOptOut

        public java.lang.Boolean getOptOut()
        Get the current opt-out status for the application.
        the opt-out status
      • setOptOut

        public void setOptOut​(@NonNull
                              java.lang.Boolean optOutStatus)
        Control the opt-in/opt-out status for the application.
        optOutStatus - set to true to opt out of event tracking
      • getSurveyUrl

        public getSurveyUrl​(int kitId)
        Retrieve a URL to be loaded within a WebView to show the user a survey or feedback form.
        kitId - The ID of the desired survey/feedback service.
        a fully-formed URI, or null if no URL exists for the given ID.
        See Also:
      • getEnvironment

        public MParticle.Environment getEnvironment()
        Get the current Environment that the SDK has interpreted. Will never return AutoDetect.
        the current environment, either production or development
      • enableUncaughtExceptionLogging

        public void enableUncaughtExceptionLogging()
        Enable mParticle exception handling to automatically log events on uncaught exceptions.
      • disableUncaughtExceptionLogging

        public void disableUncaughtExceptionLogging()
        Disables mParticle exception handling and restores the original UncaughtExceptionHandler.
      • isAutoTrackingEnabled

        public java.lang.Boolean isAutoTrackingEnabled()
        Retrieves the current setting of automatic screen tracking.
        The current setting of automatic screen tracking.
      • getSessionTimeout

        public int getSessionTimeout()
        Retrieves the current session timeout setting in seconds
        The current session timeout setting in seconds
      • getUserSegments

        public void getUserSegments​(long timeout,
                                    java.lang.String endpointId,
                                    SegmentListener listener)
      • registerWebView

        public void registerWebView​(@NonNull
                                    android.webkit.WebView webView)
        Instrument a WebView so that communication can be facilitated between this Native SDK instance and any instance of the mParticle Javascript SDK is loaded within the provided WebView.
        webView -
      • registerWebView

        public void registerWebView​(@NonNull
                                    android.webkit.WebView webView,
                                    java.lang.String requiredBridgeName)
        Instrument a WebView so that communication can be facilitated between this Native SDK instance and any instance of the mParticle Javascript SDK is loaded within the provided WebView. Additionally, the "reqiredBridgeName" value will override the generated token which is used by the Javascript SDK to ensure communication only happens across matching Workspaces. Make sure you know what you are doing when you provide a requiredBridgeName, since a mismatch with the Javascript SDK's bridgeName will result in a failure for it to forward calls to the Native SDK
        webView -
        requiredBridgeName -
      • setLogLevel

        public static void setLogLevel​(@NonNull
                                       MParticle.LogLevel level)
        Set the minimum log level before the SDK is initialized. The log level is used to moderate the amount of messages that are printed by the SDK to the console. Note that while the SDK is in the Production, log messages at or above this level will be printed.
        level -
        See Also:
      • Messaging

        public MPMessagingAPI Messaging()
        Entry point to the Messaging APIs.
        a helper object that allows for interaction with the Messaging APIs
      • Media

        public MPMediaAPI Media()
        Entry point to the Media APIs.
        a helper object that allows for interaction with the Media APIs
      • isProviderActive

        public boolean isProviderActive​(int serviceProviderId)
        Detect whether the given service provider is active. Use this method only when you need to make direct calls to an embedded SDK. You can also register a BroadcastReceiver with an IntentFilter, using an action of MParticle.ServiceProviders.BROADCAST_ACTIVE or MParticle.ServiceProviders.BROADCAST_DISABLED concatenated with the service provider ID:
         Context.registerReceiver(yourReceiver, new IntentFilter(MParticle.ServiceProviders.BROADCAST_ACTIVE + MParticle.ServiceProviders.APPBOY));
        serviceProviderId -
        True if you can safely make direct calls to the given service provider.
        See Also:
      • isKitActive

        public boolean isKitActive​(int serviceProviderId)
        Detect whether the given service provider kit is active. Use this method only when you need to make direct calls to an embedded SDK. You can also register a BroadcastReceiver with an IntentFilter, using an action of MParticle.ServiceProviders.BROADCAST_ACTIVE or MParticle.ServiceProviders.BROADCAST_DISABLED concatenated with the service provider ID:
         Context.registerReceiver(yourReceiver, new IntentFilter(MParticle.ServiceProviders.BROADCAST_ACTIVE + MParticle.ServiceProviders.APPBOY));
        serviceProviderId -
        True if you can safely make direct calls to the given service provider.
        See Also:
      • getKitInstance

        public java.lang.Object getKitInstance​(int kitId)
        Retrieve the underlying object for the given Kit Id for direct calls. Results will be null if kit is not active, or if the application just started, and the kit has not yet been initialized.
        kitId -
        The Kit object, may be null if kit is not available
      • logPushRegistration

        public void logPushRegistration​(@Nullable
                                        java.lang.String instanceId,
                                        java.lang.String senderId)
      • logNotification

        public void logNotification​(@NonNull
                                    android.content.Intent intent)
        Logs a Push Notification displayed to the User.
        intent -
      • logNotificationOpened

        public void logNotificationOpened​(@NonNull
                                          android.content.Intent intent)
        Logs a Push Notification has been tapped or opened.
        intent -
      • reset

        public static void reset​(@NonNull
                                 android.content.Context context)
        This method will permanently remove ALL MParticle data from the device, included SharedPreferences and Database, and halt any upload or download behavior that may be in process. If you have any reference to the MParticle instance, you must remove your reference by setting it to "null", in order to avoid any unexpected behavior. The SDK will be shut down and MParticle.getInstance() will return null. MParticle can be restarted by calling MParticle.start().
        context -
      • reset

        public static void reset​(@NonNull
                                 android.content.Context context,
                                 MParticle.ResetListener callback)
        This method will permanently remove ALL MParticle data from the device, included SharedPreferences and Database, and halt any upload or download behavior that may be in process. If you have any reference to the MParticle instance, you must remove your reference by setting it to "null", in order to avoid any unexpected behavior. The SDK will be shut down and MParticle.getInstance() will return null. MParticle can be restarted by calling MParticle.start().
        context -
        callback - A callback that will trigger when the SDK has been fully reset
      • addListener

        public static void addListener​(@NonNull
                                       android.content.Context context,
                                       SdkListener listener)
        NOTE: Experimental feature, adding a Listener will slow down the SDK, and should be used only for development purposes. By default, InternalListeners will automatically disable in release builds. In order to override this behavior, use the following adb shell command: `adb shell setprop debug.mparticle.listener {YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME}` Register an instance of SdkListener to receive callbacks about SDK events
        context -
        listener - the SdkListener implementation
      • removeListener

        public static void removeListener​(SdkListener listener)
        Remove an instance of SdkListener.
      • setIntegrationAttributes

        public void setIntegrationAttributes​(int integrationId,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> attributes)
        Set or remove the integration attributes for a given integration ID. Integration attributes are keys and values specific to a given integration. For example, many integrations have their own internal user/device ID. mParticle will store integration attributes for a given device, and will be able to use these values for server-to-server communication to services. This is often useful when used in combination with a server-to-server feed, allowing the feed to be enriched with the necessary integration attributes to be properly forwarded to the given integration.
        integrationId - mParticle integration ID. This may be a MParticle.ServiceProviders value if it's a kit, or it could be any mParticle integration.
        attributes - a map of attributes that will replace any current attributes. The keys are predefined by mParticle. Please consult with the mParticle docs or your solutions consultant for the correct value. You may also pass a null or empty map here to remove all of the attributes.
      • getIntegrationAttributes

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getIntegrationAttributes​(int integrationId)
        Queries the current integration attributes for a given integration ID. Integration attributes are keys and values specific to a given integration. For example, many integrations have their own internal user/device ID. mParticle will store integration attributes for a given device, and will be able to use these values for server-to-server communication to services. This is often useful when used in combination with a server-to-server feed, allowing the feed to be enriched with the necessary integration attributes to be properly forwarded to the given integration.
        integrationId - mParticle integration ID. This may be a MParticle.ServiceProviders value if it's a kit, or it could be any mParticle integration.