
When you bring all your customer data into one place, mParticle helps you understand where your users will benefit from an improved experience, and helps you orchestrate that experience.

  • Profiles: a profile represents a complete picture of what you’ve learned about a given user over time, across all of your channels, continuously updated and maintained in real time as you capture new data. You then use this data in audiences or journeys.
  • Calculated attributes: measure your users’ aggregate behaviors, and store this information in new user attributes, such as customer lifetime value, total games played or content watched, or the last product viewed. Then you can use the calculated attribute in audience or journey criteria.
  • Audiences: define audiences and connect them to integrations for the purpose of engaging with your users. This can be very powerful when it comes to user engagement and monetization scenarios. You can define audiences from any user-associated data you capture with mParticle, whether from platform inputs or partner feeds.
  • Journeys: move away from simple cross-channel engagement toward an organization-wide customer journey strategy. Journeys help you to perform journey analysis, testing, and orchestration in a single workflow.

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