Pixel Service

mParticle provides an HTTP-based Pixel Service that can be used to collect data using a simple GET request.


This document assumes that you have already created a Web SDK Input. Please follow the instructions on our Web SDK Quickstart Guide to obtain a Web SDK API Key.

Sending data to Pixel Service

All requests to the pixel service must be made to the following url: https://pixels.mparticle.com/v1/{{web_api_key}}/Pixel, followed by URL Encoded Query Parameters for event attributes. For example:


To send data to the Pixel service, you can make requests via any HTTP client using your Web API Key access credentials.

  • For the JS code sample, we will be using the Fetch API which is supported by most modern browsers.
  • You can also include 1x1 image pixel via HTML for cases where client side JavaScript is unavailable, such as for email tracking.
async function sendPixel() {
    const pixelServiceURL = `https://pixels.mparticle.com/v1/${apiKey}/Pixel`;
    const currentTime = new Date().getTime();

    const eventName = "My Custom Event";
    const messageType: "AppEvent";
    const eventType: "Navigation";

    const queryParams = `n=${eventName}&dt=${messageType}&ct=${currentTime}&et={eventType}`;

    try {
        const response = await fetch(url + "?" + queryParams);
        if (!response.ok) {
            throw new Error(`Response status: ${response.status}`);

        const json = await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
    src="https://pixels.mparticle.com/v1/{your-apikey-goes-here}/Pixel?n=My%20Page%20Viewdt=ScreenView&ct={current time stamp}&et=Navigation&dbg=true"

Event Attributes

The following attributes must be submitted as URI query parameters:

Attribute Name Required Description
dt Event Type yes AppEvent for Custom Event or ScreenView for a Page View
et Custom Event Type no The type of custom event based on our event list. Defaults to Unknown
ct Current Time Timestamp yes Timestamp as Epoch (in milliseconds)
n Event Name no Event Name as String
attrs_k Event Attribute Keys no Comma Separated list of Custom Event Attribute Keys
attrs_v Event Attribute Keys no Comma Separated list of Custom Event Attribute Values
ua_k User Attribute Keys no Comma Separated list of User Attribute Keys
ua_v User Attribute Values no Comma Separated list of User Attribute Values
ui_t User Identity Type Keys no Comma Separated list of User Identity Keys
ui_v User Identity Values no Comma Separated list of User Identity Values
flags_k Custom Flag Keys no Comma Separated list of Custom Flag Values
flags_v Custom Flag Values no Comma Separated list of Custom Flag Values
lc Location no Format: lat,long
av App Version no String used to log the version of your application
dbg Debug no Set the debug flag to “true” to indicate development data or to “false” to indicate production data.

The following attributes only apply if dt is ScreenView:

Attribute Name Required Description
hn Hostname no The hostname for your page
ttl Title no The title of your page

Supported event types

At present, the Pixel Service supports the following event types:

When sending an event as a Custom Event (dt), you must also provide a Custom Event Type (et) within the payload.

Some examples may be:

  • Navigation
  • Location
  • Search
  • Transaction
  • UserContent
  • UserPreference
  • Social
  • Other

For a more comprehensive list, please refer to our Custom Events documentation.

Comma separated values: attributes and user identities

For Comma separated values, such as event attributes, user attributes and user identity key/value pairs, the key and value must be submitted separately.

For example:

// User Identities
    "email": "test@email.com",
    "customerId": "1234567",
    "phone_number": "212-555-1212"

Should be uploaded as:


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