Initialize the SDK

The mParticle Unity package contains a class file named MParticle.cs, which is a Unity Monobehavior that exposes the mParticle API via MParticle.Instance. The package also contains the classes MParticleiOS and MParticleAndroid. These classes are used by the mParticle singleton to interact with the native iOS and Android libraries. You should never access those classes directly from your code.


The plugin must be initialized with your mParticle workspace key and secret prior to use, for example by placing the following into you main script’s Awake method:

using UnityEngine;
using mParticle;
namespace MyProject
    public class Example : MonoBehaviour
        void Awake ()
         //use the correct workspace API key and secret for iOS and Android
         #if UNITY_ANDROID
          MParticle.Instance.Initialize("REPLACE ME", "REPLACE ME");
         #elif UNITY_IPHONE
          MParticle.Instance.Initialize("REPLACE ME", "REPLACE ME");

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