

BigQuery is Google’s fully managed, petabyte scale, low cost analytics data warehouse.

Enable the Connection

  1. Enable BigQuery in your project in Google Cloud Platform.
  2. From the IAM page for your project, add as a member with the role of Project Viewer.
  3. From the BigQuery page for your project:

    • Create a dataset for your app data to be loaded into.
    • Click on Share Dataset on the dataset page.
    • Add with the “BigQuery Data Editor” role.
  4. Connect your audience from the Audiences page in the mParticle dashboard. You’ll need to enter your BigQuery Project ID and Dataset ID.
  5. This step is optional, if you want to sync data downstream using Storage API instead of Streaming API. The default Use Storage API Data Sync configuration setting is set to false and mParticle uses Streaming API endpoint for data sync. However, if you wish to use Storage API, you must first enable access to Storage API in your Google project and then set the Use Storage API Data Sync configuration setting in mParticle to true.

BigQuery Schema

All of your audience data is stored in a single BigQuery dataset. Multiple audiences can be sent to each dataset. The data sent to BigQuery is not the current state for the audience, but changes to the audience over time as users are added and removed.

For each audience, mParticle creates one table per week, showing all users added to, or removed from the audience each week. Table names are in the format {Audience Name}_{Audience ID}_{Beginning of the week in yyyyMMdd format}. Audience name is either audience or the external audience name depending on the Use External Audience Name in Table Name setting. If a table with the configured name does not exist, a new table will be created the next time memberships are uploaded.

For example, if your audience ID is 7185 and the external audience name is New Users Low Engagement,

  1. If Use External Audience Name in Table Name is unchecked, data for the week beginning on March 1, 2020 will be written to a table named audience_7185_20200301.
  2. If Use External Audience Name in Table Name is checked, data for the week beginning on March 1, 2020 will be written to a table named newuserslowengagement_7185_20200301.

To find the ID of an audience in the mParticle Dashboard, look for your audience name in the Audiences summary page.

Table fields

Field Name Data Type Description
androidid string Android ID
audienceid int ID of the Audience
audiencename string External Name of the Audience
customerid string Customer ID
email string Email
facebookid string Facebook ID
googleaid string GAID (Google Advertising ID)
googleuserid string Google User ID
idfa string IDFA (Apple Advertising ID)
idfv string IDFV (Apple Vendor ID)
isadd bool true for a user added to an audience. false for a user removed
microsoftid string Microsoft ID
mpid int mParticle ID
otheruserid string Other User ID
otheruserid2 string Other User ID 2
otheruserid3 string Other User ID 3
otheruserid4 string Other User ID 4
otheruserid5 string Other User ID 5
otheruserid6 string Other User ID 6
otheruserid7 string Other User ID 7
otheruserid8 string Other User ID 8
otheruserid9 string Other User ID 9
otheruserid10 string Other User ID 10
pushtoken string Push Token
rokuaid string Roku Advertising ID
rokupublisherid string Roku Publisher ID
fireadvertisingid string Fire Advertising ID
timestamp string Unix timestamp for the update
twitterid string Twitter ID
userattributes string A list of user attribute name and value pairs
userattributes.attributename string The name of an attribute
userattributes.attributevalue string The value of an attribute
yahooid string Yahoo ID

Customer ID Only Option

You can opt to only send Customer ID to BigQuery by checking Only Send Customer ID in the Configuration Settings

Sample Query for Audience Membership

You can run a query similar to the following to get audience membership at a given point in time.

-- selects only mPIDs added based on latest timestamp for each distinct mPID
  SELECT DISTINCT mpid, MAX(timestamp) AS max_timestamp, isadd
  FROM `{BQ Project}.{BQ Dataset}.audience_{audience_id}_*`
  GROUP BY mpid, timestamp, isadd
SELECT count(mpid)
WHERE isadd = true

Sample Query for RECORD Data Types

You can run a query similar to the following to properly query on fields mParticle schema defines as RECORD, since they can be have multiple values such as device identifiers:

-- selects IDFA from the table, querying over all weekly tables
FROM `{project_id}.{data_set}.audience_{audience_id}_*`, UNNEST(idfa) idfaid

Upload Frequency

The BigQuery Audience Integration uses Bulk Forwarding. Bulk Forwarding means that, instead of uploading updates to an audience in real time, mParticle compiles updates into a queue until either a given amount of time has passed since the last upload, or until a certain number of updates are waiting to be sent.

By default, mParticle uploads to BigQuery whenever at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • At least 50000 messages are in the queue.
  • 15 minutes have passed since the last update.

Upload frequency can sometimes be adjusted. Reach out to your mParticle Customer Success Manager if you need to discuss upload frequency.

Deleting an Audience

mParticle doesn’t delete the downstream audience when you delete an audience in mParticle.

Configuration Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
BigQuery ProjectId string ProjectID for your BigQuery project.
BigQuery DatasetId string Target dataset for audience data
Only Send Customer ID bool false If enabled, only the Customer ID and no other identites will be forwarded.
Use External Audience Name in Table Name bool false If enabled, BigQuery table name starts with audience external name; otherwise starts with “audience”. See here for more details. Note: if a table with the configured name does not exist, a new table will be created.
Send External Audience Name as Column bool false If enabled, a column that has the value of the external audience name will be added to all new tables.
Send Anonymous Users bool false If enabled, users that are only identified by their mParticle ID will be sent.
Send User Attributes bool false If enabled, user attribute values will be forwarded.
Use Dataset Default Expiration bool false If enabled, BigQuery tables will use the dataset’s default expiration. Otherwise, tables will not expire.
Use Storage API Data Sync bool false If enabled, data will be synced with the Storage API endpoint. Otherwise data will be synced with the Streaming API.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Identities to Exclude List An optional setting allowing one to indicate which user and device identities to exclude in outgoing data.

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