
Google Enhanced Conversions


Google’s Enhanced conversions offerings help you to improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement by supplementing your existing conversion tags with first-party conversion data, like email address and phone number. How the data is used depends on whether you’re uploading enhanced conversions for web or for leads. Check out these docs to learn more about Enhanced Conversions and its types: Google Enhanced Conversions Overview.

This integration utilizes Google’s Upload Click Conversions and Upload Conversion Adjustments APIs.


To set up the Google Enhanced Conversions Event integration, you will need to have a working Ads account and know your Client Customer ID, which you can obtain from your Google Account Manager. Full requirements on Google’s end are noted in their set-up docs, respectively:

When you add the integration from the mP Directory, sign into your Google Ads account using your username and password in order to give mParticle permission to upload conversion information.

Note: to send product information along with relevant conversions to Google, your account also needs to be whitelisted as per Google’s docs

Supported Identity Types


If specified for a given user, mParticle will try to forward an email identity in an outgoing conversion. This is determined by the Email Identity Type drop-down Connection Setting. mParticle sends emails to Google Ads as SHA-256 hashed values.

Phone Numbers

If specified for a given user, mParticle will try to forward one of the 3 phone number identities in an outgoing conversion. This is determined by the Phone Identity Type drop-down Connection Setting. mParticle sends phone numbers to Google Ads as SHA-256 hashed values.

Supported Event Types

Required Fields for all Outgoing Events

As per Google’s docs, each outgoing conversion and adjustment needs to have one of the following specified:

  • The order_id associated with the conversion.
  • The gclid associated with the conversion, along with the conversion_date_time.

If neither of those conditions hold for a given incoming event, it will be dropped rather than forwarded to Google.

Event Mappings for Native mParticle Event Types

The only native mParticle event type supported by this integration is CommerceEvent. mParticle supports the following event mappings:

mParticle Event Google Ads Event
Commerce Event with purchase product action. Click Conversion

Other CommerceEvent types remain unsupported.

Native Field Mappings

mParticle supports the following field mappings for native CommerceEvents:

mParticle Field Google Event Field Description
event.product_action.transaction_id order_id The Order ID
event.product_action.currency currency_code ISO 4217 code.
event.timestamp conversion_date_time The date and time of the conversion.
event.product_action.total_amount conversion_value The total value of the order or items sold. If omitted, mP will try to calculate the total by summing each constituent product total (i.e. item.price*item.quantity).
event.product_action.products[x].price cart_data.items[x].unit_price The price of the given item.
event.product_action.products[x].quantity cart_data.items[x].quantity Number of the given item.
event.product_action.products[x].id cart_data.items[x].product_id ID of the given item.

Custom Flags

Custom Flags should be specified on each valid incoming CommerceEvent in order to support specific fields for each outgoing conversion.

mParticle Custom Flag Google EC Event Field Is Required Description
GoogleEnhancedConversions.Gclid gclid False The identifier you captured at the time of the click for the conversion’s click or impression. Populate this field for the most accurate measurement.
GoogleEnhancedConversions.ConversionActionId conversion_action True The provided ID is used to resolve the resource name of the ConversionAction for the click conversion. The conversion action must have a type of UPLOAD_CLICKS, and must exist in the Google Ads conversion customer of the Google Ads account associated with the click.
GoogleEnhancedConversions.LocalTransactionCost cart_data.local_transaction_cost False The sum of all transaction-level discounts, in the currency_code of the ClickConversion.

mParticle includes these values in outgoing events to Google.

Custom Event Mappings

This integration also supports Custom Mappings as well. These can be configured for a particular connection within our UI to support both Click Conversions and Conversion Adjustments, given that the latter don’t map one-to-one with a mP event type. This feature allows incoming mParticle events to be mapped to known Google event types, including specific attributes and outgoing parameters.

Enhanced Conversions for Web

To integrate with Google’s Enhanced Conversions for Web functionality, the Enhancement Adjustment Custom Mapping can be configured via the mParticle UI.

As per Google’s docs, each outgoing Enhancement Adjustment event requires the order_id field, even if the gclid is known as well. If not, it will be dropped instead of forwarded. This is in contrast with other supported event types. See Required Fields for all Outgoing Events for more.

Google Ads has several notions of user-provided consent, only one of which applies to Enhanced Conversions for Leads: ad_user_data. This represents consent for ad user data.

To configure user consent forwarding under this value, a mapping should be set-up leveraging mParticle’s notion of ConsentPurposes. To learn more about handling user consent within mParticle’s platform, see the following docs: Data Privacy Controls.

Once a ConsentPurpose is set-up, user consent information can be associated with it in subsequent EventBatches. The ConsentPurpose data mapping can then be configured for downstream forwarding via the User Consent Data Mapping connection setting.

In the absence of a user-defined consent value for the ad_user_data field via the ConsentPurpose mapping, a default value can be optionally configured via a separate drop-down setting. When no user consent is provided, the default status is used as specified by the default dropdown setting.

Custom Variable Mapping

All valid incoming events for this integration can optionally specify custom variables to be forwarded along to Google with the given conversion. For this to work, the following needs to occur:

  • The given Custom Variables need to be set-up on Google’s end.
  • The Custom Variable Mapping setting in Connection Settings needs to be configured to map mP attributes to a given Google Custom Variable.



After you save or update a Google Enhanced Conversions configuration, mParticle verifies the provided setting information and makes an API call to validate it for consistency. If there’s any inconsistency between the provided customer IDs and the associated login, an error is displayed to prompt the user to verify and try again.

Configuration Settings

In addition to the settings below, the UI will prompt you to log in to Google via a redirect and grant mP the appropriate access.

Setting Name Data Type Default Description
Client Customer ID string null Your Google Ads Client Customer ID. Please contact your Google TAM or AM to obtain this value.
Manager Customer ID string null The Customer ID of the Google Ads Manager account that manages the Ads account where Audience data will be sent. If you do not use a manager account, this can be left blank.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Description
Merchant ID string null The ID of the associated Merchant Center account.
Merchant Feed Country Code string null The ISO 3166 two-character region code of the Merchant Center feed.
Merchant Feed Language Code string null The ISO 639-1 language code of the Merchant Center feed.
Email Identity Type enum null The Identity Type to forward as the email to Google. It will be hashed before forwarding.
Phone Identity Type enum null The Identity Type to forward as the phone number to Google. It will be hashed before forwarding.
Custom Variable Mapping mapping null The mapping of mParticle event attributes to Google Enhanced Conversion custom variables, as defined in Google Ads portal.
User Consent Data Mapping mapping null The mParticle ConsentPurpose mapping. This allows user-specified consent values to be forwarded for the ad_user_data field.
Ad User Data Default Consent Value string null The default consent value to forward for the Ad User Data field.

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