
Amplitude provides product analytics that helps companies leverage cross-platform behavioral data to drive user growth.

Supported Features

  • Analytics
  • Data Export
  • Real-Time Dashboards
  • Retroactive Funnels


To activate mParticle’s integration with Amplitude, you need the Amplitude API Key for each app that you’d like to set up. Your API key is listed on the Amplitude Project Settings page.

The Amplitude integration requires the mParticle Amplitude Kit when connected to a web input. If you are initializing the web SDK using the Snippet Option then the Kit is automatically included for you. If you are Self Hosting the SDK then you need to add this kit manually into your source code.

Data Processing Notes

mParticle will forward User Identities and Attributes to Amplitude, even if there are no events in the batch.

Device/User ID Mapping

Every event in Amplitude has a main Device ID field. mParticle populates this field as follows:

  • For Android, the Android ID (falling back to the Android Advertising ID if unavailable)
  • For iOS, the IDFA (falling back to the IDFV if unavailable)
  • For Roku, the Roku Advertising ID (falling back to the Roku Publisher ID if not available)
  • For FireTV, the Fire Advertising ID.

Amplitude also has dedicated fields for particular Device IDs, such as IDFA and Android ID. These will be populated if the ID is available. See Field Mappings, for more information.

Amplitude requires either a Device ID or a User ID. User ID can be mapped as Email, Customer ID or mParticle ID. If no accepted identifiers are present, data will not be forwarded.

Forwarding Web Data

By default, mParticle forwards web data to Amplitude client-side, by directly invoking Amplitude’s Javascript methods. Optionally, you can choose to forward web data server-to-server in the Connection Settings. Note that if you choose this option, your incoming data must have your selected User ID to be forwarded.

Data Localization

By default, mParticle sends data to the Amplitude organization’s US endpoint for the HTTP API, but Amplitude offers a different endpoint for EU organizations. In mParticle, the Amplitude Organization Configuration Setting allows you to select a target Amplitude organization location.

Event Data Mapping

Screen Views

mParticle will forward all screen views to Amplitude with the Amplitude Event Type set to “Viewed ScreenName”, where ScreenName is the screen name passed to the logScreen SDK method (or the name of the screen’s Activity class if you’re using automatic screen tracking on Android).

Session Forwarding

mParticle will forward all session start and session end events to Amplitude with the Amplitude Event Type set to session_start and session_end.

eCommerce Event Forwarding

Each valid eCommerce event sent to mParticle is expanded into multiple events before being translated and forwarded to Amplitude. While this expansion applies to all eCommerce transactions, the resulting events are dependent on the type of eCommerce event being forwarded and the number of products in the event.

Note: mParticle will not attempt to forward eCommerce Events to Amplitude which contain no Products.

The eCommerce events resulting from the expansion that may be forwarded to Amplitude are:

  • Transaction level events (e.g. eCommerce - Purchase)
  • Item level events (e.g. eCommerce - Purchase - Item)
  • Revenue events (e.g. [Amplitude] Revenue)

Transaction Event

  • One Transaction Event is forwarded to Amplitude for every valid eCommerce event provided.
  • Contains a summary of the transaction, including a JSON array of the products sent in the initial eCommerce event.

Item Events

  • One Item Event is forwarded to Amplitude for every product inside the provided eCommerce event.
  • Each Item event contains information about one of the products in the provided eCommerce event.

Revenue Event

  • One Revenue Event is forwarded to Amplitude for every valid Purchase or Refund eCommerce event provided. Otherwise none is sent.
  • The name of the Revenue Event is set by Amplitude, and contains revenue information about the Purchase or Refund event.

eCommerce Event Naming

Each valid eCommerce event sent to mParticle will result in a transaction level event being sent to Amplitude. This event contains a summary of the transaction, including a JSON array of the products sent in the initial eCommerce event.

The name given to the Transaction and Item Level Events is determined from the Product Action provided on the eCommerce Event sent to mParticle.

Event Product Action Transaction Level Event Name Item Level Event Names Revenue Event Name
add_to_cart eCommerce - AddToCart eCommerce - AddToCart - Item N/A
remove_from_cart eCommerce - RemoveFromCart eCommerce - RemoveFromCart - Item N/A
checkout eCommerce - Checkout eCommerce - Checkout - Item N/A
checkout_option eCommerce - CheckoutOption eCommerce - CheckoutOption - Item N/A
click eCommerce - Click eCommerce - Click - Item N/A
view_detail eCommerce - ViewDetail eCommerce - ViewDetail - Item N/A
purchase eCommerce - Purchase eCommerce - Purchase - Item [Amplitude] Revenue
refund eCommerce - Refund eCommerce - Refund - Item [Amplitude] Revenue
add_to_wishlist eCommerce - AddToWishlist eCommerce - AddToWishlist - Item N/A
remove_from_wish_list eCommerce - RemoveFromWishlist eCommerce - RemoveFromWishlist - Item N/A

Custom Event Forwarding

Custom events logged via mParticle’s logEvent SDK method and their attributes will be forwarded to Amplitude, with the event name passed to logEvent as the Amplitude Event Type. An event name must be specified or an error will be returned.

Attribution Custom Event Forwarding

Attribution Custom events will be forwarded to Amplitude prefixed with the attribution provider in the event name. For example, [AppsFlyer] attribution. Event Attributes that are included with the event are forwarded to Amplitude in user_properties, also prefixed with the attribution provider.

Push Registration

mParticle will forward all push registration events to Amplitude with the Amplitude Event Type set to Push Registration. All Field Mappings defined in this documentation will be forwarded too.

Application State Transition Forwarding

If the Send Application State Transitions setting is enabled, Application State Transition events will be forwarded to Amplitude as follows:

Application State Transition Amplitude event type
initialized, is_first_run = true Install
initialized, is_upgrade = true Upgrade
initialized Application Initialized
exit Application Exit
background Application Background
foreground Application Foreground

Field Mappings

Parameter Amplitude Field mParticle Details
Android ID android_id Passed if OS is Android
Android Advertising ID adid Passed if OS is Android
Application Version app_version Application Version
Brand device_brand The device brand the user is on. This is not passed for Apple devices.
Carrier device_carrier Device Carrier
City city City the user is in; this is also included in User Properties
Country Country the user is in; this is also included in User Properties Country
Designated Market Area DMA If you wish to forward this property to Amplitude, you must set it as a custom user attribute, labeled dma.
Device ID device_id Set based on Operating System; see Device/User ID Mapping
Email If the Include Email in User Properties setting is enabled, email is included in user_properties Email
Event Properties event_properties All event attributes included with eCommerce, Custom and Screen View events. See above for Attribution Custom Events.
Event Type event_type Described above for each supported event
IDFA idfa Passed if OS is iOS or tvOS
Insert ID insert_id A unique id for the event derived from the event name and the event and session_start timestamps
IP Address ip IP address of the user
Language language Language the user has set
Latitude location_lat Latitude of the user
Library library A label for the source of data which is visible in the Amplitude dashboard. This will always be set to ‘mParticle’
Longitude location_lng Longitude of the user
Manufacturer device_manufacturer Device Manufacturer
Model device_model Device Model
OS Name os_name iOS, tvOS, Android, Roku
OS Version os_version The version of the mobile OS or browser the user is on
Platform platform iOS, Android, Apple TV, Web, Roku
Region region Region (or State) the user is in; this is also included in User Properties
Session Start Time session_id Session Start Timestamp
Time time Event Timestamp, in milliseconds
User ID user_id Set based on the value of the User Identification setting
User Properties user_properties All user attributes included with the event. See above for Attribution Custom Events.

Server to Server Web Requests

Only for web requests, mParticle will extract OS and browser info from HTTP user agent. Similar to Amplitude’s SDK behavior, os_name and os_version will be populated with browser info. For that reason, mParticle will send 2 additional Custom User Properties, web_os_name and web_os_version, that will contain OS info. See Amplitude’s doc.

mParticle will also populate device_brand and device_model from the HTTP user agent if the Extract Device Family from User Agent setting is enabled. With this setting enabled, if mParticle cannot determine the device brand or model, it will populate device_brand with the same value as is set for web_os_name. Note, the device values may differ slightly between S2S events and events sent through the Amplitude web kit.

Configuration Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
API Key string NULL The Amplitude API Key for each app that you set up.
Amplitude Organization string US Organization The Amplitude datacenter that is configured for your Amplitude organization.
Use Batch API Endpoint bool False If enabled, the Amplitude batch API endpoint will be used. The endpoint has a higher rate limit but may have a slight delay in delivering events. Please note that if the request is replayed, the batch API endpoint will always be used regardless of this configuration value.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Platform Description
User Identification string customerId All To identify users, choose “Customer ID” to send Customer ID if provided, “Email” to send Email addresses if provided, or “MPID” to send mParticle ID.
You can map other IDs by selecting any of the “Other” fields from the User Identification drop-down. These fields can be used to map Other IDs as Customer IDs.
Anonymous ID forwarding enum Unselected All If enabled, mParticle will send an identifier derived from either Device Application Stamp or a combination of Device Application Stamp and MPID when another device ID does not exist on the batch. This setting is only supported for server-side forwarding. Note, for partner feeds, the value of Device Application Stamp is the same for all MPIDs.
Include Email in User Properties bool False All If enabled, the email user identity will be forwarded in the Amplitude user_properties.
Allow unset user attributes bool True All Allow user attributes to be removed in Amplitude using the $unset operation.
Prefix Attribution with Source bool True All If enabled, the attribution source name will be prefixed for attribution events.
Include UTM in User Properties bool default Web If enabled, Amplitude will find the standard UTM parameters from either the URL or the browser cookie and set them as user properties.
Forward Web Requests Server Side bool False Web If enabled, mParticle will not initialize the full Amplitude integration on the web client. Instead, web data will be forwarded to Amplitude via server-to-server API.
Instance Name string default Web The name to use for the client-side Amplitude instance configured by mParticle. This should be unique for each Amplitude connection.
Include Enriched User Attributes bool True All If enabled, mParticle will forward enriched user attributes from the existing user profile.
Send Application State Transitions bool False All If enabled, application state transitions will be forwarded to Amplitude.
Send Event Attributes as Objects bool False All If enabled, mParticle will attempt to send event attributes as objects. Attributes should be string values containing serialized JSON. If we are unable to parse JSON from the attribute, we will send it to Amplitude as is. We will parse all valid JSON including objects, arrays, numbers, booleans, and nulls. Note, Amplitude event properties do not support all nested object formats - please see their docs here for details.
Generate Insert ID From Event ID bool False All but Web If enabled, mParticle will generate insert ID from the event ID. If disabled, insert ID will be generated from a combination of device ID, user ID, event ID, event ID, and time. Insert ID is used by Amplitude for deduplication.
Enable Apple Search Ads bool False iOS, tvOS If enabled, the Apple Search Ads attributes will be forwarded in the Amplitude user_properties.
Extract Device Family from User Agent bool False Web If enabled, mParticle will attempt to extract device family information from the provided user agent string. Note, this is only used for server-side web requests. See Server to Server Web Requests for more information.

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