

Track purchases, signups and conversions from Google Ads and create Customer Match lists for targeting.

This integration utilizes Google’s Remarketing and Audience Targeting API.


To set up the Google Ads Audience integration, you will need to have a working Ads account and know your Client Customer ID, which you can obtain from your Google Account Manager. Before you create the connection, you must make a request to your Google Account Manager to have your Client Customer ID whitelisted for the “Mobile Device IDs for Customer Match Beta”.

When you add the integration from the Directory, sign into your Google Ads account, using your username and password, to give mParticle permission to upload user lists.

To send Device ID audiences you will need to provide a unique App ID of the apps for which you collected the ID data:

  • For iOS, the App ID is the 9 digit string that appears at the end of an App Store URL
  • For Android, the ID string is the application’s package name

See Google’s Adwords appId reference for more on the App ID requirement.

Supported Identity Types


Note that Google Ads can only make use of email addresses that are associated with a Google account, and only addresses ending in can be used for Gmail targeting lists. mParticle sends addresses to Google Ads as SHA-256 hashed values.

Phone Numbers

For a Phone Number audience, mParticle forwards all 3 phone number identities as well as the $Mobile user attribute. mParticle sends phone numbers to Google Ads as SHA-256 hashed values.

Device ID

For a Device ID audience, mParticle forwards the Apple Advertising Identifier (IDFA) or the Android Advertising ID (AAID). No other fields are included with Device ID audiences. If you choose to send either or both Device IDs you MUST provide the correct App ID for each type. See Prerequisites.

Address Info

mParticle will send Address Info to Google Ads for advanced matching. This data will only be sent if ALL of the following fields are present:

Google Field mParticle Field Description
hashedFirstName $FirstName First name of the member, which is normalized and SHA-256 hashed by mParticle.
hashedLastName $LastName Last name of the member, which is normalized and SHA-256 hashed by mParticle.
countryCode $Country 2-letter country code.
zipCode $Zip Zip code.

Google Ads has several notions of user-provided consent. Two of these apply to the S2S Google Ads events: ad_user_data and ad_personalization. These represent consent for ad user data and ad personalization.

To configure user consent forwarding under this value, a mapping should be set-up leveraging mParticle’s notion of Consent Purposes. To learn more about handling user consent within mParticle’s platform, see the following docs: Data Privacy Controls.

Once a Consent Purpose is set up, user consent information can be associated with it in subsequent Event Batches. The Consent Purpose data mapping can then be configured for downstream forwarding via the User Consent Data Mapping connection setting.

The consent value is set in its initial status during the membership processing, and subsequent modifications to the consent status do not impact the already synchronized downstream data.

In the absence of a user-defined consent value for the ad_user_data and ad_personalization fields via the Consent Purpose mapping, a default value can be optionally configured via a separate drop-down setting for each consent type. When no user consent is provided, the default status is used, if specified. If omitted, the Unspecified status will be sent.

Caution: It is recommended that in the long term, you set up user-specified consent through the Consent Purpose mapping, such that the user consent is correctly forwarded to Google. It is your responsibility as a Data Controller to stay compliant under the GDPR, and set up user consent collection for downstream forwarding. The consent default setting can be deprecated in the future.

Deleting an Audience

mParticle deletes the downstream audience when you delete an audience from mParticle.

Data Processing Notes

  • mParticle names User Lists in Google Ads based on the External Name of the audience and the identity type. For example, if you connect an audience named Remarketing to Ads and check all three identity types, mParticle will create four audiences called Remarketing (Email), Remarketing (Phone), Remarketing (IDFA), and Remarketing (AAID).
  • Google Ads usually takes between 6 and 12 hours to populate a list with new members, although it can take longer, up to 48 hours. You are likely to see a status of ‘In Progress’ on lists that have been updated by mParticle in that time frame.
  • For privacy purposes, Google Ads displays the membership size of a list as 0 if it is below 1000 and also rounds the size to two significant digits - i.e. 13540 becomes 13000, so the numbers in your mParticle audience will not match your list size in Google Ads.
  • Google Ads requires at least 5000 members to start serving ads to an audience.

Configuration Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Client Customer ID string Your Google Ads Client Customer ID. Please contact your Google TAM or AM to obtain this value.
Manager Customer ID string The Customer ID of the Google Ads Manager account that manages the Ads account where Audience data will be sent. If you do not use a manager account, this can be left blank.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Membership Lifespan int 30 The number of days that users remain as part of an audience list after they’re added, if they take no further action that renews their membership. A minimum of 0 and a maximum of 540 days are accepted, or enter 10000 to indicate no expiration.
Forward Emails bool true If enabled, and the user’s e-mail address is available, the SHA-256 hash of that e-mail address will be added to the audience ”<Audience Name> (Email)”
Forward Phone Numbers bool true If enabled, and any of the user’s phone numbers are available, the SHA-256 hash of those phone numbers will be added to the audience ”<Audience Name> (Phone)”
Forward IDFAs bool true If enabled, and the user’s IDFA is available, it will be added to the audience ”<Audience Name> (IDFA)”
Forward AAIDs bool true If enabled, and the user’s AAID is available, it will be added to the audience ”<Audience Name> (AAID)”
iOS AppID string A string that uniquely represents the iOS Application from which the data was collected to the Adwords API
Android AppID string A string that uniquely represents the Android Application from which the data was collected to the Adwords API
External Email Identity Type enum Email The mParticle User Identity type to forward as an Email to Google Ads
Consent Data Mapping mapping null A mapping of mParticle consents to Google Ads consents.
Ad User Data Default Consent Value string Unspecified The default consent value to forward for the Ad User Data field.
Ad Personalization Default Consent Value string Unspecified The default consent value to forward for the Ad Personalization field.

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