
Each of our Dart methods is mapped to an underlying mParticle SDK at the platform level. Note that per Dart’s documentation, calling into platform-specific code is asynchronous to ensure the user interface remains responsive. In your code, you can swap usage between async and then in accordance with your app’s requirements.


Importing the module:

import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/mparticle_flutter_sdk.dart';

You must first call getInstance on MparticleFlutterSdk before each method is called. This ensures the underlying mParticle SDK has been initialized. Per Flutter’s plugin documentation, messages between the Dart plugin and underlying platforms must be passed asynchronously to ensure the user interface remains responsive. Therefore, to ensure code is performant to your team’s requirements, you may refactor instances of await with then and vice versa in the examples below.

MparticleFlutterSdk? mpInstance = await MparticleFlutterSdk.getInstance();

Custom Events

To log events, import mParticle EventTypes and MPEvent to write proper event logging calls:

import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/event_type.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/mp_event.dart';

MPEvent event = MPEvent('Clicked Search Bar', EventType.Search)
  ..customAttributes = { 'key1': 'value1' }
  ..customFlags = { 'flag1': 'value1' };

If you have a high-volume event that you would like to forward to client side kits but exclude from uploading to mParticle, set a boolean flag per event.

import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/event_type.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/mp_event.dart';

MPEvent event = MPEvent('Test event logged', EventType.Navigation)
  ..customAttributes = {'key1': 'value1'}
  ..customFlags = {'flag1': 'flagValue1'}
  ..shouldUploadEvent = false;

By default, all events upload to the mParticle server unless explicitly set not to. This is also available on Commerce Events when calling logCommerceEvent. mParticle expects to support logScreenEvent in a future release.

To log screen events, import mParticle ScreenEvent:

import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/screen_event.dart';

ScreenEvent screenEvent = ScreenEvent('Screen event logged')
  ..customAttributes = { 'key1': 'value1' }
  ..customFlags = { 'flag1': 'value1' };

Commerce Events

To log product commerce events, import CommerceEvent, Product and ProductActionType (optionally TransactionAttributes):

import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/commerce_event.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/product.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/product_action_type.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/transaction_attributes.dart';

final Product product1 = Product('Orange', '123abc', 5.0, 1);
final Product product2 = Product('Apple', '456abc', 10.5, 2);
final TransactionAttributes transactionAttributes =
  TransactionAttributes('123456', 'affiliation', '12412342',
      1.34, 43.232, 242.2323);
CommerceEvent commerceEvent = CommerceEvent.withProduct(ProductActionType.Purchase, product1)
    ..transactionAttributes = transactionAttributes
    ..currency = 'US'
    ..screenName = 'One Click Purchase';

To log promotion commerce events, import CommerceEvent, Promotion and PromotionActionType:

import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/commerce_event.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/promotion.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/promotion_action_type.dart';

final Promotion promotion1 = Promotion('12312', 'Jennifer Slater', 'BOGO Bonanza', 'top');
final Promotion promotion2 = Promotion('15632', 'Gregor Roman', 'Eco Living', 'mid');

CommerceEvent commerceEvent = CommerceEvent.withPromotion(PromotionActionType.View, promotion1)
    ..currency = 'US'
    ..screenName = 'PromotionScreen';

To log impression commerce events, import CommerceEvent, Impression and Product:

import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/commerce_event.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/impression.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/events/product.dart';

final Product product1 = Product('Orange', '123abc', 2.4, 1);
final Product product2 = Product('Apple', '456abc', 4.1, 2);
final Impression impression1 = Impression('produce', [product1, product2]);
final Impression impression2 = Impression('citrus', [product1]);
CommerceEvent commerceEvent = CommerceEvent.withImpression(impression1)
  ..currency = 'US'
  ..screenName = 'ImpressionScreen';


Get the current user in order to apply and remove attributes, tags, and similar items:

var user = await mpInstance?.getCurrentUser();

User Attributes:

user?.setUserAttribute('age', '45');
user?.setUserAttributeArray('Test key', ['Test value 1', 'Test value 2']);
user?.getUserIdentities().then((identities) {
    print(identities); // Map<IdentityType, String>


IDSync is mParticle’s identity framework, enabling our customers to create a unified view of the customer. To read more about IDSync, see the IDSync documentation.

All IDSync calls require an Identity Request.


import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/identity/identity_type.dart';

var identityRequest = MparticleFlutterSdk.identityRequest;
    .setIdentity(IdentityType.CustomerId, 'customerid5')
    .setIdentity(IdentityType.Email, '');

After an IdentityRequest is passed to one of the following IDSync methods - identify, login, logout, or modify.

Import the SuccessResponse and FailureResponse classes to write proper callbacks for Identity methods. For brevity, we included an example of full error handling in only the identify example below, but this error handling can be used for any of the Identity calls.


The following is a full Identify example with error and success handling. You can adapt the following example with login, modify, and logout.

import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/identity/identity_api_result.dart';
import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/identity/identity_api_error_response.dart';

var request = MparticleFlutterSdk.identityRequest();

    .identify(identityRequest: identityRequest)
        (IdentityApiResult successResponse) =>
            print("Success Response: $successResponse"),
        onError: (error) {
            var failureResponse = error as IdentityAPIErrorResponse;
            print("Failure Response: $failureResponse");

            // It is possible for either a client error or a server error to occur during identity calls.
            // First check for the client side error, then you can check the http code for the server error.
            // More details can be found in the platform specific IDSync error handling:
                // iOS -
                // Web -
                // Android -
            if (failureResponse.clientErrorCode != null) {
                switch (failureResponse.clientErrorCode) {
                case IdentityClientErrorCodes.RequestInProgress:
                    // there is an Identity request in progress, wait for it to complete before attempting another
                case IdentityClientErrorCodes.ClientSideTimeout:
                case IdentityClientErrorCodes.ClientNoConnection:
                    // retry the IDSync request
                case IdentityClientErrorCodes.SSLError:
                    // SSL configuration issue. 
                case IdentityClientErrorCodes.OptOut:
                    // The user has opted out of data collection
                case IdentityClientErrorCodes.Unknown:
                case IdentityClientErrorCodes.ActiveSession:
                case IdentityClientErrorCodes.ValidationIssue:
                    // A web error that should never arise due to Dart's stronger typing
                case IdentityClientErrorCodes.NativeIdentityRequest:
            int? httpCode = failureResponse.httpCode;
            if (httpCode != null && httpCode >= 400) {
                switch (httpCode) {
                case 400:
                case 401:
                case 429:
                case 529:
                        (error) => print('${error.code}\n${error.message}'));


Partial example - you can adapt the identify example above with login, modify, and logout.

var identityRequest = MparticleFlutterSdk.identityRequest;
    .setIdentity(IdentityType.CustomerId, 'customerid2')
    .setIdentity(IdentityType.Email, '');

    .login(identityRequest: identityRequest)
        (IdentityApiResult successResponse) =>
            print("Success Response: $successResponse"),
        onError: (error) {
            var failureResponse = error as IdentityAPIErrorResponse;
            print("Failure Response: $failureResponse");


Partial example - you can adapt the identify example above with login, modify, and logout.

var identityRequest = MparticleFlutterSdk.identityRequest;
    .setIdentity(IdentityType.CustomerId, 'customerid3')
    .setIdentity(IdentityType.Email, '');

    .modify(identityRequest: identityRequest)
        (IdentityApiResult successResponse) =>
            print("Success Response: $successResponse"),
        onError: (error) {
            var failureResponse = error as IdentityAPIErrorResponse;
            print("Failure Response: $failureResponse");


Partial example - you can adapt the identify example above with login, modify, and logout.

var identityRequest = MparticleFlutterSdk.identityRequest;
// Depending on your identity strategy, you may have identities added to your identityRequest
// To log out, insert the identities used for login and set value to empty ('')
    .setIdentity(IdentityType.CustomerId, '')
    .setIdentity(IdentityType.Email, '');

    .logout(identityRequest: identityRequest)
        (IdentityApiResult successResponse) =>
            print("Success Response: $successResponse"),
        onError: (error) {
            var failureResponse = error as IdentityAPIErrorResponse;
            print("Failure Response: $failureResponse");

Aliasing Users

Use aliasing to transition data from anonymous users to known users. To learn more about user aliasing, see the aliasing documentation.

mpInstance?.identity.login(identityRequest: identityRequest).then(
    (IdentityApiResult successResponse) {
        String? previousMPID = successResponse.previousUser?.getMPID();
        if (previousMPID != null) {
            var userAliasRequest = AliasRequest(
                previousMPID, successResponse.user.getMPID()
            mpInstance?.identity.aliasUsers(aliasRequest: userAliasRequest);

Native-only Methods

A few methods are currently supported only on iOS/Android SDKs:

  • Get the SDK’s opt-out status:

    var isOptedOut = await mpInstance?.getOptOut;
    mpInstance?.setOptOut(optOutBoolean: !isOptedOut!);
  • Check if a kit is active:

    import 'package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/kits/kits.dart';
    mpInstance?.isKitActive(kit: Kits['Braze']!).then((isActive) {
  • Push Registration

    The method mpInstance.logPushRegistration() accepts two parameters. For Android, provide both pushToken and senderId. For iOS, provide the push token in the first parameter, and simply pass null for the second parameter.


    mpInstance?.logPushRegistration(pushToken: 'pushToken123', senderId: 'senderId123');


    mpInstance?.logPushRegistration(pushToken: 'pushToken123', senderId: null);
  • Set App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Status

    For iOS, you can set a user’s ATT status as follows: import ‘package:mparticle_flutter_sdk/apple/authorization_status.dart’;

          attStatus: MPATTAuthorizationStatus.Authorized,

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