

API References
Data Subject Request API

Data Subject Request API Version 1 and 2

Data Subject Request API Version 3

Platform API

Platform API Overview




Calculated Attributes

Data Points


Field Transformations




Warehouse Sync API

Warehouse Sync API Overview

Warehouse Sync API Tutorial

Warehouse Sync API Reference

Data Mapping

Warehouse Sync SQL Reference

Warehouse Sync Troubleshooting Guide


Warehouse Sync API v2 Migration

Calculated Attributes Seeding API

Bulk Profile Deletion API Reference

Group Identity API Reference

Custom Access Roles API

Data Planning API

Pixel Service

Profile API

Events API

mParticle JSON Schema Reference


Media SDKs




Client SDKs





Network Security Configuration

Event Tracking

User Attributes


Screen Events

Commerce Events

Location Tracking



Application State and Session Management

Data Privacy Controls

Error Tracking

Opt Out

Push Notifications

WebView Integration


Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME

Linting Data Plans

Troubleshooting the Android SDK

API Reference

Upgrade to Version 5


Cordova Plugin



Getting Started


API Reference

Direct Url Routing

Direct URL Routing FAQ







Event Tracking

User Attributes


Screen Tracking

Commerce Events

Location Tracking



Application State and Session Management

Data Privacy Controls

Error Tracking

Opt Out

Push Notifications

Webview Integration

Upload Frequency

App Extensions

Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME

Linting Data Plans

Troubleshooting iOS SDK

Social Networks

iOS 14 Guide

iOS 15 FAQ

iOS 16 FAQ

iOS 17 FAQ

iOS 18 FAQ

API Reference

Upgrade to Version 7

React Native

Getting Started



Getting Started




Upload Frequency

Getting Started

Opt Out

Initialize the SDK

Event Tracking

Commerce Tracking

Error Tracking

Screen Tracking


Location Tracking

Session Management


Getting Started





Content Security Policy

Event Tracking

User Attributes


Page View Tracking

Commerce Events

Location Tracking



Application State and Session Management

Data Privacy Controls

Error Tracking

Opt Out

Custom Logger


Native Web Views


Multiple Instances

Web SDK via Google Tag Manager

Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME

Facebook Instant Articles

Troubleshooting the Web SDK

Browser Compatibility

Linting Data Plans

API Reference

Upgrade to Version 2 of the SDK


Getting Started




Server SDKs

Node SDK


Python SDK

Ruby SDK

Java SDK



Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Verify your input

Step 3. Set up your output

Step 4. Create a connection

Step 5. Verify your connection

Step 6. Track events

Step 7. Track user data

Step 8. Create a data plan

Step 9. Test your local app

HTTP Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output

iOS Quick Start


Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Verify your input

Step 3. Set up your output

Step 4. Create a connection

Step 5. Verify your connection

Step 6. Track events

Step 7. Track user data

Step 8. Create a data plan

Java Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output

Node Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output

Python Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output



Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Verify your input

Step 3. Set up your output

Step 4. Create a connection

Step 5. Verify your connection

Step 6. Track events

Step 7. Track user data

Step 8. Create a data plan


mParticle Command Line Interface

Linting Tools




Outbound Integrations

Outbound Integrations

Firehose Java SDK

Inbound Integrations

Kit Integrations


Android Kit Integration

JavaScript Kit Integration

iOS Kit Integration

Compose ID

Data Hosting Locations


Migrate from Segment to mParticle

Migrate from Segment to mParticle

Migrate from Segment to Client-side mParticle

Migrate from Segment to Server-side mParticle

Segment-to-mParticle Migration Reference

Rules Developer Guide

API Credential Management

The Developer's Guided Journey to mParticle


Customer 360


User Profiles


User Profiles

Group Identity


Create and Manage Group Definitions

Calculated Attributes

Calculated Attributes Overview

Using Calculated Attributes

Create with AI Assistance

Calculated Attributes Reference

Predictive Attributes

What are predictive attributes?

Predict Future Behavior

Create Future Prediction

Use Future Predictions in Campaigns

Assess and Troubleshoot Predictions

Next Best Action

Next Best Action Overview

Create a Next Best Action (NBA)

View and Manage NBAs

Activate Next Best Actions in Campaigns

Getting Started

Create an Input

Start capturing data

Connect an Event Output

Create an Audience

Connect an Audience Output

Transform and Enhance Your Data

Platform Guide

Usage and Billing Report


Observability Overview

Observability User Guide

Observability Troubleshooting Examples

Observability Span Glossary

The New mParticle Experience

The new mParticle Experience

The Overview Map

Event Forwarding

System Alerts



Data Retention

Data Catalog



Data Plans

Live Stream



Blocked Data Backfill Guide

Tiered Events

mParticle Users and Roles

Analytics Free Trial

Troubleshooting mParticle

Usage metering for value-based pricing (VBP)

New Audiences Experience

Audiences Overview

Create an Audience

Connect an Audience

Manage Audiences

Classic Audiences Experience

Real-time Audiences (Legacy)

Standard Audiences (Legacy)


Journeys Overview

Manage Journeys

Download an audience from a journey

Audience A/B testing from a journey

Predictive Audiences

Predictive Audiences Overview

Using Predictive Audiences


IDSync Overview

Use Cases for IDSync

Components of IDSync

Store and Organize User Data

Identify Users

Default IDSync Configuration

Profile Conversion Strategy

Profile Link Strategy

Profile Isolation Strategy

Best Match Strategy




Core Analytics


Sync and Activate Analytics User Segments in mParticle

User Segment Activation

Welcome Page Announcements


Project Settings

Roles and Teammates

Organization Settings

Global Project Filters

Portfolio Analytics

Analytics Data Manager

Analytics Data Manager Overview


Event Properties

User Properties

Revenue Mapping

Export Data

UTM Guide


Analyses Introduction

Segmentation: Basics

Getting Started

Visualization Options

For Clauses

Date Range and Time Settings


Numerical Settings

Segmentation: Advanced

Assisted Analysis

Properties Explorer

Frequency in Segmentation

Trends in Segmentation

Did [not] Perform Clauses

Cumulative vs. Non-Cumulative Analysis in Segmentation

Total Count of vs. Users Who Performed

Save Your Segmentation Analysis

Export Results in Segmentation

Explore Users from Segmentation

Funnels: Basics

Getting Started with Funnels

Group By Settings

Conversion Window

Tracking Properties

Date Range and Time Settings

Visualization Options

Interpreting a Funnel Analysis

Funnels: Advanced

Group By


Conversion over Time

Conversion Order


Funnel Direction

Multi-path Funnels

Analyze as Cohort from Funnel

Save a Funnel Analysis

Explore Users from a Funnel

Export Results from a Funnel


Getting Started with Cohorts

Analysis Modes

Save a Cohort Analysis

Export Results

Explore Users

Saved Analyses

Manage Analyses in Dashboards


Getting Started

Event Menu


Ending Event

Save a Journey Analysis


Getting Started

User Activity Timelines

Time Settings

Export Results

Save A User Analysis

Query Builder

Data Dictionary

Query Builder Overview

Modify Filters With And/Or Clauses

Query-time Sampling

Query Notes

Filter Where Clauses

Event vs. User Properties

Group By Clauses


Cross-tool Compatibility

Apply All for Filter Where Clauses

Date Range and Time Settings Overview

User Attributes at Event Time

Understanding the Screen View Event

User Aliasing


Dashboards––Getting Started

Manage Dashboards

Organize Dashboards

Dashboard Filters

Scheduled Reports


Time and Interval Settings in Dashboards

Query Notes in Dashboards

Analytics Resources

The Demo Environment

Keyboard Shortcuts

User Segments


Analytics for Marketers

Analytics for Product Managers

Compare Conversion Across Acquisition Sources

Analyze Product Feature Usage

Identify Points of User Friction

Time-based Subscription Analysis

Dashboard Tips and Tricks

Understand Product Stickiness

Optimize User Flow with A/B Testing


User Segments Export API

Dashboard Filter API

Warehouse Sync

Data Privacy Controls

Data Subject Requests

Default Service Limits


Cross-Account Audience Sharing

Approved Sub-Processors

Import Data with CSV Files

Import Data with CSV Files

CSV File Reference


Video Index

Analytics (Deprecated)
Identity Providers

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Setup Examples


Debug Console

Data Warehouse Delay Alerting


Developer Docs





Google Tag Manager


Data Warehouses and Data Lakes

Advanced Data Warehouse Settings

AWS Kinesis (Snowplow)

AWS Redshift (Define Your Own Schema)

AWS S3 (Snowplow Schema)

AWS S3 Integration (Define Your Own Schema)

BigQuery (Snowplow Schema)

BigQuery Firebase Schema

BigQuery (Define Your Own Schema)

GCP BigQuery Export

Snowflake (Snowplow Schema)

Snowplow Schema Overview

Snowflake (Define Your Own Schema)


Dashboard Filter API (Deprecated)


User Segments Export API (Deprecated)


SDKs Introduction

React Native






Object API

Developer Basics



The mParticle platform is the hub for all of your data. It collects data from any number of inputs - mobile apps, web, feeds from external SAAS providers, data sent via our Events API - and forwards it on to output services to be used for analytics, attribution, storage, audience targeting, push notifications, etc.

The primary task accomplished in the mParticle dashboard is creating Connections between inputs and outputs - to collect your data, enrich and transform it, and forward it to where it needs to go. mParticle forwards two main types of data:

  • Events data is about what users do in your app. Opening your app, logging in, viewing a screen and making a purchase can all be captured with Events data. For example, you might track the average number of sessions per user over a given period of time as a way of measuring user engagement with your app.
  • Audience data captures groups of users that meet a given set of criteria. For example, you might create an audience of users who have purchased icecream from your app and forward that audience to a marketing automation platform, to target messages to those users when new dairy products become available.

Accounts, organizations, and workspaces

mParticle creates a unique organization for you. It’s the container for all data and metadata related to your mParticle. Within an organization, mParticle will create one or more accounts for you, and within each account, you can create one or more workspaces. Your choices for account and workspace setup are important because these choices affect identity and feature provisioning.

flowchart of org to account to workspace

These three nested containers provide scoping and functionality for multi-brand and multi-geo use cases, as well as edge use cases. The scope and advantages of each are explained in the following sections.

  • Organization

    Most mParticle customers have one organization which contains one or more accounts. However, some large companies have multiple organizations. No information is shared across organization boundaries. mParticle creates the organization(s) for you.

    A few features apply at the organization level, including profile strategies.

    You can think of the organization as representing your company.

  • Account

    Each organization has one or more accounts. Accounts often represent different functional groups or goals within an organization, for example regional divisions, or Sales, Marketing, and Customer Support. mParticle creates the account(s) for you.

    Some information is shared across accounts either by default or by enablement:

    • Audiences can be shared across account boundaries with cross-account sharing enabled.
    • mParticle users (people authorized to access your mParticle organization) are shared across accounts and workspaces.
    • User data is shared across workspaces by default, but you can request it be shared across accounts.
  • Workspace

    Each account contains one or more workspaces. A workspace is the basic container for data in an mParticle account. mParticle creates your first workspace, but you can add more at any time.

    For most use cases, each workspace is its own domain, separate from other workspaces. Some information is shared across workspace boundaries:

    • Audiences are shared, allowing you to build an audience using data from more than one workspace.
    • mParticle users (people authorized to access your mParticle organization) are shared across accounts and workspaces.

    Some mParticle accounts have over a dozen workspaces, while others have only one. How you organize data from your app ecosystem is entirely up to you.

Using organizations, accounts, and workspaces

Use organizations, accounts, and workspaces to manage multiple brands, regions, and to manage custom identity configurations and unique input/output requirements. You can also use mParticle features like cross-account audience sharing or multiple workspace real-time audiences.

To display your current organization, account, and selected workspace: log into mParticle and hover your cursor over the workspace icon in the bottom of the left nav bar.

Workspaces are displayed in an indented list beneath each account within your organization. Your organization name is listed at the top. You can search for an account or workspace using the search bar.

image showing view of the org, account, and workspace by hovering cursor over the workspace icon in the left nav

Example: multiple brands, multiple locations

The Best Bags company sells handbags under several different names, and in several regions of the globe. They can use organizations and workspaces to provide differentiation when needed:

  • Best Bags created workspaces that correspond to three regions: North America, APAC, and Europe. Each brand defines their own audiences and users within a separate organization, since most customers purchase from only one region.
  • Best Bags created accounts that correspond to their different brands: BestieBags, BlingBags, and CarriageBest. In this way, they can create unique inputs and outputs for the same data sources and forwarding destinations, address different governance and compliance requirements, while still being able to share audience membership, since their customers may buy different brands at different times.

You can also use identity scope to manage how user data is shared between workspaces and accounts. And if you need to share audiences across accounts, you can request that mParticle enable cross-account audience sharing for your organization.

Managing workspaces

To view and manage your workspaces:

Log into mParticle, hover your cursor over the Settings icon in the left nav, and select Workspaces.

image showing the workspace settings page

From the Workspace Settings page, you can:

  • View daily, monthly and quarterly statistics across all workspaces in this account, including data from both development and production environments.
  • Browse a list of all workspaces in your account.
  • Download the Event Volume Report, which lists all events ingested in the selected timeframe. The report provides visibility into the calculated attributes and audiences created using those events.
  • Create a new workspace - all you need to do is provide a name for the new workspace.
  • Delete a workspace - this will also delete all the workspace data and connection settings. This action cannot be undone, so proceed with caution.
  • Edit a workspace - view the Apple App Transparency Tracking (ATT) Defaults, enable GDPR and CCPA regulations, and retrieve the workspace Key/Secret to use with the OpenDSR API.
  • You can also connect a platform input, feed input, or output by clicking the + icon under the respective column.

Note that you can’t delete a workspace that is part of a Multi Workspace Audience. First delete or modify the multiworkspace audience, then you can delete the workspace.

Working with web data

mParticle handles Web data — collected from a browser client — a little differently from data collected from native apps.

In most cases, data collected by the mParticle SDK is sent to mParticle, and then forwarded on to integration partners server-to-server.

There are exceptions to this rule: in cases where a server-to-server integration cannot support all the required functionality of an integration partner, an Embedded Kit may be used. Embedded Kits are extra components added to the mParticle SDK that communicate directly with an integration partner from the app client.

While direct communication between the client and partner is the exception for native apps, it is common for web data. A key reason for this is that most of mParticle’s integration partners are not set up to receive web data server-to-server, as they rely on cookie data only accessible to the cookie owner. To support these integrations, the mParticle Web SDK uses the following workflow:

  1. On initialization, the SDK checks to see which Web integrations are enabled for your workspace.
  2. For each enabled integration, mParticle SDK will fetch the Partner’s javascript and the mParticle wrapper specific to that Partner. For example, if you have enabled the Google Analytics integration, the mParticle SDK will fetch Google’s analytics.js snippet and mParticle’s GoogleAnalyticsEventForwarder.js snippet. We fetch only the integrations that you have enabled in order to keep the page size to a minimum.
  3. Any supported events are mapped directly onto the equivalent partner method. For example, when the mParticle SDK logs a Page View it automatically calls Google Analytics’ pageview method.
// Example from GoogleAnalyticsEventForwarder.js
// When mParticle logs a Page View, it automatically calls this function, which invokes Google's `analytics.js` snippet to send the page view to Google Analytics
function logPageView() {
    if (forwarderSettings.classicMode == 'True') {
    else {
        ga(createCmd('send'), 'pageview');

To make it easier to work with web integrations, we provide the source code in a public repository, so you can work with the Integration Partner’s documentation and see exactly how we map mParticle methods onto the Partner code. See the mparticle-integrations organization for a complete list of client-side web integrations.

Platform limits

mParticle imposes limits on the number and length of attributes that can be associated with events and users.

A quick summary of some of the most important limits is below. For more information, see our full Default Service Limits guide.


  • An event can have up to 100 attribute key/value pairs.
  • Event names and attribute keys are limited to 256 characters.
  • Event attribute values are limited to 4096 characters.


  • A user can have up to 100 attribute key/value pairs.
  • User attribute names, including user identities like email or Customer ID, are limited to 256 characters.
  • A user attribute value can be a list. These lists are limited to 1000 entries.
  • An entry in a user attribute list is limited to 512 characters.
  • A user attribute value that is not part of a list is limited to 4096 characters.

Note that Output Services often have their own limits, which can differ from mParticle’s. When planning your implementation, check the documentation for your Output Services in the Integration Center to make sure you are complying with their limits.

Tracking protection

Browsers add third-party tracking protection for end users. The protections affect third-party trackers and their cookies and work in different ways. For example, Firefox Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) relies on a list of known trackers to decide what to block. Safari, Chrome for iOS and other browsers with the Apple WebKit engine use Intelligent Tracking Protection (ITP). ITP prevents the browser from loading cookies from a third-party domain.

mParticle aligns with this privacy stance.

User attributes and event attributes

mParticle ingests data points that are composed of event attributes and user attributes.

User attributes and input source priority

For a given user, attributes are stord at the workspace level, not the device level.

User attributes are ingested according to the following priority:

  1. Calculated attributes
  2. Account-level attributes (a premium feature)
  3. Custom feed input
  4. SDK input
  5. Custom CSV
  6. Partner data feed (PDF), for example the Punchh integration is a partner data feed.

Once ingested from a particular source type, subsequent source types for that same data won’t be ingested. For example, once you set a user attribute key value using the Web SDK, you won’t be able to set that same value from a partner data feed.

Timestamps and ingested data

When mParticle ingests data, there are two timestamps associated with events:

  • Each event batch has a timestamp.
  • Each event in the batch may have a timestamp.

If batches or events have a timestamp that is more than 15 minutes in the future, relative to the server processing the data, that timestamp will be reset to the current server UTC time. Attribute timestamps remain unchanged.

If you load data using CSV Import, the batch timestamp is reset to the current server UTC time.

Forward-looking statements

mParticle strives to be as transparent as possible. Part of this transparency is to share information about products, features, or functionality that we expect to deliver in the future.

Forward-looking statements are as accurate as possible given the knowledge at the time of publication. However, no purchasing decisions should be made on the basis of any forward-looking statement, and mParticle may withdraw or change the products, features, or functionality mentioned in such statements.

Next steps

To get started with mParticle, set up some data inputs and integrate with at least one output service. See Web End-to-End Tutorial for instructions on how to set up connections, and see your first data flow from input to output. If you aren’t working with Web apps or services, visit Getting Started for more generic instructions.

Once you’re up and running, continue reading the rest of this Platform Guide or browse through the Output Integrations Directory to see the third party tools you can connect with mParticle.

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    Last Updated: March 21, 2025