Manage Analyses in Dashboards

Any Segmentation, Funnel, Cohort, or Users query may be saved to a dashboard. There are 3 different ways to save an analysis to your dashboard:

  • Creating a query in one of our analysis tools (Segmentation, Funnel, Cohort, Users), and saving it to a dashboard. For more information on saving analyses to a dashboard, check out the following articles:

  • Duplicating or moving analyses across dashboards
  • Creating a new analysis from a dashboard. To create a new analysis from a dashboard, click “New” in the top right corner. Then select your desired analysis type, create your widget, and hit save.
Widget from dashboard

There are 5 different types of analyses that can be saved to a dashboard. They are as follows:

  • Segmentation
  • Funnel
  • Cohort
  • Users
  • Text

Organize Widgets

  • Free Flow lets you place your dashboard analyses wherever on your dashboard.
  • Auto Flow automatically compacts analyses to the top of your dashboard.

For more information on organizing your dashboard, check out the Dashboard Visualization article.

Dashboard Refresh Intervals

Your dashboard analyses will refresh at the interval designated in the dashboard menu bar. For more information on dashboard refresh intervals, check out the Time and Interval Settings in Dashboards article.

Open Query

To open the underlying query behind an analysis, select the analysis’ title. Then, you may edit your query and save.

Open widget click

You may also open the underlying query behind an analysis by selecting on the three dots in the top right of your analysis, and selecting “Open Query”.

Open widget ham menu


To edit your analysis’ settings, select the three dots in the top right of your analysis, and select “Settings”.

Open ham menu


Type your desired analysis name in the “Title” field. You may also rename your analysis by clicking into the analysis itself and renaming the query from the query tool.

Rename widget

Display Options

In your analysis settings, check the corresponding checkboxes to display the following within your dashboard analysis:

  • Show Title
  • Show Date
  • Show Legend
Make new display options

Embed Widget

This feature is available only for users on our Enterprise pricing plan. Add a live widget to your website, shared workspace, or other HTML environment to promote data access and establish a single source of truth. To get started, open your favorite Analytics dashboard, then locate the analysis you’d like to embed. Next, open analysis settings (click the three dots that appear upon hover in the top right corner of the analysis), select your preferred display size, and click on the iframe code to copy it to your clipboard. You can now paste your widget anywhere iframe elements are enabled.

Filter Embedded Widgets via API

Analytics supports the ability to filter embedded analyses programmatically via an API. You may create variants of your embedded analyses by adjusting Date Ranges, Time Zones, Query Intervals, and Property Filters.

To configure this, please see our Dashboard Filter API documentation. Please note that this feature requires advanced instrumentation from a technical resource.

When refreshing dashboards, Analytics uses an algorithm to balance data ‘freshness’ and efficient resource utilization. When first applying a new filter to a dashboard or analysis, please allow up to 15 minutes for changes to be reflected in the dashboard’s variants. Subsequently, each request to render a dashboard or analysis will display the most recently cached result before initiating an update.


To move an analysis, select the three-dot menu in the top right corner. Then, select “Move”. Select a dashboard in which to move your analysis, and confirm by choosing “Move”, or click “Cancel” if you changed your mind.

Move widget


To duplicate an analysis, select the three-dot menu in the top right corner. Then, select “Duplicate”. Create a name for your new analysis, and select a dashboard in which to save it. Select “Duplicate” to finalize your dashboard duplication, or choose “Cancel” if you’ve changed your mind.

Duplicate widget


To delete a dashboard, select the three-dot menu in the top right corner of your analysis. Then, choose “Delete”. You will be asked to confirm if you want to delete your analysis. Please note that your analysis will not be recoverable.

Delete widget

Optimize Dashboard Performance

Here are a few ways to optimize your dashboard for improved query performance:

  • Minimize date ranges: Unless the date range of an analysis is updated, it will continue displaying more data as time goes on. The more historical data the system has to refresh, the greater the impact on performance. To avoid this, restrict the date ranges for analyses to only what is required for data accuracy and gathering insights.
  • Minimize widgets in a dashboard: The fewer widgets in a dashboard, the faster the dashboard will be refreshed when filters are applied.
  • Select User Attributes Efficiently in your Analyses: Minimize querying/updating user attributes in an analysis.
  • Streamline Segmentation Queries: Simplify segmentation queries, especially those with multiple ‘for’ clauses.
  • Optimize Text Field Queries: Avoid ‘Contains’ clauses with a large number of values in text fields.

Note: With the exception of “Minimize widgets in a dashboard,” all optimizations above are valid best practices at the analysis level as well.

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