After you’ve created an analysis using one of Analytics’ tools, you can save it for future reference. Saved Analyses can be accessed by selecting the Saved icon on the left menu, represented by compass.
Saved analyses will be displayed alongside any saved dashboards. Within the Saved Analyses & Dashboards window, folders and their contents are listed in alphabetical order. Public analyses are marked in green.
Choose a folder to view the analyses contained within it. You may filter the list for a particular folder by typing in the folder name in the search bar in the top lefthand corner of the folder menu.
Once a folder is selected, you may perform a number of actions within the menu:
If changes are made to a query that is already saved, Analytics will prompt you to update the saved analysis.
If you would like to continue editing the query before updating the saved analysis, click hide. A banner at the top of the page will persist as a reminder that there are unsaved changes in your query.
If you’d like to create a new saved analysis instead, change the title of your query, or select a different folder to place it in.
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