To access event properties, select any event. You may also select the Details tab while hovering the mouse over an event to access the event properties for each event, and vice versa.
Archive/Unarchive Event Properties
Select the Archive icon to archive event properties. Once hidden, event properties will not appear in any of the Analytics tools.
To unarchive an event property, choose the Unarchive icon on the hover menu of an event property. This will unarchive it, making it re-appear in Analytics tools.
Rename, Define, and Categorize Event Properties
Under the Display Name column, you may rename an event or event property. Events or event properties without a label will default to their original name.
Under the Description column, you may add a description to an event. Definitions are useful for new users, and/or when your project contains similarly named events.
Under the Category column, you may create categories and assign events and event properties to them. Creating categories helps keep your Data Panel organized.
Data Types
Within the properties menu, you may identify a property as a certain type to surface additional capabilities (like summing numbers). By default, properties will be set to Auto, which will automatically assign a data type. The following data types are available:
String properties enable the use of “contains” based on query filters.
Numeric properties enable the use of “less than” and “greater than” based on query filters.
Location (US States) properties enable the use of the Map Chart in Segmentation analysis.
Geolocation (IP Address) properties are automatically collected to show your customers’ country, subregion and city for integrations after May 15, 2019 using the Analytics SDK. For existing Analytics SDK integrations, go into project settings and turn on IP collection to use these properties. Note: IP Addresses cannot be retroactively collected.
Date/Time properties enable the use of “before”, “after”, and “between” based query filters. This option will also display the underlying data as a human-friendly date, according to your project settings.