Getting Started with Funnels

The Funnel tool visualizes a customer journey and it allows you to explore conversion rates and dropoff along expected user flows.

  • Visualize and measure the performance of step-by-step customer journeys
  • Optimize user experience by understanding the behaviors and touch points that lead to successful conversion
  • Use data to prioritize your product roadmap by identifying and eliminating points of friction
  • Inform your marketing campaigns by slicing your funnel to compare multiple paths and conversion rates side by side.

To access our Funnel tool, select Create New Analysis in My Hub and then select your use case: Conversion and Drop Off, Multipath, Conversion Over Time, or Contribution.

Funnel getting started

Query Builder

To begin a Funnel query, select either Conversion or Conversion over Time.

  • Conversion tracks a single customer journey funnel within a defined date range.
  • Conversion over Time plots the funnel on a chart and compares the funnel across time intervals.

The unit of measurement in Funnel is always Users who Performed. The first event of a funnel is required — a user must complete this event to enter the funnel. You may categorize your results by using the Group By function or the Filter Where function. You may also combine multiple events using a For clause.

Funnel query example

Select a different time zone from your project time zone on a per-query basis by toggling the globe icon on the top right of the query screen.

Funnel timezone setting

You may choose to visualize your funnel either as a multipath donut or as a stacked bar. Multipath donuts are optimized for comparing multiple funnel paths in the same visualization, whereas stacked bars are better for viewing drop-off. To switch between the two, select the visualization dropdown from the menu bar.

Switch funnel visualization

There are a number of available functions for each query row, including Group By, Filter, and Did [Not] Perform. While hovering the cursor over each query row, a number of options appear in the top right corner. You can create a Custom Event from a query row that contains a filter where clause. Duplicate your row for speedier analysis, or minimize your row if it’s taking too much room on your screen. Finally, you …

Funnel query functions

After completing the first query row, you may add an unlimited number of steps to represent a full user journey. Name your steps on the right hand side of each query row, and reorder the rows by dragging and dropping. Once you have selected all of the events in your journey, select the run query button within the query visualization.

Run funnel query

Customize your funnel

All funnel queries can be customized further using the menu. Here, you can select the date range for your query. Users in your funnel must enter the journey within the specified date range. You can also establish a Conversion Limit. A conversion limit requires all users to complete the funnel within a defined time limi…

Customize funnel query

In the settings dropdown, further customize your analysis by selecting a Breakout mode, Funnel Direction or Conversion Precision:

  • Breakouts may be applied to a single step and then distributed throughout the funnel, or they can be applied to each step of the funnel independently.
  • A Forward funnel means that a conversion rate is calculated for each step in the funnel. A Reverse funnel means that the contribution from the preceding step is calculated as the contribution rate for each step in the funnel.
  • A “sequential conversion precision” means that users must complete each step in the funnel in chronological order, with distinct timestamps.
  • Finally, an “approximate conversion precision” means that events in the funnel may occur within the same second of the preceding step and still count as converted.

Funnel settings

You can also create a Multipath Funnel, and make one or more steps in the funnel optional. To do this, click the pin icon next to a step in the query builder or in the visualization. The results will display multiple paths that a user may complete. You may then analyze multiple user journeys in the same visualization.

In the settings dropdown is a setting for Path Exclusivity.

  • In an inclusive multipath funnel, users completed the steps in the selected funnel, and may or may not have completed the optional steps.
  • In an exclusive multipath funnel, users completed the steps in the selected funnel, and did not complete the optional steps.

Path exclusivity in funnel

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