

API References
Data Subject Request API

Data Subject Request API Version 1 and 2

Data Subject Request API Version 3

Platform API

Platform API Overview




Calculated Attributes

Data Points


Field Transformations




Warehouse Sync API

Warehouse Sync API Overview

Warehouse Sync API Tutorial

Warehouse Sync API Reference

Data Mapping

Warehouse Sync SQL Reference

Warehouse Sync Troubleshooting Guide


Warehouse Sync API v2 Migration

Calculated Attributes Seeding API

Bulk Profile Deletion API Reference

Group Identity API Reference

Custom Access Roles API

Data Planning API

Pixel Service

Profile API

Events API

mParticle JSON Schema Reference


Media SDKs




Client SDKs





Network Security Configuration

Event Tracking

User Attributes


Screen Events

Commerce Events

Location Tracking



Application State and Session Management

Data Privacy Controls

Error Tracking

Opt Out

Push Notifications

WebView Integration


Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME

Linting Data Plans

Troubleshooting the Android SDK

API Reference

Upgrade to Version 5


Cordova Plugin



Getting Started


API Reference

Direct Url Routing

Direct URL Routing FAQ







Event Tracking

User Attributes


Screen Tracking

Commerce Events

Location Tracking



Application State and Session Management

Data Privacy Controls

Error Tracking

Opt Out

Push Notifications

Webview Integration

Upload Frequency

App Extensions

Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME

Linting Data Plans

Troubleshooting iOS SDK

Social Networks

iOS 14 Guide

iOS 15 FAQ

iOS 16 FAQ

iOS 17 FAQ

iOS 18 FAQ

API Reference

Upgrade to Version 7

React Native

Getting Started



Getting Started




Upload Frequency

Getting Started

Opt Out

Initialize the SDK

Event Tracking

Commerce Tracking

Error Tracking

Screen Tracking


Location Tracking

Session Management


Getting Started





Content Security Policy

Event Tracking

User Attributes


Page View Tracking

Commerce Events

Location Tracking



Application State and Session Management

Data Privacy Controls

Error Tracking

Opt Out

Custom Logger


Native Web Views


Multiple Instances

Web SDK via Google Tag Manager

Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME

Facebook Instant Articles

Troubleshooting the Web SDK

Browser Compatibility

Linting Data Plans

API Reference

Upgrade to Version 2 of the SDK


Getting Started




Server SDKs

Node SDK


Python SDK

Ruby SDK

Java SDK



Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Verify your input

Step 3. Set up your output

Step 4. Create a connection

Step 5. Verify your connection

Step 6. Track events

Step 7. Track user data

Step 8. Create a data plan

Step 9. Test your local app

HTTP Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output

iOS Quick Start


Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Verify your input

Step 3. Set up your output

Step 4. Create a connection

Step 5. Verify your connection

Step 6. Track events

Step 7. Track user data

Step 8. Create a data plan

Java Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output

Node Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output

Python Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output



Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Verify your input

Step 3. Set up your output

Step 4. Create a connection

Step 5. Verify your connection

Step 6. Track events

Step 7. Track user data

Step 8. Create a data plan


mParticle Command Line Interface

Linting Tools




Outbound Integrations

Outbound Integrations

Firehose Java SDK

Inbound Integrations

Kit Integrations


Android Kit Integration

JavaScript Kit Integration

iOS Kit Integration

Compose ID

Data Hosting Locations


Migrate from Segment to mParticle

Migrate from Segment to mParticle

Migrate from Segment to Client-side mParticle

Migrate from Segment to Server-side mParticle

Segment-to-mParticle Migration Reference

Rules Developer Guide

API Credential Management

The Developer's Guided Journey to mParticle


Customer 360


User Profiles


User Profiles

Group Identity


Create and Manage Group Definitions

Calculated Attributes

Calculated Attributes Overview

Using Calculated Attributes

Create with AI Assistance

Calculated Attributes Reference

Predictive Attributes

What are predictive attributes?

Predict Future Behavior

Create Future Prediction

Use Future Predictions in Campaigns

Assess and Troubleshoot Predictions

Next Best Action

Next Best Action Overview

Create a Next Best Action (NBA)

View and Manage NBAs

Activate Next Best Actions in Campaigns

Getting Started

Create an Input

Start capturing data

Connect an Event Output

Create an Audience

Connect an Audience Output

Transform and Enhance Your Data

Platform Guide

Usage and Billing Report


Observability Overview

Observability User Guide

Observability Troubleshooting Examples

Observability Span Glossary

The New mParticle Experience

The new mParticle Experience

The Overview Map

Event Forwarding

System Alerts



Data Retention

Data Catalog



Data Plans

Live Stream



Blocked Data Backfill Guide

Tiered Events

mParticle Users and Roles

Analytics Free Trial

Troubleshooting mParticle

Usage metering for value-based pricing (VBP)

New Audiences Experience

Audiences Overview

Create an Audience

Connect an Audience

Manage Audiences

Classic Audiences Experience

Real-time Audiences (Legacy)

Standard Audiences (Legacy)


Journeys Overview

Manage Journeys

Download an audience from a journey

Audience A/B testing from a journey

Predictive Audiences

Predictive Audiences Overview

Using Predictive Audiences


IDSync Overview

Use Cases for IDSync

Components of IDSync

Store and Organize User Data

Identify Users

Default IDSync Configuration

Profile Conversion Strategy

Profile Link Strategy

Profile Isolation Strategy

Best Match Strategy




Core Analytics


Sync and Activate Analytics User Segments in mParticle

User Segment Activation

Welcome Page Announcements


Project Settings

Roles and Teammates

Organization Settings

Global Project Filters

Portfolio Analytics

Analytics Data Manager

Analytics Data Manager Overview


Event Properties

User Properties

Revenue Mapping

Export Data

UTM Guide


Analyses Introduction

Segmentation: Basics

Getting Started

Visualization Options

For Clauses

Date Range and Time Settings


Numerical Settings

Segmentation: Advanced

Assisted Analysis

Properties Explorer

Frequency in Segmentation

Trends in Segmentation

Did [not] Perform Clauses

Cumulative vs. Non-Cumulative Analysis in Segmentation

Total Count of vs. Users Who Performed

Save Your Segmentation Analysis

Export Results in Segmentation

Explore Users from Segmentation

Funnels: Basics

Getting Started with Funnels

Group By Settings

Conversion Window

Tracking Properties

Date Range and Time Settings

Visualization Options

Interpreting a Funnel Analysis

Funnels: Advanced

Group By


Conversion over Time

Conversion Order


Funnel Direction

Multi-path Funnels

Analyze as Cohort from Funnel

Save a Funnel Analysis

Explore Users from a Funnel

Export Results from a Funnel


Getting Started with Cohorts

Analysis Modes

Save a Cohort Analysis

Export Results

Explore Users

Saved Analyses

Manage Analyses in Dashboards


Getting Started

Event Menu


Ending Event

Save a Journey Analysis


Getting Started

User Activity Timelines

Time Settings

Export Results

Save A User Analysis

Query Builder

Data Dictionary

Query Builder Overview

Modify Filters With And/Or Clauses

Query-time Sampling

Query Notes

Filter Where Clauses

Event vs. User Properties

Group By Clauses


Cross-tool Compatibility

Apply All for Filter Where Clauses

Date Range and Time Settings Overview

User Attributes at Event Time

Understanding the Screen View Event

User Aliasing


Dashboards––Getting Started

Manage Dashboards

Organize Dashboards

Dashboard Filters

Scheduled Reports


Time and Interval Settings in Dashboards

Query Notes in Dashboards

Analytics Resources

The Demo Environment

Keyboard Shortcuts

User Segments


Analytics for Marketers

Analytics for Product Managers

Compare Conversion Across Acquisition Sources

Analyze Product Feature Usage

Identify Points of User Friction

Time-based Subscription Analysis

Dashboard Tips and Tricks

Understand Product Stickiness

Optimize User Flow with A/B Testing


User Segments Export API

Dashboard Filter API

Warehouse Sync

Data Privacy Controls

Data Subject Requests

Default Service Limits


Cross-Account Audience Sharing

Approved Sub-Processors

Import Data with CSV Files

Import Data with CSV Files

CSV File Reference


Video Index

Analytics (Deprecated)
Identity Providers

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Setup Examples


Debug Console

Data Warehouse Delay Alerting


Developer Docs





Google Tag Manager


Data Warehouses and Data Lakes

Advanced Data Warehouse Settings

AWS Kinesis (Snowplow)

AWS Redshift (Define Your Own Schema)

AWS S3 (Snowplow Schema)

AWS S3 Integration (Define Your Own Schema)

BigQuery (Snowplow Schema)

BigQuery Firebase Schema

BigQuery (Define Your Own Schema)

GCP BigQuery Export

Snowflake (Snowplow Schema)

Snowplow Schema Overview

Snowflake (Define Your Own Schema)


Dashboard Filter API (Deprecated)


User Segments Export API (Deprecated)


SDKs Introduction

React Native






Object API

Developer Basics


Commerce Events

Collecting accurate “commerce” data is vital if users can purchase any physical or virtual goods in your app. Some important use-cases powered by commerce data include:

  • Identifying users who have a high lifetime value
  • Tracking the success of your advertising campaigns
  • Driving predictive analysis, such as recommendations

The mParticle SDK provides dedicated commerce APIs to collect commerce data in a form that can be usefully passed on to your integrations. mParticle’s commerce data structure closely follows the standard created by the Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce API.

Some mParticle partners track commerce data at a granular level, others are only interested in the currency amount of a transaction, while others provide no commerce support at all. mParticle’s commerce schema is designed to be flexible to deterministically map to all integration types.

Tracking Basic Purchases

mParticle’s full commerce feature-set allows you to track a full purchase flow, from promotions, to product impressions, through multiple checkout steps. However, for some use cases it is sufficient to track only the purchase itself.

Basic purchase tracking is a three-step process:

  1. Create the product or products

    • This step creates a representation of each product being purchased
    • At a minimum, products must have a name, an SKU, and a price
    • If multiple units of a product are being purchased, a quantity can be set. If not set, quantity defaults to 1.
    • Like users and events, products can also include custom attributes defined as a map of key/value string pairs.
  2. Summarize the transaction details include:

    • (required) Transaction ID- each transaction must have a unique ID
    • Revenue - the total amount of the transaction
    • Shipping - the amount of revenue used for shipping
    • Tax - the amount of revenue collected for taxation.
  3. Log the purchase event - the purchase event includes the products and transaction summary created above, as well as optional custom attributes or custom flags.
// 1. Create the products

// Create an optional map to contain key/value string pairs of custom attributes. This should only be used if there are no matching preexisting product attributes.
Map<String, String> productAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Add custom attributes to the map
productAttributes.put("ocean-view", "true");
productAttributes.put("balcony", "false");

Product product = new Product.Builder("Double Room - Econ Rate", "econ-1", 100.00)
// Include the custom attributes (using the builder method)

// 2. Summarize the transaction
TransactionAttributes attributes = new TransactionAttributes("foo-transaction-id")

// 3. Log the purchase event
CommerceEvent event = new CommerceEvent.Builder(Product.PURCHASE, product)

// Create the optional custom attributes for the purchase event
Map<String, String> customTransactionAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
customTransactionAttributes.put("sale", "true");
customTransactionAttributes.put("phone-booking", "true");

// Include the custom attributes for the transaction (using the builder method)
// 1. Create the products

// Create an optional map of custom attributes for the product as key/value pairs of strings
val customAttributes = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
customAttributes["ocean-view"] = "true"
customAttributes["balcony"] = "false"

val product = Product.Builder("Double Room - Econ Rate", "econ-1", 100.00)

// Include the map of custom attributes created above

// 2. Summarize the transaction

val attributes = TransactionAttributes("foo-transaction-id")

// 3. Log the purchase event

val event = CommerceEvent.Builder(Product.PURCHASE, product)

// Optional custom attributes for the purchase event can be added as a map of key/value string pairs
.customAttributes(mapOf("sale" to "true", "phone-booking" to "true"))

// You can also create a map that is then passed through to the customAttributes builder method. For example:
//    val customTransactionAttributes = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
//    customTransactionAttributes["sale"] = "true"
//    customTransactionAttributes["phone-booking"] = "true"
//    .customAttributes(customTransactionAttributes)


Product Events

Product-based commerce events measure all interactions with a product that can lead up to a purchase. Product events can include:

  • tapping or viewing products
  • adding or removing products from a cart or wishlist
  • advancing through a multi-step checkout process
  • purchases
  • refunds

The first step in any product-based event is to create the products. See basic purchase tracking for help creating products.

Once you have your products, there are two paths you can follow. You can build and log events manually, or you can use the dedicated “cart” API to track your purchase flow and let mParticle log events for you.

Create events manually

If you don’t need to track every interaction that leads to a purchase, or if your checkout flow is highly customized, it may be easiest to manually create the events you need. All product events take a product (or list of products), a product “action,” which identifies the action being captured. Purchases and refunds require a transaction attributes object.

The complete list of possible product actions includes:

  • Add to cart
  • Remove from cart
  • Checkout
  • Checkout option
  • Click
  • View Detail
  • Purchase
  • Refund
  • Add to wishlist
  • Remove from wishlist

You can choose to track all of these actions, or any combination that suits your needs.

Use the Cart API

If your app follows a standard commerce flow, you can use the Cart API to simplify the process of tracking Product events. The Cart is a property of the Current User. The key advantage to using the Cart API is that you don’t need to manually add the same products to each event. Once you add the products to your Cart, they will automatically be included in all product actions logged by the Commerce API.

All products added to the cart are persisted in local storage.

  1. Get the current user to access the cart
  2. Add or remove products to the cart Once products are in your cart, any checkout or purchase events will automatically include the products in your cart. Products stay in the cart until they are removed, purchased, or until persistence is reset or the user changes. When you add or remove events from your cart, an optional second argument boolean determines whether to log an Add to Cart or Remove from Cart event.
  3. Log a Purchase To log the Purchase you need to create the TransactionAttributes object. See basic purchase tracking for an example. You don’t need to include the products, as they are automatically added from the Cart.
// Get the cart
MParticleUser user = MParticle.getInstance().Identity().getCurrentUser();
Cart cart = user.getCart();

// Add products to the cart
Product doubleRoom = new Product.Builder("Double Room - Econ Rate", "econ-1", 100.00)
Product spaPackage = new Product.Builder("Spa Package", "Spa/Hya", 170.00)
cart.add(doubleRoom, true); // Generates an Add to Cart event
cart.add(spaPackage); // Doesn't generate an Add to Cart Event

// Remove products from the cart
cart.remove(spaPackage, true); // Generates a Remove from Cart event

// Summarize the transaction
TransactionAttributes attributes = new TransactionAttributes("foo-transaction-id")

// Log a purchase with all items currently in the cart

Promotion Events

“Promotion” events are used to represent internal offers - such as discounts - that might be displayed in a banner advertisement. Promotion events are created by specifying a promotion action string, and one or more promotions. When constructing a promotion it’s recommended to specify at least an ID or a name.

Promotion promo = new Promotion()
  .setName("App-wide 50% off sale")
  new CommerceEvent.Builder(Promotion.VIEW, promo).build()
Promotion().apply {
    id = "my_promo_1"
    creative = "sale_banner_1"
    name = "App-wide 50% off sale"
    position ="dashboard_bottom"
}.let {
    CommerceEvent.Builder(Promotion.VIEW, it).build()
}.let {

Impression Events

“Impression” events are used to represent any time one or more products are displayed on the screen. Optionally, you can specify a name for the location or list in which the products appeared.

Impression impression = new Impression("Suggested Products List", product);
  new CommerceEvent.Builder(impression).build()
Impression("Suggested Products List", product).let {
}.let {

Expanding Commerce Events

mParticle commerce events can capture a transaction including multiple products in a single event. Many of our partners take a different approach and only capture purchases at the level of a product. At the simplest end of the spectrum, some partners are only interested in logging the increase in a user’s lifetime value and capture no product details at all. For this reason, it’s important that both your individual products and the transaction summary are complete and correct.

When instrumenting your app with mParticle, you don’t need to worry about the requirements of individual partners. Capture your purchase events in as much detail as you have and mParticle takes care of transforming the data for each partner. Most commonly, this involves “expanding” a commerce Event. This means automatically creating a new separate event for each product in the original event and copying the shared attributes to each new event.

Commerce events are only expanded if needed:

  • If the event is forwarded using an mParticle SDK with an embedded kit that doesn’t implement logCommerceEvent, then the event is expanded to ensure that no data is lost.
  • If the event is forwarded server-to-server or using an mParticle SDK with an embedded kit that does support logCommerceEvent, then no expansion is needed, and no data is lost.

In addition, the expansion behavior is different depending on the commerce event type:

  • Product commerce events and impression commerce events expand to one event per product.
  • Purchase or refund commerce events add an additional event with the total value.
  • Promotion commerce events expand to one event per promotion action type such as “click” or “view.”

The following tables show the results after expansion:

Product commerce events expand into one event per product with all available key/value pairs.

Beautified Key Name
Event Object Key
Value Type
Expected Values
Event Name n String Example: """eCommerce - %@ - Item"" where %@ is the name of the action type (""add_to_cart"" ""purchase"" ""refund”)"
Event Type et String transaction
Custom Attributes attrs Dictionary Contains all of the following key/value pairs if they are available
Brand Brand String
Name Name String
Id Id String
Item Price Item Price Number
Quantity Quantity Number
Category Category String
Coupon Code Coupon Code String
Variant Variant String
Position Position Integer
Total Product Amount Total Product Amount Number Product Quantity * Product Price
Transaction Id Transaction Id
Custom Keys %@ Any All custom attributes set on the commerce event by the client

Purchase or Refund Commerce Events expand into an additional event with all available key/value pairs.

Beautified Key Name
Event Object Key
Value Type
Expected Values
Event Name n String """eCommerce - %@ - Total"" where %@ is the name of the action type (""purchase"" or ""refund"")"
Event Type et String transaction
Custom Attributes attrs Dictionary Contains all the following key/value pairs if they are available
Currency Code Currency Code String
Product Count Product Count Number
Affiliation Affiliation String
Shipping Amount Shipping Amount Number
Tax Amount Tax Amount Number
Total Amount Total Amount Number
Transaction Id Transaction Id String
Coupon Code Coupon Code String
Product Action List Product Action List String
Product List Source Product List Source String
Checkout Options Checkout Options String
Checkout Step Checkout Step String
Custom Keys %@ Any All custom attributes set on the commerce event by the client

Promotion commerce events expand to an additional event with all available key/value pairs.

Beautified Key Name
Event Object Key
Value Type
Expected Values
Event Name n String """eCommerce - %@ - Total"" where %@ is the name of the promotion action type (""click"" or ""view"")"
Event Type et String transaction
Custom Attributes attrs Dictionary Contains the following key/value pairs if they are available
Promotion List pl Dictionary
Creative Creative String
Name Name String
Position Position String
Id Id String

Impression Commerce events expand to an event for every product in the impression with all available key/value pairs.

Beautified Key Name
Event Object Key
Value Type
Expected Values
Event Name n String eCommerce - Impression - Item
Event Type et String transaction
Custom Attributes attrs Dictionary Contains all the following key/value pairs if they are available
Product Impression List Product Impression List String
Brand Brand String
Name Name String
Id Id String
Item Price Item Price Number
Quantity Quantity Number
Category Category String
Coupon Code Coupon Code String
Variant Variant String
Position Position Integer
Total Product Amount Total Product Amount Number Product Quantity * Product Price
Product Custom Keys %@ Any All custom attributes set on the product by the client
Custom Keys %@ Any All custom attributes set on the commerce event by the client

API Reference

Reference the complete API reference for a deep dive into the Commerce APIs.

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    Last Updated: March 21, 2025