Singular has built the only unified marketing intelligence platform that delivers attribution, cost aggregation, creative reporting and workflow automation in one place, giving marketers access to unparalleled data granularity.
This integration was previously available under the name ‘Apsalar’, which was recently acquired by Singular. It also replaces the deprecated Singular event integration. If you are still using the deprecated integration, you can find docs here.
mParticle provides two methods of integrating with Singular: embedded kit and server-to-server.
By including the Singular kit in your mParticle SDK, every Singular feature represented in the mParticle SDK is supported, including deep linking/deferred deep linking.
To use the Deferred Deep Linking functionality, you will need to set a timeout in the Configuration Settings. This defaults to 60 seconds.
You can access the Singular deep link from within your app using mParticle’s deep linking APIs:
[[MParticle sharedInstance] kitInstance:@(MPKitInstanceSingular) completionHandler:^(id _Nullable kitInstance) {
[[MParticle sharedInstance] checkForDeferredDeepLinkWithCompletionHandler:^(NSDictionary<NSString *,NSString *> * _Nullable params, NSError * _Nullable error) {
MParticle.getInstance().checkForDeepLink(new DeepLinkListener() {
public void onResult(DeepLinkResult result) {
if (result.getServiceProviderId() == ServiceProviders.SINGULAR) {
//handle Singular link
public void onError(DeepLinkError error) {
The mParticle-Singular Web Kit enables event forwarding from the mParticle SDK to the Singular SDK.
When this connection is enabled in the mParticle platform, the mParticle SDK will initialize the Singular SDK and forward events.
mParticle forwards events to Singular via their Server-to-Server API. If you choose to forward ‘Launch’ events to Singular, a Launch event will be sent each time a session begins in your app. Singular will interpret the first Launch event for a device as an Install event. All App events, Screenview events and Commerce events will be forwarded. If you are using the mParticle SDKs in your app, standard device information will be forwarded automatically, along with a dictionary of product attributes, for commerce events, or event attributes, for app events and screenviews.
To activate mParticle’s Singular integration, you will need the API Key for each app that you’d like to setup. Please contact your Singular account representative if you need help locating your API Key. To use the embedded kit, you will also need your API Secret.
mParticle forwards events to Singular via their Server-to-Server API. If you choose to forward ‘Launch’ events to Singular, a Launch event will be sent each time a session begins in your app. Singular will interpret the first Launch event for a device as an Install event. All App events, Screenview events and Commerce events will be forwarded. If you are using the mParticle SDKs in your app, standard device information will be forwarded automatically, along with a dictionary of product attributes, for commerce events, or event attributes, for app events and screenviews.
See Singular’s documentation for the latest information about event limitations.
These parameters will be sent automatically with every event.
Singular Field | mParticle Mapping | Notes |
Apple Advertising ID ( idfa ) |
device_info.ios_advertising_id |
Only one of four possible Device IDs is required. |
Apple Vendor ID (idfv ) |
device_info.ios_idfv |
Only one of four possible Device IDs is required. |
Android Advertising ID (aifa ) |
device_info.android_advertising_id |
Only one of four possible Device IDs is required. |
Android UUID (andi ) |
device_info.android_uuid |
Only one of four possible Device IDs is required. |
IP address (ip ) |
ip |
Raw IP address for the device. |
Version (ve ) |
device_info.os_version or device_info.version_release (android) |
OS version |
Make (ma ) |
device_info.device_manufacturer |
Device manufacturer, e.g., ‘Apple’, ‘Samsung’ |
Model (mo ) |
device_info.device_model |
Device name, eg, ‘iPhone9,2’ |
Locale Code (lc ) |
device_info.locale_language + device_info.locale_country |
Two-part IETF locale code for the device, eg. ‘en_US’ |
OS Build (bd ) |
device_info.build_identifier |
OS Build identifier for iOS/tvOS/Android |
Application Longname (i ) |
application_info.package |
Platform (p ) |
device_info.platform |
iOS, tvOS, or Android |
Timestamp (umilisec ) |
timestamp_unixtime_ms |
These parameters will be sent automatically with Launch events.
Singular Field | mParticle Mapping | Notes |
Application Name (n ) |
application_info.application_name |
Do not track (dnt ) |
device_info.limit_ad_tracking |
This is enabled if the user has selected ‘limit ad tracking’ in their device options. |
Connection type (c ) |
device_current_state.data_connection_type |
cellular or wifi |
Carrier name (cn ) |
device_info.network_carrier |
mParticle will forward App events, Commerce Events and Screenview events to Singular with the following attributes.
Singular Field | mParticle Mapping | Notes |
Event Name (n ) | |
Total Amount (amt ) | |
Currency Code (cur ) | |
Event Attributes (e ) | , |
See below |
Any additional attributes for each event will be forwarded as a JSON object. For Commerce events, a products
array will be sent which includes id
, brand
, category
, and quantity
for each product. For non-commerce events, any available event attributes will be forwarded.
Setting Name | Data Type | Default Value | Description |
API Key | string |
Your app’s Singular API Key can be found in your dashboard’s SDK page. | |
Secret | string |
Your app’s Singular API Secret can be found in your dashboard’s SDK page. | |
Deferred Deeplink Handler Timeout | int |
60 | Deferred deeplink timeout in seconds. If a deferred deeplink is not received within the configured timeout duration, the SDK will not be calling the deferred deeplink handler. |
Setting Name | Data Type | Description |
Product ID | string |
Required for Web data - A name for your website e.g. |
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