
Google Marketing Platform


The mParticle integration with Google Marketing Platform allows you to forward audience data to the following Google marketing and advertising tools:

  • Authorized Buyer (ADX Buyer, formerly DoubleClick Ad Exchange)
  • Google Ad Manager (previously referred to as DoubleClick For Publishers, or DFP by Google)
  • DV360 (Display & Video 360) - Invite Advertiser
  • DV360 (Display & Video 360) - Invite Partner
  • Google Ads (previously referred to as Ad Words)

You must create a separate configuration for each Google product you want to forward your audience data to.


Make sure you have access to the following:

  • You need to provide a different ID depending on the Google product you want to forward your audience data to. For example, if you plan to forward data to Google Ad Manager, you need the Audience Link ID for your Ad Manager account. To see which ID is required for each Google product, refer to the following table:
Google Product Previous Product Name Required ID
Authorized Buyer DoubleClick Ad Exchange Account ID
To find your Account ID, log into your Authorized Buyer account, and look for your ID at the top of the Authorized Buyers page, just below your account name.
Google Ad Manager DoubleClick For Publishers (DFP by Google) Audience Link ID
To find your Audience Link ID, log into your Ad Manager account, and navigate to Admin > Global Settings > Network Settings.
Display & Video 360 (Invite Advertiser) DoubleClick Bid Manager Advertiser ID
To find your Advertiser ID, log into your DV360 account and navigate to Advertiser Settings > Basic Details.
Display & Video 360 (Invite Partner) DoubleClick Bid Manager Partner ID
To find your Partner ID, log into your DV360 account and navigate to Partner Settings > Basic Details.
Google Ads AdWords Customer ID
To find your Customer ID, log into your Google Ads account and look for the 10 digit ID next to your account email address in the right corner of the top nav bar.

Whitelist your mParticle account

In order to forward an mParticle audience to Google, mParticle must be “whitelisted” to access to your Google Marketing Platform account. To whitelist your mParticle account, follow these instructions. If you need assistance, reach out to your Google Technical Account Manager for help whitelisting your account.

Google Marketing Platform audience integration setup instructions

There are two stages to setting up an audience integration with Google Marketing Platform.

  1. Creating a Google Marketing Platform output in mParticle.
  2. Connecting an audience with your new Google Marketing Platform output.

1) Create a Google Marketing Platform output

  1. Log into your mParticle account at, and navigate to the Integrations Directory.
  2. Search for “Google Marketing Platform”, hover your cursor over the Google Marketing Platform tile, and click Setup.

  1. Check the box labeled Audience, and click Configure.

  1. Enter a descriptive name under Configuration Name.
  2. Enter the ID for the Google product you want to send your audiences to under Client Customer ID.

    • The value you enter for your ID depends on the downstream product within the Google Marketing Platform you want to use. For help locating the right ID, please refer to the table in Prerequisites.
  3. Select one of the following products within Google Marketing Platform that you want to send your audience data to. Note that some products are now referred to by a different name by Google:

    • ADX Buyer (Authorized Buyer, formerly DoubleClick Ad Exchange)
    • DFP by Google (Google Ad Manager)
    • Invite Advertiser (Display & Video 360 Advertiser)

      • Only allows audiences to be shared with a specific brand, or advertiser account, within your DV360 account.
    • Invite Partner (Display & Video 360 Partner)

      • Allows audiences to be shared with all brands, or advertiser accounts, within your DV360 account.
    • AdWords (Google Ads)
  1. Enter the Partner Provided ID you want to forward to Google.
  2. Click Save & Open in Connections.

2) Connect an audience to your new Google Marketing Platform output

  1. From your mParticle account, navigate to Audiences in the left hand navigation and select either Real-time or Standard.
  2. From the list of audiences, select the one you want to forward to Google Marketing Platform.
  3. Go to the Connect tab, and click Connect Output.

  1. Select Google Marketing Platform, and use the Configuration Name dropdown menu to select the new output configuration you want to send your audience to.
  2. Toggle the Connection Status to either Inactive or Active. Only active connections will forward audiences.
  3. Under Membership Lifespan, enter the number of days you want users to remain in the audience. The maximum membership lifespan is 540 days.

    • If a user does not take any action that would renew their membership of an audience before this timeframe expires, they won’t be forwarded to Google. For more information, see Membership duration.
  4. Make sure the Process Consent checkbox is checked if you have collected user consent info to forward to Google. If this box is unchecked, no data will be forwarded to Google.

    • If this setting is enabled, Process Consent will be forwarded as true to Google. By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have gathered your users’ consent as per Google’s requirements.
  5. Click Save.

Supported identities

mParticle forwards the following user identities to Google Marketing Platform:

  • IDFA
  • Google Advertising ID
  • Partner ID

Membership duration

All Google Marketing Platform user lists have a property that dictates the membership lifespan of a user. This membership duration represents the maximum amount of time a user stays on the list.

The default membership lifespan is 30 days, but this is configurable up to a maximum of 540 days.

For example, If you created an audience of users who have viewed a particular screen, and your membership lifespan is set to 30 days, a new member will only remain in the downstream Google Marketing Platform list for 30 days, unless they view the screen again, at which point the 30 day timer is reset.

Google has several notions of user-provided consent. One of these applies to Google Marketing Platform Audience:

  • process_consent

The consent mapping can be configured for downstream forwarding via the Process Consent connection setting. By default, this setting is set to True to send data downstream as consented, indicating that proper legal consent has been gathered to share data with Google.

Note: If process_consent is False, Google will not process incoming user data and requests will be dropped. This includes, but is not limited to, abiding to Google’s EU User Consent Policy.

For collected user data which is not subject to affirmative end-user consent, partners are still required to indicate a valid legal basis for sharing data by setting Process Consent to True.

Data forwarding

Upload frequency

The Google Marketing Platform Audience integration uses bulk forwarding. This means that data is stored in a queue before being forwarded to Google.

Your audiences will be sent to Google when either of the following conditions are met:

  • 3 minutes has passed since the last update
  • The audience data to be sent exceeds 5.25 MB in size

Verify and troubleshoot your connection

Before activating your new connection, or when troubleshooting issues, please check the following:

Verify your connection settings

Have you entered each required ID, token, and mapping correctly?

Monitor your mParticle System Alerts

  1. Navigate to your System Alerts by logging into mParticle and going to Activity > System Alerts in the left hand navigation.
  2. Scroll to and select your Google Marketing Platform in the Connections list.
  3. Filter system alerts by Date and Environment.

Data latency

While mParticle forwards data to integrations in real-time, there may be a 24-48 hour delay before your audience is accessible from your Google Marketing Platform tools.

Settings reference

Configuration Settings

The table below describes the configuration settings for each audience integration account. You will need to create a separate integration account for each Google ad product that you’d like to forward your audiences to.

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Client Customer ID string The specific ID for the Google Product within the Google Marketing Platform you want to forward your data to. For more information, see Prerequisites.
Product string ADX Buyer The Google Ad Product you would like to forward audience data to.
Partner Provided ID Type string None The identity mParticle should send to Google as a Partner Provided Identity (PPID).

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Membership Lifespan int 30 The number of days that users remain as part of an audience list after they’re added, if they take no further action that renews their membership. A minimum of 30 and a maximum of 540 days are accepted.
Process Consent bool true If enabled, the Process Consent will be forwarded as true to Google for these users.

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