
This section describes the configuration settings necessary to activate mParticle’s event tracking integration with Facebook. The event tracking integration enables conversion tracking for Facebook advertising campaigns.

Supported Features

  • Event Forwarding

Data Processing Notes

Facebook has limits around the number of unique event names and attributes their platform can process as noted here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/android/current/class/AppEventsLogger/

  • 1000 unique event names
  • 25 attributes per event
  • Between 2 and 40 characters in an event name and attribute
  • It may takes up to 24 hours to see refreshed stats in Facebook Analytics


Event data from mParticle to Facebook is typically sent server side. However, Web data can be sent client or server side based on your implementation and settings. These different options require different settings:

  • iOS, tvOS, and Android - data is sent S2S, and you’ll need your app’s Facebook Application ID and Application Secret
  • Data Feeds - data is sent S2S, and you’ll need your Facebook Pixel ID
  • Web - for client side kit, you’ll need your Facebook Pixel ID
  • Web - for S2S, you’ll need your Facebook Pixel ID and Facebook Marketing API Access Token. You also need to enable both the Use Pixel Server-Side Forwarding and Forward Web Requests Server Side settings.
  • Roku, Xbox, SmartTV, FireTV, Alexa - you’ll need your Facebook Pixel ID and Facebook Marketing API Access Token.
  • os_version is required for iOS/tvOS events. If os_version is not present, the event will be rejected and an error message will be shown in System Alerts.

Configuring Facebook Pixel Server-to-Server

You need to perform a few steps in Facebook to create a Facebook Pixel S2S connection.

  1. Navigate to the Facebook Events Manager
  2. Connect a New Data Source: Select Web with a connection method of Conversions API.
  3. Create an Access Token: Open the settings for the new Pixel Data Source, scroll to the Conversions API > Set up manually section and click Create Access Token. Follow the steps described and copy the Access Token for setup in mParticle.

Configuring Duplicate Events

Facebook recommends sending the same pixel event twice - once from the browser and once from the server. If done incorrectly, this can result in duplicate events appearing in Facebook. The following steps walk through how to configure this within mParticle.

To do this using mParticle, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Setup the mParticle Web SDK in your application
  2. Setup two configurations for mParticle’s Facebook integration. One of these configurations must have Use Pixel Server-Side Forwarding enabled and the other must not. Both must have an access token set.
  3. Connect both of these configurations to your Web input. The configuration with server-side Pixel forwarding enabled, must also have Forward Web Requests Server Side enabled. Similarly, the connection with Pixel server-side forwarding disabled, must have Forward Web Requests Server Side disabled.

Other Scenarios

Ideally, all Web data sent to mParticle will be sent through the mParticle Web SDK, but it is still possible to deduplicate events outside of this flow if necessary. To ensure redundant events sent through Facebook Pixel and the Facebook Conversions API are correctly deduplicated when they reach Facebook, two conditions must be met:

  • Events must have consistent event_name values.
  • Events must have consistent event_id values. For this, the field source_message_id may be used to manually set the Event ID sent to Facebook.

If you use the mParticle Web SDK and server-side web integration, then this will be automatically handled.

If you need to manually assign a source_message_id via the web SDK and server-side separately, use the following API:

    messageType: 4, // This is the messageType for custom events.  Use 3 for page views
    name: 'Test Event',
    data: {attr1: 'value1'}, // custom attributes
    eventType: mParticle.EventType.Navigation, // optional for custom events. Do not set for page views
    customFlags: {flag1: 'flagValue1'},
    sourceMessageId: 'custom_source_message_id'

You can also assign a source_message_id to commerce events:

// 1. Create the product

const product1 = mParticle.eCommerce.createProduct(
    'Double Room - Econ Rate',  // Name
    'econ-1',                   // SKU
    100.00,                     // Price
    4,                          // Quantity

// 2. Summarize the transaction
const transactionAttributes = {
    Id: 'foo-transaction-id',
    Revenue: 430.00,
    Tax: 30

// 3. Log the purchase event
// Optional custom attributes for a product action can be defined as key/value pairs witin an object
const customAttributes = {
    'sale': true

// Optional custom flags can be defined as key/value pairs within an object
const customFlags = {
    'Google.Category': 'travel'

const options = {
    sourceMessageId: 'custom_source_message_id'


Note that your workspace will need to be on event batching in order to leverage passing a custom source_message_id to the Web SDK for this to work. If you are not on web batching, please contact your customer success manager.

Visit the Facebook Business Help Center and Facebook For Developers for more information on the subject of deduplication.

Troubleshooting Facebook Pixel Issues

Please run through the following steps to confirm your settings are correct:

If you run into issues with either of the above steps, please repeat the steps described in Configuring Facebook Pixel Server-to-Server.

Event Data Mapping

  • The iOS/tvOS and Android integrations forward App State Transition, Commerce, Custom, Screen View, and Session Start events.
  • The Web integration forwards Commerce, Custom, Screen View, and Session Start / End events.

iOS14 Update for Device Data Mapping

The Facebook advertiser_tracking_enabled field is set based on the att_authorization_status and limit_ad_tracking fields as defined below. Check the iOS14 Implementation guide for more information.

If att_authorization_status is available:

att_authorization_status advertiser_tracking_enabled
authorized 1
All other values 0

If att_authorization_status is not available, the limit_ad_tracking field is evaluated:

limit_ad_tracking advertiser_tracking_enabled
Not available or false 1
true 0

User Data Mappings

mParticle will send a variety of user data fields to Facebook for advanced matching. The specific fields sent depends on if Facebook Pixel server-side forwarding is enabled or not.

Facebook Pixel Server-Side Forwarding Disabled

mParticle will hash and send the following fields to Facebook when they are set for a user.

mParticle Field Facebook Field Description
email User Identity em mParticle will send the email identity based on the value of the Email Type setting. The email user identity will be hashed before forwarding to Facebook, other user identities will not be hashed prior to forwarding.
Identity as defined by External User Identity Type setting external_id mParticle will hash and send a single identity based on the value of the External User Identity Type setting.
Phone Number User Identity ph mParticle will hash and send a single phone number identity. mParticle will use the mobile_number identity if it is provided. If not, mParticle will use phone_number_2 if it is provided. If neither of those are provided, mParticle will use phone_number_3 if it is provided. If none of those are provided, mParticle will use the $mobile user attribute if it is provided.
Device Identity advertiser_id mParticle will send an Advertiser ID if the user has an IDFA (Apple Identifier for Advertisers), GAID (Google Advertising ID), or RAID (Roku Advertising Identifier)
$gender User Attribute ge
$firstname User Attribute fn
$lastname User Attribute ln
$city User Attribute ct
$state User Attribute st
$zip User Attribute zp
$country User Attribute country

Facebook Pixel Server-Side Forwarding Enabled

mParticle Field Facebook Field Name Hashed? Description
email User Identity em Yes mParticle will send the email identity based on the value of the Email Type setting. The email user identity will be hashed before forwarding to Facebook, other user identities will not be hashed prior to forwarding.
Facebook.BrowserId Custom Flag fbp No Facebook Browser ID
Facebook.ClickId Custom Flag fbc No Facebook Click ID
Facebook.ActionSource Custom Flag action_source No This field allows you to specify where your conversions occurred. Knowing where your events took place helps ensure your ads go to the right people. The accepted values are email, website, app, phone_call, chat, physical_store, system_generated and other. The website action source requires that the Facebook.EventSourceUrl custom flag is set on the event. Please see Facebook’s documentation for details.
Phone Number User Identity ph Yes mParticle will hash and send a single phone number identity. mParticle will use the mobile_number identity if it is provided. If not, mParticle will use phone_number_2 if it is provided. If neither of those are provided, mParticle will use phone_number_3 if it is provided. If none of those are provided, mParticle will use the $mobile user attribute if it is provided.
Identity as defined by External User Identity Type setting external_id Yes mParticle will hash and send a single identity based on the value of the External User Identity Type setting.
$gender User Attribute ge Yes
$firstname User Attribute fn Yes
$lastname User Attribute ln Yes
$city User Attribute ct Yes
$state User Attribute st Yes
$zip User Attribute zp Yes
$country User Attribute country Yes
ip client_ip_address No
Device Info http_header_user_agent client_user_agent No

Custom Mappings

mParticle’s Facebook integration supports custom mappings which allows you to map your events and attributes for Facebook. mParticle provides mappings for the following Facebook event types:

Event Name Standard Mapping Pixel Mapping
Achieved Level fb_mobile_level_achieved N/A
Ad Click AdClick N/A
Ad Impression AdImpression N/A
Added Payment Info fb_mobile_add_payment_info AddPaymentInfo
Added to Cart fb_mobile_add_to_cart AddToCart
Added to Wishlist fb_mobile_add_to_wishlist AddToWishlist
Added to Wishlist - Automotive fb_mobile_add_to_wishlist AddToWishlist
Completed Registration fb_mobile_complete_registration CompleteRegistration
Completed Tutorial fb_mobile_tutorial_completion N/A
Contact Contact Contact
Customize Product CustomizeProduct CustomizeProduct
Donate Donate Donate
Find Location FindLocation FindLocation
Initiated Checkout fb_mobile_initiated_checkout InitiateCheckout
Initiated Checkout - Travel fb_mobile_initiated_checkout InitiateCheckout
Lead N/A Lead
Lead - Automotive N/A Lead
Page View PageView PageView
Purchased fb_mobile_purchase Purchase
Purchased - Travel fb_mobile_purchase Purchase
Rated fb_mobile_rate N/A
Schedule Schedule Schedule
Searched fb_mobile_search Search
Searched - Automotive fb_mobile_search Search
Searched - Travel fb_mobile_search Search
Spent Credits fb_mobile_spent_credits N/A
Start Trial StartTrial StartTrial
Submit Application N/A SubmitApplication
Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe
Unlocked Achievement fb_mobile_achievement_unlocked N/A
Viewed Content fb_mobile_content_view ViewContent
Viewed Content - Automotive fb_mobile_content_view ViewContent
Viewed Content - Travel fb_mobile_content_view ViewContent


When setting up the custom mappings, the fb_content_type can provide additional information on the event to be used for Collaborative Ads. The acceptable values for fb_content_type are:

  • product
  • product_group
  • destination
  • flight
  • hotel
  • vehicle
  • [“product”, “local_service_business”]

If a value provided for fb_content_type is not in the above list, the value sent will be product.

Product Events

mParticle forwards the mParticle product events Added to Cart and Added to Wishlist to Facebook using Facebook’s corresponding pre-defined event names. mParticle Product Views are forwarded to Facebook as the pre-defined event “Viewed Content”. The unit price, currency, product category, and SKU are passed to Facebook as well. See below for a sample Added to Cart event call using the Facebook SDK, and an equivalent call using the mParticle SDK.

//Facebook SDK call
[FBAppEvents logEvent:FBAppEventNameAddedToCart
           parameters:@{ FBAppEventParameterNameCurrency    : @"USD",
                         FBAppEventParameterNameContentType : @"shoes",
                         FBAppEventParameterNameContentID   : @"HDFU-8452" } ];

//Equivalent mParticle SDK call
MPProduct *product = [[MPProduct alloc] initWithName:@"A Shoe"
product.unitPrice = 54.23;
product.sku = @"HDFU-8452";

[[MParticle sharedInstance] logProductEvent:MPProductEventAddedToCart product:product];
//Facebook SDK call
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString(AppEventsConstants.EVENT_PARAM_CURRENCY, "USD");
parameters.putString(AppEventsConstants.EVENT_PARAM_CONTENT_TYPE, "shoes");
parameters.putString(AppEventsConstants.EVENT_PARAM_CONTENT_ID, "HDFU-8452");


//Equivalent mParticle SDK call
MPProduct product = new MPProduct.Builder("A Shoe", "HDFU-8452")
mp.logProductEvent(MPProduct.Event.ADD_TO_CART, product);

Purchase Events

Purchase events logged through mParticle’s eCommerce SDK methods will be forwarded to Facebook using Facebook’s “Purchased” pre-defined event name.

Custom Events

All custom app events, which are logged via mParticle’s logEvent SDK method, will be forwarded to Facebook as custom app events, using the event name passed to mParticle’s logEvent SDK method.

//Facebook SDK call
[FBAppEvents logEvent:@"battledAnOrc"];

//Equivalent mParticle SDK call
[[MParticle sharedInstance] logEvent:@"battledAnOrc"];
//Facebook SDK call

//Equivalent mParticle SDK call

Screen Views

For the Web platform, mParticle will forward screen views as ‘PageView’ events.

  • Note: This also applies to Pixel server-side forwarding.

For the iOS/tvOS and Android platforms, screen views are supported by custom mappings. Reference the custom mappings section for more.

Web Server-to-Server Fields

There are several fields only accepted by server-to-server Web connections. These fields and the mParticle fields they are set from are listed below:

Facebook Field Name
mParticle Field
client_user_agent The user agent for the browser corresponding to the event. This flag is required if the Default Action Source is set to Website in the connection configuration. Facebook.ClientUserAgent custom flag
event_source_url The browser URL where the event happened. This flag is required if the Default Action Source is set to Website in the connection configuration. Facebook.EventSourceUrl custom flag
opt_out A flag that indicates Facebook should not use this event for ads delivery optimization. CCPA Opt Out Status
Custom Data Fields Additional data used for ads delivery optimization. Custom attributes*

*Custom data fields can also be set via custom mappings or E-Commerce event fields. See the relevant sections for more details.

Configuration Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Access Token string The Facebook Access Token used to make Marketing API calls. Required for Web. Facebook recommends using a System User Access Token.
Use Pixel Server-Side Forwarding bool False If enabled, mParticle will use Facebook’s Pixel Server-Side API to forward events for Web and Out-of-Band connections. Notes: this setting is read-only. To enable it, create a new configuration.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Platform Description
Send Purchase Product Data bool False All If enabled, additional product data will be forwarded for purchase events
Facebook Application ID string iOS, Android, tvOS The App ID found on your Facebook application’s dashboard
Facebook Application Secret string iOS, Android, tvOS The App Secret found on your Facebook application’s dashboard
Send Activate On string ast iOS, Android, tvOS Specifies whether to send Facebook activate and deactivate messages based on mParticle application state transition messages or session start messages
Limit Event and Data Usage bool False iOS, Android, tvOS Sets whether data sent to Facebook should be restricted from being used for purposes other than analytics and conversions, such as targeting ads
Pixel ID string Web Facebook Pixel ID
Default Action Source string other Web, Out of Band The default value for a conversion’s action source. This value will be used if the Facebook.ActionSource custom flag is not set on the event. Please see the documentation for information on setting the custom flag.
Forward Web Requests Server Side bool False Web If enabled, requests will only be forwarded server-side
Disable Automatic Page Logging bool False Web Single Page Applications Only - By default, the Facebook Pixel has an HTML5 History State API listener activated. Whenever a new state is pushed into History, it will automatically fire a PageView event (outside of mParticle). This could lead to duplicate PageViews in Facebook. If you want all PageViews to be tracked via mParticle instead, check this box to disable this listener.
External User Identity Type string Customer ID All The User Identity to send to Facebook as an External ID. The identity is sent hashed for every selection except for MPID, which is sent raw.
Send CCPA Limited Data Use enum Never All When should mParticle send the CCPA limited data use flag to Facebook. Note: the flag can only be sent for batches with country and state user attributes defined or for Pixel connections with client IP defined.
Email Type enum Email All The mParticle User Identity type to forward as an Email to Facebook. The email user identity will be hashed before forwarding to Facebook, other user identities selected from this dropdown will not be hashed prior to forwarding.

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