Blueshift enables large-scale consumer marketers to automate hyper-personalized ‘Segment of One’ marketing, combining dynamic segmentation with highly personalized content, across multiple marketing channels.
You can read Blueshift’s documentation here.
Blueshift will send the following events to mParticle as Custom Events of type other
. Full details on the events sent by Blueshift and the possible attributes within those events can be found below.
Event | Description | Event Attributes |
Email Bounced | Triggered when campaign email is undelivered | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , reason , sg_event_id , sg_message_id , smtp-id , source , subject_line , template , tls , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Email Delivered | Triggered when a campaign email is successfully delivered | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , response , sg_event_id , sg_message_id , smtp-id , source , subject_line , template , tls , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Email Link Click | Triggered on click of link in campaign email | bsft_click_uuid , bsft_link_url , bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , link_url , message_uuid , mime_type , subject_line , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , url , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Email Marked as Spam | Triggered when a campaign email is reported as spam | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , sg_event_id , sg_message_id , source , subject_line , template , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Email Opened | Triggered on opening of campaign email | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , mime_type , subject_line , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Email Unsubscribed | Triggered when a user unsubscribes from email campaigns | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , source , subject_line , template , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , unsubscribe_source , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Inapp Notification Delivered | Triggered when a campaign inapp notification is successfully delivered | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , mime_type , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Inapp Notification Link Clicked | Triggered on click of link in campaign for inapp notification | bsft_click_uuid , bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , mime_type , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Inapp Notification Opened | Triggered when a campaign inapp notification is successfully opened | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , mime_type , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Inapp Notification Sent | Triggered when a campaign inapp notification is successfully sent | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , template , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Push Notification Bounced | Triggered when campaign push notification is undelivered | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , template , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Push Notification Delivered | Triggered when a campaign push notification is successfully delivered | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , mime_type , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Push Notification Link Clicked | Triggered on click of link in campaign push notification | bsft_click_uuid , bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , mime_type , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
Push Notification Sent | Triggered when a campaign push notification is successfully sent | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , template , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
SMS Bounced | Triggered when campaign SMS is undelivered | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , source , template , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
SMS Delivered | Triggered when a campaign SMS is successfully delivered | bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , execution_key , experiment_uuid , message_uuid , source , template , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
SMS Link Clicked | Triggered on click of link in campaign SMS | bsft_click_uuid , bsft_link_url , bucket_uuid , campaign_exec_term , campaign_name , campaign_uuid , creative_name , creative_uuid , experiment_uuid , link_url , message_uuid , mime_type , transaction_uuid , trigger_name , trigger_type , trigger_uuid , url , utm_campaign , utm_content , utm_medium , utm_source |
SMS Subscribed | Triggered when a user subscribes to SMS campaigns | source |
SMS Unsubscribed | Triggered when a user unsubscribes from SMS campaigns | source |
Attribute Name | Description |
bsft_click_uuid | Click unique identifier |
bsft_link_url | URL click in the message which led to the event |
bucket_uuid | Unique identifier of account S3 bucket |
campaign_exec_term | Type of campaign |
campaign_name | Campaign name in Blueshift |
campaign_uuid | Campaign unique identifier |
creative_name | Creative name in Blueshift |
creative_uuid | Creative unique identifier |
execution_key | Timestamp of campaign execution |
experiment_uuid | Unique identifier of campaign experiment |
link_url | URL click in the message which led to the event |
message_uuid | Unique identifier of the message |
mime_type | Document type. Browsers use the MIME type to determine how to process a URL |
reason | Reason for failure |
response | Full text of the HTTP response error returned from the receiving server. |
sg_event_id | Sendgrid event unique identifier that we use for deduplication purposes from SG |
sg_message_id | Internal Sendgrid message unique identifier |
smtp-id | A unique ID attached to the message by the originating system |
source | Third Party service for campaign |
subject_line | Subject line of message |
template | Name of template of message |
tls | indicates whether TLS encryption was used in sending this message |
transaction_uuid | Unique identifier of the campaign transaction |
trigger_name | Name of the triggered in Blueshift |
trigger_type | Type of Trigger related to webhook event. For SMS events, trigger_type will be “SMSTrigger” and for email events it will be “EmailTrigger.” |
trigger_uuid | Trigger unique identifier |
unsubscribe_source | Source of unsubcription |
url | URL click from where the event originated with bsft tracking params |
utm_campaign | UTM parameters corresponding to the campaign |
utm_content | UTM parameters corresponding to the content |
utm_medium | UTM parameters corresponding to the medium |
utm_source | UTM parameters corresponding to the source |
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