

Zendesk is a customer service platform. It’s designed for companies that want to create customer relationships that are more meaningful, personal, and productive.


To configure this integration, make changes in both mParticle and Zendesk: Step 1. In mParticle, configure the Zendesk feed:

  1. Select Directory, and click the Zendesk tile
  2. Click Add Zendesk to Setup
  3. Select the Input Feed Integration Type and click Add to Setup
  4. Select the Zendesk input configuration group to specify the configuration parameters

    • Configuration Name
    • Environment
  5. Click Create
  6. Copy the Webhook URL

Zendesk supports a variety of different actions and allows you to build condition statements for sending data to a webhook.

Step 2. To forward data to mParticle, configure the webhook in Zendesk:

  1. Enter the Webhook URL you saved from the mParticle configuration
  2. For the Method, select POST
  3. For the Content Type, select JSON
  4. To test the target, click Test Target and copy the sample event JSON above into the JSON body field and click Submit. You should receive a message showing: 200 OK - { “success”: true }
  5. After saving the target, setup a trigger or automation to forward data to mParticle

Zendesk Event Mapping

Zendesk events are mapped as follows:

Zendesk Field mParticle Mapping
Event Type Custom Event
Custom Event Type Other
Event Name Specify the name of the event using
Event Attributes Specify event attributes using the syntax event.attribute where attribute can be any event attribute you want to pass using the Zendesk macros.
User Identities Specify the user’s email using the following syntax and Zendesk macro: “”:“{{}}”
User Attributes All user attributes can be set using the syntax user.attribute, where attribute can be one of the mParticle reserved user attributes or any other user attribute you want to pass using the Zendesk macros.

When setting up the trigger or automation, the JSON body is set using a template:

// Sample JSON Template - The and fields are required in the JSON.
"" : "Event Name",
"event.attribute 1": "attribute 1 value",
"event.attribute 2": "attribute 2 value",
"event.attribute n": "attribute n value",
"user.$FirstName" : "first name",
"user.$LastName" : "last name"

// Sample JSON using Zendesk macros - The and fields are required in the JSON.
"" : "New Ticket",
"event.Ticket ID":"{{}}",

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