
Analytics is mParticle’s customer journey analytics platform designed for product and marketing teams to leverage complex analysis to build better products that drive conversion, increase engagement, and retain customers.


  • Analytics supports both Event and Audience connections when integrating with an mParticle data source. However, Analytics requires an event input to be able to use the platform, so enabling the Event connection is required.
  • Set up your Analytics projects using the free trial wizard in mParticle.

Supported Platforms

  • Alexa
  • Android
  • Apple TV
  • Data Feeds
  • Fire TV
  • iOS
  • Roku
  • SmartTV
  • tvOS
  • Web
  • Xbox

Supported Identities

Analytics supports the following user and device identities.

User Identities

  • Email Address
  • Customer ID
  • mParticle ID (MPID)
  • Other
  • Other 2
  • Other 3
  • Other 4
  • Other 5
  • Other 6
  • Other 7
  • Other 8
  • Other 9
  • Other 10

Device Identities

  • Push Token
  • Android Device ID
  • Apple IDFV
  • Apple IDFA
  • Google Advertising ID
  • Roku Advertising ID
  • Roku Publisher ID

Supported Event Types

Analytics supports the following event types:

  • Application State Transition
  • Commerce Event
  • Crash Report
  • Custom Event
  • Opt Out
  • Push Registration
  • Push Open
  • Screen View
  • Session End
  • Session Start
  • User Attribute Change
  • User Identity Change

Data Processing Notes

  • Analytics accepts data from any timeframe.

    • Data with mParticle event timestamp <= 24 hours will process in Analytics in near real time
    • Data with mParticle event timestamp > 24 hours will process through Analytics’s replay queue, which is meant built for backfills and runs sequentially, first in, first out. Generally allow a few days for data to be available in Analytics that runs through the replay queue.
  • In addition to the user IDs, device IDs, and event types listed previously, mParticle forwards location, IP address, Device Application Stamp, and user agent data to Analytics.
  • Analytics supports DSR forwarding from mParticle. See Analytics’s Privacy & Security docs for information on deletion, rectification, and suppression APIs.

User Identity Options

Analytics uses mParticle’s MPID as the Analytics eventUniqueId. The MPID is therefore the only user identity to match incoming event and audience updates to the correct user profile in Analytics. Therefore, the configuration of IDSync and the identity strategy for your mParticle account will be applied to events in Analytics.

Data Mapping Reference

Event Data Mapping

The following mParticle event types are translated into Analytics events.

mParticle Event Type Analytics Event Name Note
ApplicationStateTransition App Install, App Upgrade, App Initialize, App Exit, App Background, App Foreground
Commerce: Impression Impression
Impression Item These events are sent only if Process Impression Item Events is set to True
Commerce: ProductAction $action For example, “Purchase”
$action Item For example, “Purchase Item”. These events are only processed If Process Product Action Item Events is enabled.
Commerce: PromotionAction Promo $action For example, “Promo Click”
Commerce: PromotionAction Promo $action Item For example, “Promo Click Item.” These events are only processed if Process Promotion Item Events is enabled.
Custom Event CustomEvent.name
Crash Report Error
PushMessageReceived Push Received
PushSubscription Push $action $action will be either “Subscribe” or “Unsubscribe.”
ScreenView Screen View
SessionEnd Session End
SessionStart Session Start

Custom Event Name Clashes

If you have a custom attribute name that is the same as an event name in Analytics, for example screen_name, you can keep both values by requesting that the prefix mp_ be added to one of the names. If you don’t do this, Analytics chooses one value at random and drops the other, leading to unpredictable results.

To request this, submit a request to Support.

Time-based Auto-generated Properties

Analytics auto-generates time-based properties for each event that it receives from mParticle. These properties are determined and defined as follows:

Property Value Start and End Times
Morning 05:00 - Before 10:00
Daytime 10:00 - Before 18:00
Evening 18:00 - Before 21:00
Night 21:00 - Before 00:00
Overnight 00:00 - Before 05:00

Properties Data Model

mParticle attributes are converted to Analytics properties automatically when forwarded. The Analytics naming conventions closely match mParticle, with the following exceptions:

mParticle Property Value or Path Analytics User Property Name Note
platform mp_rt_env
ip mp_rt_ip
sdk_version mp_rt_sdkversion
http_header_user_agent mp_rt_useragent
ErrorEvent.breadcrumbs breadcrumbs A comma-delimited string of breadcrumbs
CustomEvent.name custom_event_name
CustomEvent.customType custom_event_type
ImpressionEvent.impression_list_name list_name
CommerceEvent.product.$key product_$key A comma-delimited string of values.
Impression[].Product[].key product_$key For example, “product_brand” for Impression[].Product[].brand or “product_id” for Impression[].Product[].id
PushSubscriptionEvent is_push_subscribed True or False, depending on the action

In addition to mp_rt_useragent, the following properties are derived from http_header_user_agentand may be returned:

  • mp_rt_browsername
  • mp_rt_browserversion
  • mp_rt_osname
  • mp_rt_osversion
  • mp_rt_devicetype

User Properties Data Model

mParticle user attributes are included in a UserAttributeChangeEvent or directly from event types. The following user attributes are converted to Analytics user properties when forwarded:

mParticle Property Value or Path Analytics User Property Name Note
user_identities user_id.$type For example, user_id.customer
device_info device_id.$type For example, device_id.ios_advertising_id
user_attributes ua_$key For example, ua_$firstname and ua_color=’red’
UserAttributeChangeEvent.added{}.value ua_$key
UserAttributeChangeEvent.removed{}.key ua_$key Analytics does not support unsetting a user attribute, so the value is replaced with “$unset”. For example, userattr_color=”$unset”.

Automatic UTM Parsing

For any event that mParticle sends to Analytics containing a URL with UTM parameters, Analytics automatically parses each UTM parameter into separate properties. In the table below, assume that Analytics has received a URL as a property named pageUrl:

Supported UTM Parameter Example Analytics Property Name Example Analytics Property Value Description
utm_source pageUrl.utm_source Facebook Defines the source sending traffic to the URL
utm_medium pageUrl.utm_medium blog_article Defines the channel sending the UTM source
utm_campaign pageUrl.utm_campaign journeys_launch Defines the name of the campaign associated with the URL
utm_content pageUrl.utm_content header_link Used to track different ads or CTAs related to a campaign
utm_term pageUrl.utm_term la_restaurants Used to track paid keywords or phrases.
utm_source_platform pageUrl.utm_source_platform Facebook A variation of UTM source.
utm_creative_format pageUrl.utm_creative_format carousel The type of ad placement or creative material used in a campaign.
utm_marketing_tactic pageUrl.utm_marketing_tactic remarketing The tactic used in your marketing efforts.
utm_id pageUrl.utm_id 123456789 Used to track performance of campaigns in GA.

Settings Reference

You can set configuration values for different inputs, and connection setting values to control the behavior of data once it is input.

Configuration Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
API Key string Input your project API key found within your Analytics project settings.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Process Impression Item Events boolean False Choose whether to record additional events for each Product in an Impression event. Enabling this may increase your Analytics event volume significantly.
Process Product Action Item Events boolean True Choose whether to record additional events for each Product in a Product Action event. Enabling this may increase your Analytics event volume significantly.
Process Promotion Item Events boolean True Choose whether to record additional events for each Promotion in an Promotion Action event.

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