OneTrust is a global leader for GDPR and privacy management.
mParticle’s OneTrust integration operates in a unique way. While it is enabled as an event integration, no event data is passed from mParticle to OneTrust. The purpose of the integration is to allow you to map OneTrust cookie/consent groups to mParticle’s consent purposes.
mParticle can, in turn, use this consent information to enable and disable other integrations, power consent forwarding rules, and more.
Whenever a user browses your site or uses your mobile app, OneTrust provides a collection of cookie groups IDs representing the GDPR consent purposes a user has consented to, or declined.
When the OneTrust integration is enabled, the mParticle SDK connects with our servers and OneTrust to create a mapping of OneTrust cookie groups to the GDPR consent purposes defined in the mParticle UI.
The mParticle SDK then registers event listeners that act when OneTrust dispatches consent events via the OneTrust modal. The mParticle SDK will then update consent state every time the user confirms their changes.
mParticle’s OneTrust integration requires that you add the OneTrust SDK to your Web, iOS, or Android app. This kit-only integration solely supports client-side data forwarding.
When initialized, the mParticle OneTrust kit will map OneTrust’s consent group cookie IDs to your mParticle GDPR consent purposes according to the mapping you have defined in the Connection Settings.
The basic requirements to enable the OneTrust integration are:
Add the OneTrust SDK to your app (this requires a manual download or private credentials)
There may also be additional configuration required to implement the OneTrust UI for your application. Please consult the OneTrust SDK Dev Portal for instructions.
See the Apple SDK and Android SDK guides to read more about kits.
The OneTrust integration works by syncing consent state between the current mParticle user and OneTrust SDK. You must separately initialize the OneTrust SDK and the mParticle SDK, and the integration simply works as a bridge between the two.
The flow is as follows:
Before enabling the integration, include your customized script for OneTrust in the <head>
of your page before the mParticle snippet. You can get this from your OneTrust dashboard under Preference & Consent Management > Cookie Compliance > Integrations > Scripts
Add the OneTrust SDK script tag to your html
// OneTrust script from your admin dashboard
<!-- OneTrust Cookies Consent Notice start for YOURWEBSITENAME.COM -->
data-domain-script="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" >
<script type="text/javascript">
// Required OneTrust Callback
function OptanonWrapper() { }
<!-- OneTrust Cookies Consent Notice end for YOURWEBSITENAME.COM -->
// Add mParticle SDK snippet below
Add Cookie Settings Button and Policy Information (optional)
OneTrust recommends that you add a Cookie Settings button or div
in your site/application’s footer
<!-- OneTrust Cookies Settings button start -->
<button id="ot-sdk-btn" class="ot-sdk-show-settings">Cookie Settings</button>
<!-- OneTrust Cookies Settings button end -->
Optionally, you can also add a cookie policy list
<!-- OneTrust Cookies List start -->
<div id="ot-sdk-cookie-policy"></div>
<!-- OneTrust Cookies List end -->
Web Implementation Details
When a user browses your web site, the OneTrust Web SDK sets a OnetrustActiveGroups
variable on the window
. This variable is a comma-separated list of Cookie Groups the current user is part of. The value might look like "group 2, group 4"
When the OneTrust integration is enabled, the mParticle SDK checks the value of OnetrustActiveGroups
and sets consent state for each mapped purpose. If the mapped Cookie Group ID is listed in OnetrustActiveGroups
, mParticle will set the value of consented
to true
for the corresponding purpose. If the ID is not listed, mParticle sets consented
to false
For example, if your Cookie Groups are mapped as below, and the value of OnetrustActiveGroups
is "group 2"
, mParticle will set consented
to true
for the “Performance” purpose and false
for the “Marketing” purpose.
The mParticle SDK will automatically update consent state if the user changes, or if the value of OnetrustActiveGroups
The mParticle SDK also waits for the OneTrust SDK to fire the OptanonWrapper
callback, signaling that OneTrust has loaded and is able to send events. Please make sure this is included in your implementation as OneTrust also requires this.
Before enabling the integration, you must install the OneTrust SDK. This can either be installed via CocoaPods (recommended) or via your OneTrust dashboard under Preference & Consent Management > Cookie Compliance > Integrations > SDKs
Further instructions can be found at
Note: If you install the SDK manually using artifacts downloaded from OneTrust, you will also need to manually drag the MPKitOneTrust.h and MPKitOneTrust.m files from the kit into your project.
Add the OneTrust SDK to your Podspec file
Add the OneTrust podspec repositories as sources to your application’s Podfile, then add the necessary pods:
target 'Your-App' do
# Required pods
# Specify exact version used in
pod 'OneTrust-CMP-XCFramework', 'X.XX.X'
pod 'mParticle-Apple-SDK', '~>8.4.0'
pod 'mParticle-OneTrust', '~>8.0.2'
Run pod install
in the root of your application directory
$> pod install
Downloading dependencies
Installing mParticle-OneTrust 8.0.2 (was 8.0.1)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Pod installation complete! There are 6 dependencies from the Podfile and 5 total pods installed.
Import and initialize the OneTrust SDK:
#import <mParticle_Apple_SDK/mParticle.h>
#import <OTPublishersHeadlessSDK/OTPublishersHeadlessSDK-Swift.h>
[[OTPublishersHeadlessSDK shared]
startSDKWithStorageLocation: @""
params: sdkParams
completionHandler:^(OTResponse *response) {
// Take any next action
iOS Implementation Details
When building your app, OneTrust requires that you implement their OTPublisherHeadlessSDK
and either their Banner or Preference Center UI via OTPublishersHeadlessSDK.shared.setupUI
and either showPreferenceCenterUI
or showBannerUI
. This will render the OneTrust UI upon your application’s first load. You may also need to configure a button in your UI to manually trigger these UI function separately. Please consult the OneTrust: Displaying User Interfaces documentation for details.
Upon loading your mobile app, the mParticle SDK will fetch the Consent Mapping defined in your mParticle OneTrust Connection and map these GDPR Consent Purposes with OneTrust Cookie Categories. The SDK will then define NSNotificationCenter
Observers for each OneTrust Cookie Category and fetch the current consent state from OneTrust’s servers using OTPublishersHeadlessSDK.shared getConsentStatusForCategory
, initializing a user’s session with their current consent state.
When a user interacts with the OneTrust UI, the OTPublishersHeadlessSDK
will dispatch an event to the NSNotificationCenter
which will then be picked up by the mParticle SDK’s listeners. This will continue to update the consent state any time the user interacts with the OneTrust UI.
Before enabling the integration, you must install the OneTrust SDK. This can either be installed via Maven (recommended) or via your OneTrust dashboard under Preference & Consent Management > Cookie Compliance > Integrations > SDKs
Add the OneTrust SDK to your settings.gradle file
include ':app', ':OTPublishersHeadlessSDK-release'
include ':mparticle-android-integration-onetrust'
Import and initialize the OneTrust SDK
// import OneTrust SDK
import com.onetrust.otpublishers.headless.Public.OTPublishersHeadlessSDK;
// Use OneTrust
OTPublishersHeadlessSDK otPublishersHeadlessSDK = new OTPublishersHeadlessSDK(this);
otPublishersHeadlessSDK.startSDK(domainURL, domainId, languageCode, sdkParams, new OTCallback() {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull OTResponse otSuccessResponse) {
// Success logging and actions
public void onFailure(@NonNull OTResponse otErrorResponse) {
// Use below method to get errorCode and errorMessage.
int errorCode = otErrorResponse.getResponseCode();
String errorDetails = otErrorResponse.getResponseMessage();
// Use toString() to log complete OT response
Log.i(LOG_TAG, otErrorResponse.toString());
// import OneTrust SDK
import com.onetrust.otpublishers.headless.Public.OTPublishersHeadlessSDK;
// Use OneTrust
val otPublishersHeadlessSDK = OTPublishersHeadlessSDK(this)
"", // domainURL
"en", // languageCode
null, // sdkParams
object : OTCallback {
override fun onSuccess(otSuccessResponse: OTResponse) {
// Success logging and actions
override fun onFailure(otErrorResponse: OTResponse) {
// Use below method to get errorCode and errorMessage.
val errorCode = otErrorResponse.responseCode
val errorDetails = otErrorResponse.responseMessage
Log.i(LOG_TAG, otErrorResponse.toString());
Android Implementation Details
When building your app, OneTrust requires that you implement their OTPublishersHeadlessSDK
and either their Banner or Preference Center UI via OTPublishersHeadlessSDK.setupUI
and either showPreferenceCenterUI
or showBannerUI
. This will render the OneTrust modal upon your application’s first load. You may also need to configure a button in your UI to manually trigger these UI function separately. Please consult the OneTrust: Displaying User Interfaces documentation for details.
Upon loading your mobile app, the mParticle SDK will fetch the Consent Mapping defined in your mParticle OneTrust Connection and map these Consent Purposes with OneTrust Cookie Categories. The SDK will then define BroadcastReceiver()
Observers for each OneTrust Cookie Category and fetch the current consent state from OneTrust’s servers using OTPublishersHeadlessSDK.getConsentStatusForGroupId
, initializing a user’s session with their current consent state.
When a user interracts with the OneTrust modal, the OTPublishersHeadlessSDK
will dispatch an event that the mParticle SDK’s BroadcastReceiver()
will pick up and update the mParticle Consent State. This will continue to update the consent state any time the user interacts with the OneTrust UI.
To enable the OneTrust integration, configure OneTrust from mParticle’s integrations directory and connect it to your input. In the Connection Settings, you need to map your OneTrust Cookie Group IDs and your OneTrust Vendor IDs for each type of Vendor (IAB, Google, and General) to your mParticle GDPR consent purposes.
The ID of each of your Cookie Groups can be found in the OneTrust dashboard under Preference & Consent Management > Cookie Compliance > Categorizations > Categories
To retrieve your vendor Ids, visit The initial page will show the ID for your General Vendors on the main page (these are user editable). Click on IAB Vendor
and filter the list there for both IAB and Google Vendors.
In this example, you can see the 4 sections for mapping your mParticle consent purposes to the corresponding consent mapping in OneTrust. Purpose Consent Mapping is for your category or cookie consent groups while the other three sections refer to the three different types of vendor consent groups in OneTrust.
Setting Name | Data Type | Description |
Purpose Consent Mapping | string |
Mapping of your mParticle GDPR consent purposes to OneTrust consent groups. |
IAB Vendor Consent Mapping | string |
Mapping of your mParticle consent purposes to OneTrust IAB vendor consent groups. |
Google Vendor Consent Mapping | string |
Mapping of your mParticle consent purposes to OneTrust Google consent groups. |
General Vendor Consent Mapping | string |
Mapping of your mParticle consent purposes to OneTrust general vendor consent groups. |
The mParticle OneTrust integration supports both GDPR and CCPA consent states transparently. Currently, any OneTrust Cookie Group that is mapped to a consent purpose of data_sale_opt_in
will be automatically assigned a CCPA consent state. All other consent purposes are mapped as GDPR.
To learn more about GDPR and CCPA consent purposes, see Data Privacy Controls.
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