Analytics offers a number of different endpoints for creating and modifying your data:

  • Track Events allows you to record events in Analytics
  • Identify Users allows you to set user properties for a specified user
  • Alias Users allows you to merge two user event streams and profiles together
  • Suppress User Data allows you to suppress further calls for a specified user from being processed
  • Delete User Data allows you to submit a request for deletion of data for a specified user

All Analytics API endpoints, with the exception of the track events endpoint, require the use of the POST method to invoke as well as a Content-Type header of application/json. The Analytics track events endpoint can be invoked through either the POST or the GET method. Additionally, all of Analytics API endpoints require specifying an API Key to identify Analytics project. This can be submitted either as part of your JSON request body or as a path parameter in each individual URL.

For each of Analytics’ API calls, our servers will respond with one of a few status codes indicating the outcome of your request:

Status Code Description
200 OK Your request successfully reached our servers and used the correct syntax.
400 Bad Request Your request contained malformed syntax. This may indicate that the API Key you used is incorrect.
422 Unprocessable Entity Your request used the correct syntax, but one or more JSON field values violated the constraints listed above.

Please note: Capitalization is important for all fields. 

Track Events

We offer two options for submitting events to our REST API: submitting one event at a time, or submitting batches of events.

Track a Single Event

Single events can be tracked either through the POST method or the GET method

POST Method

Our REST API’s single event endpoint is
or{Your API KEY}

To send us an event, you’ll need to make a POST request to that URL with a Content-Type of ‘application/json’. In the POST body, include a JSON object with the following fields:

Name Type Description
apiKey String The API Key for this project. If the key you provide is invalid, we’ll return a 400 Bad Request error.
eventName String The name of the event. Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length, and cannot be null.
eventUniqueId String The unique identifier for the user triggering the event. Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length, and cannot be null.
properties JSON Object An internal JSON Object, listing property names and values as Strings. Values will be truncated at 255 characters.
eventTime Number The time that the event occurred. The value should be in unix timestamp (either in seconds or milliseconds) or ISO 8601 format. This field is optional, and will default to the current time if not set. Events with negative timestamps (i.e., dates before 1970 UTC) will be rejected.

As an example, your JSON Object would resemble the following:

    "apiKey": "Your-API-Key",
    "eventName": "Registration",
    "eventUniqueId": "user47",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Age": "23"

Our servers will respond with one of a few status codes indicating the outcome of your request:

Status Code Description
200 OK Your request successfully reached our servers and used the correct syntax.
400 Bad Request Your request contained malformed syntax. This may indicate that the API Key you used is incorrect.
422 Unprocessable Entity Your request used the correct syntax, but one or more JSON field values violated the constraints listed above.

GET Method

Analytics supports GET requests via its HTTP API. To utilize, send the same arguments included in the JSON of a normal POST request encoded as query parameters, with the exception of the properties dictionary. To send properties, include multiple query parameters named “propertyNames” and “propertyValues” corresponding to the keys and values in the properties dictionary. Note that the number of propertyNames and propertyValues must be the same.

Our REST API’s single event endpoint is:

To send us an event, you’ll need to make a GET request to that URL with a Content-Type of ‘application/json’. In the GET body, include a JSON object with the following fields:

Name Type Description
apiKey String The API Key for this project. If the key you provide is invalid, we’ll return a 400 Bad Request error.
eventName String The name of the event. Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length, and cannot be null.
eventUniqueId String The unique identifier for the user triggering the event. Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length, and cannot be null.
propertyNames String The name of the property. Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length.
propertyValues String The value of the propertyName directly preceding. Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length.
eventTime Number The time that the event occurred. The value should be in unix timestamp (either in seconds or milliseconds) or ISO 8601 format. This field is optional, and will default to the current time if not set. Events with negative timestamps (i.e., dates before 1970 UTC) will be rejected.

As an example, your GET request would resemble the following:{Your API Key}&eventName=EmailOpen&eventUniqueId=user123&propertyNames=prop1& propertyValues=val1&propertyNames=prop2&propertyValues=val2

Our servers will respond with one of a few status codes indicating the outcome of your request:

Status Code Description
200 OK Your request successfully reached our servers and used the correct syntax.
400 Bad Request Your request contained malformed syntax. This may indicate that the API Key you used is incorrect.
422 Unprocessable Entity Your request used the correct syntax, but one or more JSON field values violated the constraints listed above.

Track a Batch of Events

To send multiple events at once, you’ll want to use our batch endpoint at:

It works similarly to the single event endpoint — it requires a POST with Content-Type: ‘application/json’ and a POST body containing the following:

Name Type Description
apiKey String The API Key for this project. If the key you provide is invalid, we’ll return a 400 Bad Request error.
events JSON Array The events to be recorded, in an array. Each object in this array should adhere to the format used to send up a single event, indicated above. The ‘apiKey’ field used in the single event is unnecessary here, and will be disregarded if included.

We recommend that your implementation include up to 100 events per batch. All events sent in a batch default to the current time. To override this, you can set the “eventTime” key for each event to a specific Unix timestamp value. As an example, a batch of two events that would be assigned with the current time would resemble the following:

        "apiKey": "Your-API-Key",
        "events": [
                "eventName": "Registration",
                "eventUniqueId": "user47",
                    "Gender": "Female",
                    "Age": "23"
                "eventName": "Log-In",
                "eventUniqueId": "user752",
                    "Gender": "Male",
                     "Age": "31"

The status codes returned by the batch endpoint are the same as the single event endpoint specified above. When sending either single or batched events, there is a rate limit of 250 events per second. If you need a higher rate limit, please contact

Identify Users

Analytics’ Identify endpoint allows customers to update user properties for a specified unique key. User properties that are specified through this endpoint persist until the property value has been overwritten by another call to the Identify or Track Events APIs.

Our REST API’s Identify endpoint is:
or{Your API KEY}

To call this method, make a POST request to the above URL with a Content-Type of ‘application/json’. In the POST body, include a JSON object with the following fields:

Name Type Description
apiKey String The API Key for this project. If the key you provide is invalid, we’ll return a 400 Bad Request error.
uniqueId String The unique identifier of the user to update. Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length, and cannot be null.
properties JSON Object An internal JSON Object, listing property names and values as strings. Values will be truncated at 255 characters.

Alias Users

Our REST API’s alias endpoint is:
or{Your API KEY}

For more details on how aliasing works, see more detailed documentation here.

To send us an alias, you’ll need to make a POST request to that URL with a Content-Type of ‘application/json’. In the POST body, include a JSON object with the following fields:

Name Type Description
apiKey String The API Key for this project. If the key you provide is invalid, we’ll return a 400 Bad Request error.
previousId String The previous unique identifier for a user. This is most often an anonymous ID, which is generated before a user identifies themselves by registering or logging in.
newId String The new unique identified for a user. This is most often a user ID that uniquely identifies a user within your application.

Suppress User Data

Analytics’ Suppress endpoint allows customers to suppress future data from being processed for a specified unique key.

The REST API’s Suppress endpoint is:
or{Your API KEY}

To call this method, make a POST request to the above URL with a Content-Type of ‘application/json’. In the POST body, include a JSON object with the following fields:

Name Type Description
apiKey String The API Key for this project. If the key you provide is invalid, we’ll return a 400 Bad Request error.
uniqueId String The unique identifier of the user whose data to suppress. Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length, and cannot be null.

Delete User Data

Analytics’ Delete endpoint allows customers to submit a request to irrevocably delete data for a specified unique key from Analytics. In addition, a call to this endpoint suppresses future data from being processed for a specified unique key.

The REST API’s Suppress endpoint is:
or{Your API KEY}

To call this method, make a POST request to the above URL with a Content-Type of ‘application/json’. In the POST body, include a JSON object with the following fields:

Name Type Description
apiKey String The API Key for this project. If the key you provide is invalid, we’ll return a 400 Bad Request error.
uniqueId String The unique identifier of the user whose data to suppress. Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length, and cannot be null.

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