Conversion over Time

The Conversion Over Time tool shows how a Funnel analysis performs over time. It enables you to visualize, in one chart, the same funnel shifted on an interval basis over a larger window of time.

Conversion vs. Conversion Over Time

Conversion Over Time vs Conversion

You can toggle a funnel between Conversion and Conversion Over Time analyses.

  • Conversion tracks users through a multistep sequence of events, or “funnel”. Users who complete steps within the funnel are counted only once.
  • Conversion Over Time displays how the funnel performs on a historical basis. Users who complete steps within a funnel can be counted more than once if they complete the funnel over multiple intervals.

Conversion Over Time Analysis

Choosing daily, weekly, or monthly determines the length of the funnel entry window.

Conversion Over Time Intervals

Conversion over time between steps

When Conversion Over Time queries are visualized as a table, you may view the 3 core conversion metrics (Conversion Rate, Average Conversion Time, and Converted Users) between each step in your funnel. With this feature, you can identify what steps in your funnel are driving drop-off or increased conversion, just like you can with a standard funnel analysis.

Take the following funnel:

  1. Blog View
  2. Download App
  3. Start App

Conversion Funnel Example

In the Table visualization, the three funnel metrics are displayed not only for the entire funnel, but for each step within the funnel:

Table Visualization of Funnel Metrics

The specific funnel steps shown in the table can be toggled using the Steps dropdown in the query settings bar:

You may also toggle on and off the metrics displayed via the Metrics dropdown in the query settings bar. For each step, you can view:

  • Total Conversion Rate (the percentage of users who completed that step compared to the previous one).
  • Converted Users (the number of users who completed that step).
  • Average Conversion Time (the average time it took to move from that step to the next).

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