Conversion Window


A Conversion Window is a type of time-based filter. If you define a conversion window, then only users who complete the steps in the funnel within the defined period will appear in the results. Users who completed the funnel, but did not complete the steps within the window will not appear in the results. 

Defining a conversion window can be particularly helpful for exploring events that influence or accelerate other events, or to exclude outlier users who impact average conversion time. The time window is applied to either the entire funnel or on a per-step basis. All new queries default to Unlimited.

Define a conversion window

To define a conversion window, click on Conversion Settings, located within the menu bar beneath the query builder, then select Limited. Next, you may select whether to apply the conversion window to the entire funnel, or to each step within the funnel.


Entire funnel

The options for funnel conversion windows are: 5 Minutes, 1 Hour, 1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month, Custom, or Entry Date Range. Custom allows you to define a new conversion window, for example two minutes or six months. Entry Date Range will include only users who complete the Funnel within the date range defined in the query’s date range. This appears after Entered Funnel in the date range selector located in the menu bar beneath the query builder.


In the following example, each user in the funnel parameters (A) Site Visit, (B) Blog View, (C) Create Profile, and (D) Subscribe must complete their conversion within one week.

Each step

If you select Each Step, you will be able to define different conversion windows for each step using the query builder. The Each Step conversion windows are: “anytime subsequent” (this is the default funnel setting), or within a specified amount of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. Each step may contain a different conversion window.


In the following example, each user in the funnel parameters (A) Site Visit, (B) Blog View, (C) Create Profile, and (D) Subscribe must complete each step within one week of the previous step.


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