Save a Journey Analysis

To save your Journeys query, select the Save as New button in the top right corner above the query builder. Here, you can choose to save your query or add it to a dashboard.

Save Journeys Menu

Saving to a dashboard

Once you choose “Save into Dashboard”, a pop-up window will appear. Use the dropdown menu to select the dashboard in which to save your Journeys query. If you want to save your query to a new dashboard, you can create a dashboard from the save window.

Journeys Save Analysis

Saving your analysis

Once you choose “Save Analysis”, a pop-up window appears. Here, use the dropdown menu to select the folder in which to save your Journeys bookmark.

Journeys Save to Dash

Saving modified queries

If you access and modify a saved query or a query within a dashboard, choose the Save button in the top right corner of the query builder. This will replace the existing saved analysis or dashboard query. If you want to retain the original analysis, then save the modified query as a new analysis or dashboard query (see above). Don’t forget to change the query name in order to differentiate between the two!

Journeys Modify Query


Journey reporting lets you explore common flows through your digital properties. These flows can help you identify points of friction. They can also uncover different flows through the site that you can then formalize and monitor with Funnel reports.

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