Dashboard Tips and Tricks

Goal: Spend less time aggregating KPIs by getting the most out of your Analytics dashboards**

Adding Queries to a Dashboard

Adding query to dashboard in segmentation funnel cohort

In Segmentation, Funnel, and Cohort, you can add a query to your customer journey dashboard by navigating to the Save to Dashboard button in the top right-hand corner. In the Funnel tool, you will be given a few options for how your analysis will display in the dashboard. Select as many as you would like displayed in your dashboard, and each will become a separate widget.

Selecting how analysis displays in dashboard

Rename and Delete Widgets

First, find the three-dot menu to the upper right of the analysis in a dashboard. Choose Settings to rename the dashboard. Select on the name of the widget to edit the individual analysis.

Renaming and deleting widgets in dashboard

Editing individual analysis in dashboard widget

Setting Up Scheduled Reports

Once you have built your dashboard to your liking, now is when we suggest you schedule reports to be sent on a cadence of your choosing.

Users can schedule their dashboard results to be sent to other Analytics users, executives, or external partners and stakeholders. Once a report is created, your dashboard will refresh at the selected date and time, and a PDF will be sent to the selected individuals.

In addition to the PDF snapshot, Analytics users may access your dashboard to view results in real time. Any teammate with access to your Analytics project can create a Scheduled Report for an existing dashboard.

Now, let’s dive into how to create a Scheduled Report.

To create a scheduled report, you must first create a dashboard to send it from. If you already have a dashboard that you’d like to use, navigate to that dashboard using the View dropdown in the top navigation menu. In this case, we will use a previously built dashboard called “Test Dashboard” for the purposes of this demonstration.

Once you have selected your desired dashboard and changed your dashboard layout mode to Print Mode, click to open the Reports dropdown in Dashboards settings in the top right of the dashboard.

Here, you may view your existing Scheduled Reports or create a new Scheduled Report as shown below:

Creating a scheduled report in dashboard

You are now ready to build a dashboard and share it with your team, congratulations!

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