

API References
Data Subject Request API

Data Subject Request API Version 1 and 2

Data Subject Request API Version 3

Platform API

Platform API Overview




Calculated Attributes

Data Points


Field Transformations




Warehouse Sync API

Warehouse Sync API Overview

Warehouse Sync API Tutorial

Warehouse Sync API Reference

Data Mapping

Warehouse Sync SQL Reference

Warehouse Sync Troubleshooting Guide


Warehouse Sync API v2 Migration

Calculated Attributes Seeding API

Bulk Profile Deletion API Reference

Group Identity API Reference

Custom Access Roles API

Data Planning API

Pixel Service

Profile API

Events API

mParticle JSON Schema Reference


Media SDKs




Client SDKs





Network Security Configuration

Event Tracking

User Attributes


Screen Events

Commerce Events

Location Tracking



Application State and Session Management

Data Privacy Controls

Error Tracking

Opt Out

Push Notifications

WebView Integration


Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME

Linting Data Plans

Troubleshooting the Android SDK

API Reference

Upgrade to Version 5


Cordova Plugin



Getting Started


API Reference

Direct Url Routing

Direct URL Routing FAQ







Event Tracking

User Attributes


Screen Tracking

Commerce Events

Location Tracking



Application State and Session Management

Data Privacy Controls

Error Tracking

Opt Out

Push Notifications

Webview Integration

Upload Frequency

App Extensions

Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME

Linting Data Plans

Troubleshooting iOS SDK

Social Networks

iOS 14 Guide

iOS 15 FAQ

iOS 16 FAQ

iOS 17 FAQ

iOS 18 FAQ

API Reference

Upgrade to Version 7

React Native

Getting Started



Getting Started




Upload Frequency

Getting Started

Opt Out

Initialize the SDK

Event Tracking

Commerce Tracking

Error Tracking

Screen Tracking


Location Tracking

Session Management


Getting Started





Content Security Policy

Event Tracking

User Attributes


Page View Tracking

Commerce Events

Location Tracking



Application State and Session Management

Data Privacy Controls

Error Tracking

Opt Out

Custom Logger


Native Web Views


Multiple Instances

Web SDK via Google Tag Manager

Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME

Facebook Instant Articles

Troubleshooting the Web SDK

Browser Compatibility

Linting Data Plans

API Reference

Upgrade to Version 2 of the SDK


Getting Started




Server SDKs

Node SDK


Python SDK

Ruby SDK

Java SDK



Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Verify your input

Step 3. Set up your output

Step 4. Create a connection

Step 5. Verify your connection

Step 6. Track events

Step 7. Track user data

Step 8. Create a data plan

Step 9. Test your local app

HTTP Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output

iOS Quick Start


Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Verify your input

Step 3. Set up your output

Step 4. Create a connection

Step 5. Verify your connection

Step 6. Track events

Step 7. Track user data

Step 8. Create a data plan

Java Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output

Node Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output

Python Quick Start

Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Create an output

Step 3. Verify output



Step 1. Create an input

Step 2. Verify your input

Step 3. Set up your output

Step 4. Create a connection

Step 5. Verify your connection

Step 6. Track events

Step 7. Track user data

Step 8. Create a data plan


mParticle Command Line Interface

Linting Tools




Outbound Integrations

Outbound Integrations

Firehose Java SDK

Inbound Integrations

Kit Integrations


Android Kit Integration

JavaScript Kit Integration

iOS Kit Integration

Compose ID

Data Hosting Locations


Migrate from Segment to mParticle

Migrate from Segment to mParticle

Migrate from Segment to Client-side mParticle

Migrate from Segment to Server-side mParticle

Segment-to-mParticle Migration Reference

Rules Developer Guide

API Credential Management

The Developer's Guided Journey to mParticle


Customer 360


User Profiles


User Profiles

Group Identity


Create and Manage Group Definitions

Calculated Attributes

Calculated Attributes Overview

Using Calculated Attributes

Create with AI Assistance

Calculated Attributes Reference

Predictive Attributes

What are predictive attributes?

Predict Future Behavior

Create Future Prediction

Use Future Predictions in Campaigns

Assess and Troubleshoot Predictions

Next Best Action

Next Best Action Overview

Create a Next Best Action (NBA)

View and Manage NBAs

Activate Next Best Actions in Campaigns

Getting Started

Create an Input

Start capturing data

Connect an Event Output

Create an Audience

Connect an Audience Output

Transform and Enhance Your Data

Platform Guide

Usage and Billing Report


Observability Overview

Observability User Guide

Observability Troubleshooting Examples

Observability Span Glossary

The New mParticle Experience

The new mParticle Experience

The Overview Map

Event Forwarding

System Alerts



Data Retention

Data Catalog



Data Plans

Live Stream



Blocked Data Backfill Guide

Tiered Events

mParticle Users and Roles

Analytics Free Trial

Troubleshooting mParticle

Usage metering for value-based pricing (VBP)

New Audiences Experience

Audiences Overview

Create an Audience

Connect an Audience

Manage Audiences

Classic Audiences Experience

Real-time Audiences (Legacy)

Standard Audiences (Legacy)


Journeys Overview

Manage Journeys

Download an audience from a journey

Audience A/B testing from a journey

Predictive Audiences

Predictive Audiences Overview

Using Predictive Audiences


IDSync Overview

Use Cases for IDSync

Components of IDSync

Store and Organize User Data

Identify Users

Default IDSync Configuration

Profile Conversion Strategy

Profile Link Strategy

Profile Isolation Strategy

Best Match Strategy




Core Analytics


Sync and Activate Analytics User Segments in mParticle

User Segment Activation

Welcome Page Announcements


Project Settings

Roles and Teammates

Organization Settings

Global Project Filters

Portfolio Analytics

Analytics Data Manager

Analytics Data Manager Overview


Event Properties

User Properties

Revenue Mapping

Export Data

UTM Guide


Analyses Introduction

Segmentation: Basics

Getting Started

Visualization Options

For Clauses

Date Range and Time Settings


Numerical Settings

Segmentation: Advanced

Assisted Analysis

Properties Explorer

Frequency in Segmentation

Trends in Segmentation

Did [not] Perform Clauses

Cumulative vs. Non-Cumulative Analysis in Segmentation

Total Count of vs. Users Who Performed

Save Your Segmentation Analysis

Export Results in Segmentation

Explore Users from Segmentation

Funnels: Basics

Getting Started with Funnels

Group By Settings

Conversion Window

Tracking Properties

Date Range and Time Settings

Visualization Options

Interpreting a Funnel Analysis

Funnels: Advanced

Group By


Conversion over Time

Conversion Order


Funnel Direction

Multi-path Funnels

Analyze as Cohort from Funnel

Save a Funnel Analysis

Explore Users from a Funnel

Export Results from a Funnel


Getting Started with Cohorts

Analysis Modes

Save a Cohort Analysis

Export Results

Explore Users

Saved Analyses

Manage Analyses in Dashboards


Getting Started

Event Menu


Ending Event

Save a Journey Analysis


Getting Started

User Activity Timelines

Time Settings

Export Results

Save A User Analysis

Query Builder

Data Dictionary

Query Builder Overview

Modify Filters With And/Or Clauses

Query-time Sampling

Query Notes

Filter Where Clauses

Event vs. User Properties

Group By Clauses


Cross-tool Compatibility

Apply All for Filter Where Clauses

Date Range and Time Settings Overview

User Attributes at Event Time

Understanding the Screen View Event

User Aliasing


Dashboards––Getting Started

Manage Dashboards

Organize Dashboards

Dashboard Filters

Scheduled Reports


Time and Interval Settings in Dashboards

Query Notes in Dashboards

Analytics Resources

The Demo Environment

Keyboard Shortcuts

User Segments


Analytics for Marketers

Analytics for Product Managers

Compare Conversion Across Acquisition Sources

Analyze Product Feature Usage

Identify Points of User Friction

Time-based Subscription Analysis

Dashboard Tips and Tricks

Understand Product Stickiness

Optimize User Flow with A/B Testing


User Segments Export API

Dashboard Filter API

Warehouse Sync

Data Privacy Controls

Data Subject Requests

Default Service Limits


Cross-Account Audience Sharing

Approved Sub-Processors

Import Data with CSV Files

Import Data with CSV Files

CSV File Reference


Video Index

Analytics (Deprecated)
Identity Providers

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Setup Examples


Debug Console

Data Warehouse Delay Alerting


Developer Docs





Google Tag Manager


Data Warehouses and Data Lakes

Advanced Data Warehouse Settings

AWS Kinesis (Snowplow)

AWS Redshift (Define Your Own Schema)

AWS S3 (Snowplow Schema)

AWS S3 Integration (Define Your Own Schema)

BigQuery (Snowplow Schema)

BigQuery Firebase Schema

BigQuery (Define Your Own Schema)

GCP BigQuery Export

Snowflake (Snowplow Schema)

Snowplow Schema Overview

Snowflake (Define Your Own Schema)


Dashboard Filter API (Deprecated)


User Segments Export API (Deprecated)


SDKs Introduction

React Native






Object API

Developer Basics


Data Subject Request API Version 3

Use the Data Subject Request API version 3 (v3) to receive and manage data subject requests (DSRs) for GDPR and CCPA compliance, and to forward data subject requests of type erasure. To learn more, see Data Subject Requests Guide.

This API is our instance of the OpenDSR framework, formerly known as OpenGDPR.

See the Default Service Limits for information about API rate limits.

Changes in v3

v3 contains the following changes:

  • The subject_identities are sent as a dictionary where the keys are identity types which enforces a single identity per identity type.
  • Additional identities can be provided in the extensions. The MPIDs and identities collections were merged into a single subject_identities dictionary with the same format as the subject_identities in the request.
  • If an identity of mpid is included in the extensions, no other identities can be provided in the request.
  • Updated the version field default to 3.0
  • Updated API endpoints for v3 (below)

This update enforces identity resolution to map to a single mpid, and enables forwarding of DSR requests of type erasure.

You must upgrade to version 3 in order to forward DSR requests of type erasure.

Upgrade Guide

Follow the steps below to upgrade from version 1 or version 2 to version 3.

  1. Update to the v3 base URL
  2. Update the api_version to 3.0.
  3. Update the format in the subject_identities element as described below.
  4. Change the format of the extensions as described below.
  5. If you include mpid in the extensions, you must not include any other identities.


The current (v3) mParticle OpenDSR base URL:


The DSR API is secured via basic authentication. Credentials are issued at the level of an mParticle workspace. You can obtain credentials for your workspace from the Workspace Settings screen. Note that this authentication is for a single workspace and scopes the DSR to this workspace only.

To find the API credentials for your workspace:

  1. Hover your cursor over the Settings gear in the left nav and select Workspaces.
  2. Select your workspace from the list and click Workspace Key/Secret to view your API credentials.

You can use these credentials to authenticate in two ways:

  • Many HTTP clients support basic authentication. Use your API key for the username and your API secret for the password.
  • Manually set the authentication header by encoding your key and secret together:

    1. Concatenate your application key and secret together with a colon (:) separating the two:
    2. Base64 with UTF-8 encode the result:
    3. Prefix the encoded string with the authorization method, including a space:
      Basic ZXhhbXBsZS1hcGkta2V5OmV4YW1wbGUtYXBpLXNlY3JldA==
    4. Set resulting string as the Authorization header in your HTTP requests:
      Authorization: Basic ZXhhbXBsZS1hcGkta2V5OmV4YW1wbGUtYXBpLXNlY3JldA==


The primary resource is the request object:

Resource Route Notes
request /requests Used to encapsulate the DSR.
discovery /discovery Used only to programmatically report API functionality.

Submit a Data Subject Request (DSR)

A request in the OpenDSR format communicates a Data Subject’s wish to access or erase their data. The OpenDSR Request takes a JSON request body and requires a Content-Type: application/json header:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <your-token-here>

  "regulation": "gdpr",
  "subject_request_id": "a7551968-d5d6-44b2-9831-815ac9017798",
  "subject_request_type": "erasure",
  "submitted_time": "2021-11-01T15:00:00Z",
  "subject_identities": {
    "email": {
      "value": "",
      "encoding": "raw"
    "ios_advertising_id": {
      "value": "EA7583CD-A667-48BC-B806-42ECB2B48606",
      "encoding": "raw"
  "api_version": "3.0",
  "status_callback_urls": [
  "group_id": "my-group",
  "extensions": {
    "": {
      "skip_waiting_period": false,
      "subject_identities": {
        "other6": {
          "value": "EA7583CD-A667-48BC-B806-42ECB2B48606",
          "encoding": "raw"
Field Name Data Type Required Description
regulation string Required The regulation this DSR falls under, either gdpr or ccpa.
subject_request_id UUID v4 string Required A unique identifier for the request provided by the controller.
subject_request_type string Required The type of request. Supported values are access, portability and erasure.
submitted_time ISO 8601 date string Required The time the Data Subject originally submitted the request.
skip_waiting_period boolean Optional Allows you to skip the 7 day waiting period, shortening the cancellation window to less than 24 hours and the total time to completion to between 1 and 14 days. Supported values are true or false, and the default value is false. If you do not skip the waiting period, the total time to complete an erasure request will be between 7-21 days, with a 7 day waiting period allowing you to cancel the request. Learn more.
subject_identities array Required unless an extensions field is included See below for details
api_version string Optional The API Version your request uses. Valid value is 3.0.
status_callback_urls Array Optional Array of URLs for a callback post to be made on completion of the request
group_id string Optional The group_id can be used to relate different subject requests together. The maximum number of requests that can be associated to a group_id is 150. Groups are scoped to the workspace.
extensions array Optional Contains processor-specific extensions. For mParticle, use the extensions See below for supported identity types.

The subject_identities Object

The subject_identities are sent as a dictionary where the keys are identity types, and the value fields are value and encoding. You can specify up to 50 identities in a single request. The number of identities in a request is also limited by the number of different unique identity types.

 "identity_type": {
      "value": "some value",
      "encoding": "raw"
Field Name Data Type Description
identity_type string The type of identity
value string The identity value
encoding string The encoding format of the identity value. For mParticle, the value is raw.

Supported Identity Types

Data subject requests using the OpenDSR format may include an object called subject_identities. If you use this object, you must specify:

  • identity_type: A string representing the type of identifier used (such as email or android_advertising_id)
  • value: A string representing the value of the identifier (such as
  • encoding: a string representing how the identifier is encoded

When setting the identity_type in the subject_identities object of an OpenDSR request, make sure to use values from the column labeled Supported OpenDSR Format in the table below. The column labeled mParticle Identity Type indicates the corresponding types used in mParticle.

Supported OpenDSR Format mParticle Identity Type
controller_customer_id customer_id
email email
android_advertising_id android_advertising_id
android_id android_uuid
fire_advertising_id fire_advertising_id
ios_advertising_id ios_advertising_id
ios_vendor_id ios_idfv
microsoft_advertising_id microsoft_advertising_id
microsoft_publisher_id microsoft_publisher_id
roku_advertising_id roku_advertising_id
roku_publishing_id roku_publishing_id

The identities supported in the subject_identities element in the extension are:

  • mpid
  • other
  • other2
  • other3
  • other4
  • other5
  • other6
  • other7
  • other8
  • other9
  • other10
  • mobile_number
  • phone_number_2
  • phone_number_3

Example Success Response Body

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content Type: application/json
[signature block]
    "encoded_request":"<BASE64 ENCODED REQUEST>",
    "controller_id": "3622"

Get the status of an OpenDSR request

GET /requests/{RequestID}

Example Response Body

    "controller_id": "3622",
    "expected_completion_time": "2021-12-09T00:00:00Z",
    "subject_request_id": "a7551968-d5d6-44b2-9831-815ac9017798",
    "group_id": null,
    "request_status": "pending",
    "api_version": "3.0",
    "results_url": null,
    "extensions": null    
Field Name Data Type Description
controller_id string A unique ID representing the data controller. mParticles sets this to the workspace ID.
expected_completion_time ISO 8601 date string The estimated time by which the request will be fulfilled, in UTC.
subject_request_id UUID v4 string The controller-provided identifier of the request in a GUID v4 format.
group_id string The group_id can be used to relate different subject requests together. The maximum number of requests that can be associated to a group_id is 150. Groups are scoped to the workspace.
request_status string The status of the request. Possible values are pending, in_progress, completed and cancelled.
api_version string The API version for this request. The current version is 3.0.
results_url string For Access/Portability requests, a download link to the request results data. This field contains null unless the request is complete. After a request completes, the results_url is valid for 7 days. After that time, attempting to access this URL results in a 410 Gone HTTP response. If no records can be found matching the identities in the request, a request returns a 404 error.
extensions array Extensions related to DSR forwarding.


The extensions element is a collection of information on the current state of sending the forwarding request per partner. The fields are:

Field Name Data Type Description
domain string The domain of the partner.
name string The name entered when configuring the DSR configuration for the partner.
status string The current status of the forwarding request to the partner.
status_message string Additional details for the skipped and failed status.

The status field returns the current status of the forwarding request to the partner:

Status Value Description
pending The request has been queued for forwarding.
skipped Request was not forwarded due to missing identities.
sent The request has been forwarded.
failed The request could not be sent. For example, the request may have invalid credentials or partner API errors occurred.

Get the status of all OpenDSR requests in a Group

GET /requests?group_id={my-group}

Example Response Body

The response is a collection of DSR subject requests that match the group_id.

    "controller_id": "3622",
    "expected_completion_time": "2021-09-07T10:00:00.322652Z",
    "subject_request_id": "a7551968-d5d6-44b2-9831-815ac9017798",
    "group_id": "my-group",
    "request_status": "pending",
    "api_version": "3.0",
    "results_url": null,
    "extensions": null
    "controller_id": "3622",
    "expected_completion_time": "2021-09-06T10:15:00.259842Z",
    "subject_request_id": "cab0a1fc-cfcd-475a-a2a5-e93eb060332f",
    "group_id": "my-group",
    "request_status": "pending",
    "api_version": "3.0",
    "results_url": null,
    "extensions": null

Cancel a Request

DELETE /requests/{RequestID}

Cancels a request. This can only be done if the status of the request is pending. The request is canceled in mParticle, but does not cancel the erasure requests to any enabled output.

Example Response Body

    "expected_completion_time": null,
    "received_time": "2018-05-16T17:35:58.3631375Z",
    "subject_request_id": "a7551968-d5d6-44b2-9831-815ac9017798",
    "controller_id": "3622"
Field Name Data Type Description
expected_completion_time ISO 8601 date string An estimate of the time at which the request is expected to be fulfilled, in UTC. For a cancelled request, the value is null.
received_time ISO 8601 date string The time at which the cancellation request was received.
subject_request_id string The controller-provided identifier of the request.
controller_id string A unique ID representing the data controller. mParticles sets this to the workspace ID.


GET /discovery/

The discovery endpoint allows you to programmatically check the request types and identity types supported by an OpenDSR provider.

Example Response Body

    "api_version": "3.0",
    "supported_identities": [
            "identity_type": "android_advertising_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "android_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "controller_customer_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "email",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "fire_advertising_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "ios_advertising_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "ios_vendor_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "microsoft_advertising_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "microsoft_publisher_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "roku_advertising_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
            "identity_type": "roku_publisher_id",
            "identity_format": "raw"
    "supported_subject_request_types": [
    "processor_certificate": ""


When a request changes status, including when a request is first created, mParticle sends a callback POST to all URLs specified in the status_callback_urls array of the request. Callbacks are queued and sent every 15 minutes.

Callback requests are signed and issued over TLS. You must validate the authenticity of the request before parsing the request body.

Validating a Callback Request

  1. Establish a whitelist of all processor domains that you will allow to issue callbacks.
  2. If the X-OpenDSR-Processor-Domain header value is in your whitelist, fetch the certificate. The certificate URL is available as the value of "processor_certificate" in the /discovery response body. The certificate can be cached for the lifetime of the certificate.
  3. Validate the certificate. This should be handled by a library. Certificate validation should confirm that:

    • The certificate was issued by a trusted authority.
    • The certificate was issued to the exact string given in the X-OpenDSR-Processor-Domain header value.
    • The certificate has not expired.
  4. If the certificate is valid, use it to validate the X-OpenDSR-Signature header against the raw request body. mParticle uses SHA256 RSA as a signing algorithm.
  5. Return a response with a 202 Accepted status header if all validations are successful. Return a response with a 401 Unauthorized status header if the signature fails to validate or the processor domain is not in your whitelist.

Example Callback Request

POST /opendsr/callbacks HTTP/1.1
Content Type: application/json
[signature block]
    "extensions": null


The following errors may be returned by the API.

    "code": 400,
    "message": "Subject request already exists.",
    "errors": [
            "domain": "Validation",
            "reason": "InvalidOperationException",
            "message": "Subject request already exists."
Status Code Retriable Message
400 No Invalid data was detected
400 No If an MPID is provided, it must be the only identity in the request.
400 No Subject request already exists: subject_request_id is not unique.
401 No The credentials provided in the request are not valid. Check the credentials used to authenticate..
404 No The specified subject request id could not be found. For Portability/Access requests, if no records can be found matching the identities in the request, a request to the download link to the request results will also return this error.
409 No There is an in-progress request with the same identities, extensions and type.
429 Yes Too many requests have been submitted. The Retry-After header indicates how long to wait before retrying again. Learn more about API throttling in Default Service Limits.

Was this page helpful?

    Last Updated: March 21, 2025