Data Subject Request API Version 1 and 2
Data Subject Request API Version 3
Platform API Overview
Calculated Attributes
Data Points
Field Transformations
Warehouse Sync API Overview
Warehouse Sync API Tutorial
Warehouse Sync API Reference
Data Mapping
Warehouse Sync SQL Reference
Warehouse Sync Troubleshooting Guide
Warehouse Sync API v2 Migration
Bulk Profile Deletion API Reference
Calculated Attributes Seeding API
Custom Access Roles API
Data Planning API
Group Identity API Reference
Pixel Service
Profile API
Events API
mParticle JSON Schema Reference
Network Security Configuration
Event Tracking
User Attributes
Screen Events
Commerce Events
Location Tracking
Application State and Session Management
Data Privacy Controls
Error Tracking
Opt Out
Push Notifications
WebView Integration
Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME
Linting Data Plans
Troubleshooting the Android SDK
API Reference
Upgrade to Version 5
Cordova Plugin
Direct URL Routing FAQ
Event Tracking
User Attributes
Screen Tracking
Commerce Events
Location Tracking
Application State and Session Management
Data Privacy Controls
Error Tracking
Opt Out
Push Notifications
Webview Integration
Upload Frequency
App Extensions
Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME
Linting Data Plans
Troubleshooting iOS SDK
Social Networks
iOS 14 Guide
iOS 15 FAQ
iOS 16 FAQ
iOS 17 FAQ
iOS 18 FAQ
API Reference
Upgrade to Version 7
Getting Started
Upload Frequency
Getting Started
Opt Out
Initialize the SDK
Event Tracking
Commerce Tracking
Error Tracking
Screen Tracking
Location Tracking
Session Management
Content Security Policy
Event Tracking
User Attributes
Page View Tracking
Commerce Events
Location Tracking
Application State and Session Management
Data Privacy Controls
Error Tracking
Opt Out
Custom Logger
Native Web Views
Multiple Instances
Web SDK via Google Tag Manager
Preventing Blocked HTTP Traffic with CNAME
Facebook Instant Articles
Troubleshooting the Web SDK
Browser Compatibility
Linting Data Plans
API Reference
Upgrade to Version 2 of the SDK
Getting Started
Outbound Integrations
Firehose Java SDK
Inbound Integrations
Compose ID
Data Hosting Locations
Migrate from Segment to mParticle
Migrate from Segment to Client-side mParticle
Migrate from Segment to Server-side mParticle
Segment-to-mParticle Migration Reference
Rules Developer Guide
Node SDK
Python SDK
Ruby SDK
Java SDK
Step 1. Create an input
Step 2. Verify your input
Step 3. Set up your output
Step 4. Create a connection
Step 5. Verify your connection
Step 6. Track events
Step 7. Track user data
Step 8. Create a data plan
Step 9. Test your local app
Step 1. Create an input
Step 2. Verify your input
Step 3. Set up your output
Step 4. Create a connection
Step 5. Verify your connection
Step 6. Track events
Step 7. Track user data
Step 8. Create a data plan
Step 1. Create an input
Step 2. Create an output
Step 3. Verify output
API Credential Management
The Developer's Guided Journey to mParticle
User Profiles
Create and Manage Group Definitions
Calculated Attributes Overview
Using Calculated Attributes
Create with AI Assistance
Calculated Attributes Reference
What are predictive attributes?
Create an Input
Start capturing data
Connect an Event Output
Create an Audience
Connect an Audience Output
Transform and Enhance Your Data
Usage and Billing Report
The new mParticle Experience
The Overview Map
Observability Overview
Observability User Guide
Observability Troubleshooting Examples
Observability Span Glossary
Event Forwarding
System Alerts
Data Retention
Data Catalog
Data Plans
Live Stream
Blocked Data Backfill Guide
Tiered Events
mParticle Users and Roles
Analytics Free Trial
Troubleshooting mParticle
Usage metering for value-based pricing (VBP)
Audiences Overview
Create an Audience
Connect an Audience
Manage Audiences
Real-time Audiences (Legacy)
Standard Audiences (Legacy)
Predictive Audiences Overview
Using Predictive Audiences
IDSync Overview
Use Cases for IDSync
Components of IDSync
Store and Organize User Data
Identify Users
Default IDSync Configuration
Profile Conversion Strategy
Profile Link Strategy
Profile Isolation Strategy
Best Match Strategy
Core Analytics
Sync and Activate Analytics User Segments in mParticle
User Segment Activation
Welcome Page Announcements
Project Settings
Roles and Teammates
Organization Settings
Global Project Filters
Portfolio Analytics
Analytics Data Manager Overview
Event Properties
User Properties
Revenue Mapping
Export Data
UTM Guide
Analyses Introduction
Getting Started
Visualization Options
For Clauses
Date Range and Time Settings
Numerical Settings
Assisted Analysis
Properties Explorer
Frequency in Segmentation
Trends in Segmentation
Did [not] Perform Clauses
Cumulative vs. Non-Cumulative Analysis in Segmentation
Total Count of vs. Users Who Performed
Save Your Segmentation Analysis
Export Results in Segmentation
Explore Users from Segmentation
Getting Started with Funnels
Group By Settings
Conversion Window
Tracking Properties
Date Range and Time Settings
Visualization Options
Interpreting a Funnel Analysis
Group By
Conversion over Time
Conversion Order
Funnel Direction
Multi-path Funnels
Analyze as Cohort from Funnel
Save a Funnel Analysis
Explore Users from a Funnel
Export Results from a Funnel
Saved Analyses
Manage Analyses in Dashboards
Data Dictionary
Query Builder Overview
Modify Filters With And/Or Clauses
Query-time Sampling
Query Notes
Filter Where Clauses
Event vs. User Properties
Group By Clauses
Cross-tool Compatibility
Apply All for Filter Where Clauses
Date Range and Time Settings Overview
User Attributes at Event Time
Understanding the Screen View Event
User Aliasing
Dashboards––Getting Started
Manage Dashboards
Dashboard Filters
Organize Dashboards
Scheduled Reports
Time and Interval Settings in Dashboards
Query Notes in Dashboards
The Demo Environment
Keyboard Shortcuts
User Segments
Warehouse Sync
Data Privacy Controls
Data Subject Requests
Default Service Limits
Cross-Account Audience Sharing
Approved Sub-Processors
Import Data with CSV Files
CSV File Reference
Video Index
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Setup Examples
Google Tag Manager
Advanced Data Warehouse Settings
AWS Kinesis (Snowplow)
AWS Redshift (Define Your Own Schema)
AWS S3 Integration (Define Your Own Schema)
AWS S3 (Snowplow Schema)
BigQuery (Snowplow Schema)
BigQuery Firebase Schema
BigQuery (Define Your Own Schema)
GCP BigQuery Export
Snowflake (Snowplow Schema)
Snowplow Schema Overview
Snowflake (Define Your Own Schema)
Each customer has at least one mParticle account, which contains one or more workspaces. All accounts for the same customer are contained within an organization (org). These three logical containers control different types of scope. For example, The Profile API is set to workspace scope, while the Platform API is set to account scope.
A feed you can configure as if it comes from an iOS, Android, or Web platform (Act as Platform option in the Feed Configuration). Data from the feed can be forwarded to any output that supports the specified platform type.
Aliasing is a feature that allows clients to associate anonymous customer events to post-sign up events. Functionally, aliasing performs a copy operation from a source MPID to target MPID. The source MPID is unchanged and still accessible in the system.
This feature is supported by the Profile Link and Profile Conversion identity strategies.
Amazon Resource Name. A complete ARN is required for partner lambda integrations and some Amazon Redshift integrations.
A key-value pair that provides additional information about an event, user, or product. For example, a custom event Play Video might have the attribute of category
with a value of documentary
A set of users connected to an integration for the purpose of engaging those users. Audiences may be real-time or standard:
If the type of audience isn’t specified, then the reference is likely to real-time audiences unless stated otherwise.
A date range for how far back you can look to create real-time (not standard) audience segments, apply event enrichment of profiles, and to keep calculated attribute values up to date after initiatilization. Most lookback windows are 30, 60, or 90 days. Lookback windows are defined in the service agreement and are sometimes referred to as “hot storage.”
Contrast with data retention.
Amazon Web Services. mParticle accounts are assigned to an AWS region that provides optimal performance.
The basic processing unit for all mParticle data. A batch contains data about a single user of your app, on a maximum of one device. And includes an array of events along with information about the user and device. You can inspect raw batches in JSON format in the Live Stream and User Activity View.
An early release of mParticle products or features. See releases for more details.
A read-only user attribute with a value that is automatically calculated as new event data is received. Examples of calculated attributes include a total count of events, aggregation of events, the discrete occurrence of events, or lists of unique event attributes.
Customer data platform. mParticle includes functionality for CDP, as well as decision making powered by machine learning with Cortex, and behavioral analytics with Indicative.
A company that is a certified solutions partner or technology partner with mParticle.
The type of input by which a batch reached mParticle. Not to be confused with platform. For example, a batch for the Android platform can arrive via three different channels: the SDK, the server-to-server Event API, or an ‘act as’ partner feed.
Data forwarded directly from a device or web browser to an integration partner. Client-side integrations often require a kit to be included with the mParticle SDK. Some client-side kits have a configuration option to work in tandem with a server-side integration.
Contrast with server-side.
See data retention.
A special mParticle event type that tracks actions related to products and promotions. Examples of commerce events are Add to Cart, Purchase and Refund.
Settings for event and audience integrations are split into two sections: configuration settings and connection settings.
A configuration that defines how data flows into mParticle (input) or is forwarded out of it (output).
mParticle lets you track a user’s consent for their data to be captured. Consent is tracked according to a predefined consent framework. mParticle supports the GDPR and CCPA frameworks.
Machine learning in the mParticle platform. mParticle also includes functionality for customer data platforms (CDP), and behavioral analytics with Indicative.
A key and secret used to access the mParticle Events API.
An event type that can capture any type of user activity in your app. A basic custom event contains a name, a custom event type, and a free-form map of attributes. See also atribute.
A feed from any data source including the mParticle Events API. Contrast with act-as feed, unbound feed, or platform input.
The relationship between a custom event, screen view, or commerce event and the corresponding event in the integration partner.
A definition of how one data model equates to another data model in either the same or a different data store.
A definition of how data objects are structured. In Warehouse Sync, a data model may include a data map.
A codified set of expectations about the extent and shape of your data collected with mParticle. Data plans contain data points and metadata: a plan name, plan ID, version, and description.
An event, user attribute, or user identity that is unique within an mParticle workspace, defined for each type of data received from an input.
A set of mParticle features for working with consent and data subject requests.
The maximum period of time that mParticle stores profile and event data. The duration of the time period is governed by your long-term data retention policy, which is defined in your contract.
Contrast with audience real-time lookback window.
The type of data contained in an attribute value. mParticle supports the following data types: string, number, boolean, and date.
A type of integration partner, such as Snowflake, Google BigQuery, and Amazon Redshift.
See environment.
A unique identifier generated for each unique device the first time it is seen on a given platform in an mParticle workspace. Some event outputs use the Device Application Stamp (DAS) as part of a fallback strategy when other identities are not available.
Term for the device used to access your app or website. Examples of devices include an iPhone, an Android phone, a web browser, or an XBox.
From the GDPR specification, a data subject request.
An early release of mParticle products or features. See releases for more details.
Each event batch is associated with an environment: either development
(DEV) or production
(PROD). All development data can be inspected in the Live Stream to enable debugging. You can also create separate event outputs to handle development and production data.
A data point that records an action taken by a user in your app. Events are either predefined for use in mParticle or custom events that require mapping. See also custom event.
A stream of data into mParticle from either your own data source or a partner. See act-as feed, custom feed, platform input, and unbound feed.
Specifically for Warehouse Sync, a field transformation is a data map between an external data source and mParticle’s JSON schema. Field transformations define which individual key:value pairs of data in an external data source correlate to which key:value pairs of data in mParticle.
A definition that blocks a data point from being forwarded to a particular output.
Send data from an input to an output.
The release of mParticle products or features that are typically available to all customers. See releases for more details.
The General Data Protection Regulation is a set of regulations passed by the European Union. mParticle provides two features to help clients manage their obligations under the GDPR: Consent Management, and Data Subject Request processing.
See audience real-time lookback window.
AWS Identity and Access Management. Using a custom AWS Lambda function ARN to apply rules in mParticle requires the configuration of an IAM User and IAM Role.
The order of precedence for matching user profiles. See also identity strategy and IDSync.
The strategy that determines which user profile to add data to when the current user (known user) can be identified, and what to do when the current user can’t be identified (anonymous user).
You are assigned an identity strategy when your org is created.
See also identity priorities and IDSync.
Identifier for advertisers on iPhones. An Apple IDFA is similar to an advertising cookie, in that it enables an advertiser to understand that a user of a particular phone has taken an action like a click or an app install.
A set of mParticle features for managing how you identify your users across devices: identity strategy, identity priorities, and the Identity API.
Behavioral analytics in the mParticle platform. mParticle also includes functionality for customer data platforms (CDP), as well as decision making powered by machine learning with Cortex.
The configuration that defines how a partner sends data to an output. Inputs may be one of several types:
A data point tracked by many mParticle partners, representing the action of a user installing the app on their device. In mParticle, an install corresponds to an Application State Transition event, of type Application Launch
, where the attribute is_first_run
is true
The flow of data from one of mParticle’s partners to another. Types of integration include: event, audience, data warehouse, feed, data subject request, and cookie sync. Also referred to as integration partner or integration service.
A component you add to an mParticle SDK that communicates directly with an integration partner from the app client. Usually the kit includes some or all of the partner’s own client-side SDK. Kits are not the same as SDKs. Also referred to as embedded kits. Kits are typically not needed for server-side integrations.
Each of mParticle’s integration partners uses a slightly different data structure, with different names for key data points. Mapping is the process of transforming mParticle data into a format that can be used by a partner, and vice versa. For some integration, mapping is customizable. For example, if a partner only collects one user ID, you may need to decide which mParticle identity type to map to the partner’s user ID. See also custom mapping.
An integration type in which mParticle runs a secondary processing service for mapping data. These integrations consume credits and are enabled by the mParticle account team.
A unique identifier (64 bit signed integer) that each user is assigned in mParticle to aid in processing identity and profile data.
Monthly active users.
Monthly tracked user, a measurement used in mParticle billing. An MTU is any profile stored in mParticle that has been updated or has generated at least one tracked event within a calendar month. Contrast with VBP.
Each customer of mParticle is assigned an org, which contains one or more accounts. An account contains one or more workspaces. Different features of mParticle are scoped to org, account, and workspace.
The configuration that defines how a service receives data from an input via either mParticle servers or directly from the client.
Generally speaking, a pipeline is a data definition describing the data that flows continuously from a source to a destination.
An operating system such as iOS, Android, Roku, or the web that serves as an input. Contrast with act-as feed or custom feed or unbound feed.
mParticle representation of a physical or virtual product or service that your users can buy. Products are referenced in Commerce events.
See environment.
A feature of mParticle that requires an additional license. Submit a request to mParticle Support to request a premium feature.
A complete record of what you’ve learned about a given user over time, across all channels, continuously updated and maintained in real time as new data is captured.
A type of commerce event captured when a user of your app buys one or more products.
A set of users connected to an integration for the purpose of engaging those users. Real-time audiences are populated based on recently received data.
Contrast with standard audience.
mParticle has two types of releases:
Beta An initial release of products or features that mParticle expects to make generally available.
mParticle typically offers Beta release functionality free of charge to customers who want to test and provide feedback on future functionality.
General Availability (GA) A release of products or features that have been fully tested and validated for scalability, quality, and usability. Any product or feature not labeled Beta or Early Access (EA) in documentation is a GA release. GA features are rolled out to customers over a period of time.
GA release functionality is available for purchase to all customers.
Rules allow you to cleanse, enrich and transform your incoming data before it is forwarded.
An event type used for tracking navigation within an app.
A code library created and maintained by mParticle to track data in your native and web apps. Note that the preferred terminology varies between platforms. This includes native SDKs for iOS and Android, a JavaScript snippet on Web and various libraries, modules, and plugins used for mobile development frameworks like Xamarin and React Native.
Data forwarded from mParticle servers to an integration partner, rather than directly from a client (such as a mobile device). Server-side integrations typically do not require that a kit be added to the mParticle SDK.
A channel for incoming data such as the Event API.
A premium feature that enables you to define and build audiences based on long-term historical data.
Contrast with real-time audience.
See User Activity View.
A feed that can’t be configured to behave as if it came from a specified platform (there is no Act as Platform option in the Feed Configuration). Contrast with act-as feed.
A user attribute change event: an event_type : attribute_change_event
An SDK uploads an event whenever a user attribute changes to denote new attributes, changing attributes, and removed attributes. This allows for calculation of the current user attribute state for each event within an mParticle upload.
The page in the Activity section of mParticle that allows you to view a detailed summary of data associated with a single user.
See profile.
Value-based pricing (VBP), an alternative to MTU mParticle billing. VBP is aligned with a customer’s usage and scales as the customer’s needs grow.
A workspace is the basic container for data in an mParticle account. An account has one workspace already created; more can be created at any time. These logical containers control different types of scope. For example, the Profile API is set to workspace scope, while the Platform API is set to account scope.
An event is a tracked user action. Examples of events are a user loading a page, clicking a button, or opening an email. Every analysis in Analytics starts with at least one event to analyze behavioral patterns. You can think of events as the “what” that a user has done.
Event properties describe the context of an event. For example, event properties for the event “Button Click” could include the device type used to perform the event, the time zone the event was performed in, or the web browser through which the event was performed.
Analytics isn’t just about tracking events, it’s also about tracking user. User Properties are the properties associated with the user performing an event, such as demographic factors, an email address, or the marketing channel through which the user was originally acquired. While event properties can differ from event to event, user properties are associated with every event performed by a given user.
Every analysis in Analytics is built in the query builder. Here, you may combine events, event properties, and user properties to create and visualize an analysis.
A query row is a section within a query, and contains events, event properties, and/or user properties that will determine the analysis. A query may be composed of one or more query rows.
When an event property or user property is broken apart into its components, these components are referred to as values. For example, when looking at the property “Platform”, “iPhone” and “Android” are potential values.
A value that contains only numbers. Numeric values may be used in calculations. For example, values under the property “Purchase Type” containing specific price information are numeric values.
A value that contains letters, numbers, or other characters. String values are not used in calculations. For example, a User ID consisting only of numbers is a string value.
A widget is a module on a dashboard within Analytics. Widgets provide both access to and results from saved analyses. Any analysis built in Segmentation, and Cohort may be added to a dashboard as a widget.
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