
Data Warehouse

mParticle’s Data Warehouse integration with Amazon Redshift forwards all your incoming data to a Redshift cluster, allowing you to query the raw data directly.

The integration performs the following tasks in your Redshift cluster:

  1. Creates a table for each custom event name and each eCommerce event name with a volume above a defined threshold. Less common events are recorded in a single table, labeled otherevents.
  2. Adds new columns to tables when new events or user attributes are received.
  3. Creates a view unioning all tables within each schema, and a view in the PUBLIC schema that unions the views of all schema. Updates these views as new tables are created.
  4. If enabled, performs data hygeine on your cluster every 24 hours to purge expired data and run vacuum and analyze commands.

By default, the integration begins loading current data into Redshift from the time it is enabled. You can work with your mParticle Customer Service Manager to load historical data.

Enable the Integration

Redshift Database Setup

1. Create a Database and Schema

Create your Redshift Database. The database should be in the same region as your mParticle pod. For example, if your mParticle pod is US1 or US2, create your Redshift database in us_east-1. Choosing a different region increases latency between mParticle and Redshift.

Within your database, create a schema to store your data.

2. Create groups and users to manage permissions

Once your database is ready, you need to create groups with permissions to read and write data to the database.

create group readwritegroup; 
create group readonlygroup;

grant all on schema your_schema_name to group readwritegroup;

Be sure to replace your_schema_name with your own name.

mParticle uses these groups to grant permissions for new tables it creates in the database. You must use the names readwritegroup and readonlygroup. You can also use these groups to control permissions for mParticle data in Redshift.

Create a user in each group. mParticle uses the dataloader user to create tables and write to the schema. The readonlyuser is used to run queries from the mParticle dashboard.

create user dataloader in group readwritegroup password 'Aabcde123!';

create user readonlyuser in group readonlygroup password 'Abcde123!';

mParticle Setup

After adding Amazon Redshift from the integrations Directory, you can find the settings UI at Setup > Data Warehouse.

From the main page for your Redshift configuration, select the Settings tab to provide the necessary settings to get your Redshift integration working.

To forward data subject erasure requests to Amazon Redshift, set the Forwarding Status toggle to Active and select I understand after reading the disclaimer. Once the status has been set to Active, erasure requests are sent to Amazon Redshift immediately upon being received by mParticle.

Configuration Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Cluster Endpoint string Endpoint string shown on Configuration tab on your Redshift Dashboard.
Port number 5439 Open port for your cluster. You can find this on the details page for your cluster in Redshift.
Database string The name of the database where you want to store mParticle Data.
Read & Write User ID string User ID for the dataloader user you created in your Redshift setup. These credentials will be used to manage the schema and load data.
Read & Write Password string The password for the dataloader user.
Read Only User ID string User ID for the readonlyuser user you created in your Redshift setup. These credentials will be used when running queries from the mParticle UI.
Read & Write Password string The password for the readonlyuser user.
Redshift Schema Name string Name of an existing schema where you want to store mParticle data.
Events Threshold number 10000 The number of times a custom or commerce event name must be received in 30 day period for mParticle to create a dedicated table for that event.
Delay Between Loading Sessions in Minutes number 15 Allows you to adjust how often you want to load data into the data warehouse. Note that the minimum time is 1 minute and the maximum time is 24 hours (60 minutes x 24).
Send user attribute columns bool true If enabled, individual columns are created for each user attribute
Store device stamp bool false Store device application stamp in the mParticleDeviceID column. Note that this change does not apply retroactively to tables that have already been created. Data deletion and a replay will be needed in order for existing tables to include this column.
Hygiene Permissions bool true If enabled, every 24 hours, mParticle will purge data over a certain age and perform vacuum and analyze commands on your database.
Number of Days number 90 If Data Hygiene is enabled, this is the age in days past which data is purged.

Once your Data Warehose integration is configured, connect individual inputs to the Amazon Redshift output from the Connections page. You must connect every input you want to store data for.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Platform Description
Redshift Table Name string Out of Band Table name for this partner feed. If not set, the partner name will be used. Only applicable to feeds inputs, no effect on apps inputs. If “Split Partner Feed Data by Event Name” checkbox is enabled, this setting is not used.
Split Partner Feed Data by Event Name boolean False Out of Band If enabled, split partner feed data by event name. Otherwise load data into the same table.
Send Batches without Events boolean True All If enabled, an event batch that contains no events will be forwarded.

Data Schema

Each common custom event name and eCommerce event name have their own table in Redshift, and all other event names (e.g., session-start, session-end) are stored in a single “otherevents” table. The naming conversion of the table names are as follows.

  • A custom event name will have a table named event_[event type]_[event name]. For example, a custom event of event type Navigation named SignUp will have a table named event_navigation_signup.
  • An eCommerce event name will have a table named ecomm_[event name].
  • Consent events have tables named consent_given and consent_rejected
  • All other events are stored in a table named otherevents.

mParticle also creates two views, which can be used to get aggregated views of your app data.

  • Under each schema, a view called eventsview that unions all tables under the schema.
  • Under the “public” schema, a view called eventsview that unions all eventsview views from all schema in the database.

Common Columns

Each table has the following common columns.

Column Name Data Type Description
AppId int mParticle app Id
AppPlatformId int mParticle AppPlatformId, e.g., Google Now app has iOS platform and Android platform, and each platform has an unique mParticle AppPlatformId
AppName varchar(255) App name
AppVersion varchar(255) App version
PackageName varchar(255) App package name
AppArchitecture varchar(255) App architecture
IsPirated bool Is the device pirated?
ApplicationBuildNumber varchar(255) Application build number
IsDebugSigning bool Is the app debug signing?
UpgradeDate bigint App upgrade timestamp
AppEnvironment varchar(255) App environment, debug or production
InstallReferrer varchar(255) Install referrer
Brand varchar(255) Device brand
Product varchar(255) Device product
DeviceName varchar(255) Device name
DeviceUdid varchar(255) Device UDID
Manufacturer varchar(255) Device manufacturer
Platform varchar(255) Device platform
OSVersion varchar(255) Device OS version
DeviceModel varchar(255) Device model
LocaleCountry varchar(255) Device’s locale country
LocaleLanguage varchar(255) Device’s locale language
NetworkCountry varchar(255) Network country
NetworkCarrier varchar(255) Network carrier name
ScreenHeight int Device’s screen height
ScreenWidth int Device’s screen width
ScreenDpi int Device’s screen dpi
DeviceUtcOffset int Device UTC offset
OsVersionInt int Android OS version int
Jailbroken varchar(255) Device’s jailbroken status
IDFA varchar(255) iOS IDFA
GoogleAID varchar(255) Android Google Advertising ID
Architecture varchar(255) Device architecture
IsTablet bool Is the device a tablet?
VendorIdentifier varchar(255) iOS vendor identifier
Pushtoken varchar(255) Push token
AttributionServiceProvider varchar(255) Attribution service provider name
AttributionPublisher varchar(255) Attributed publisher name
AttributionCampaign varchar(255) Attributed campaign name
mParticleUserId bigint UserId assigned by mParticle
CustomerId varchar(255) User’s customerID, usually this is the unique userId in your system
FacebookId varchar(255) User’s Facebook user Id
TwitterId varchar(255) User’s Twitter ID
GoogleUserId varchar(255) User’s Google ID
MicrosoftUserId varchar(255) User’s Microsoft ID
YahooUserId varchar(255) User’s Yahoo ID
Email varchar(255) User’s email
OtherUserId varchar(255) “Other” type user identity
IsDebug bool True for debug environment and false for production environment
BatchId bigint A unique ID of the batch
BatchTimestamp bigint Batch timestamp
SdkVersion varchar(255) mParticle SDK version
ClientIp varchar(20) Client IP address
ClientIpV6 varchar(45) Client IP address (compatible with v6)
GeoLookupInfo varchar(1024) Geo lookup information
entrypointtype smallint Type of incoming data, Type of incoming data, 1 means from SDK and 128 means from S2S
CountryCode varchar(255) Country code
CityName varchar(255) City name
PostalCode varchar(255) Postal code
RegionCode varchar(255) Geo region code
Latitude double Geo latitude
Longitude double Geo longitude
Accuracy double Geo accuracy
AudienceMembership varchar(2048) A array of mParticle segment ID’s the user was a member of at the time of the event
SessionId bigint A unique ID of the session
SessionStartTimestamp bigint Session start timestamp
EventId bigint A unique ID of the event
EventTimestamp bigint Event timestamp
MessageTypeId int Message Type Id
1 = Session Start
2 = Session End
3 = Screen View
4 = App Event
5 = Crash Report
6 = Opt Out
7 = First Run
8 = PreAttribution
9 = Push Registration
10 = Application State Transition
11 = Push Message
12 = Network Performance
13 = Breadcrumb
14 = Profile
15 = Push Reaction
16 = Commerce Event
17 = UserAttributeChange
18 = UserIdentityChange
19 = Uninstall
EventStartTimestamp bigint Event start timestamp
EventDate date Event date. Sort key
EventHour datetime Event hour. Sort key
EventName varchar(255) Event name
EventTypeId int Event type Id
EventLength bigint How long did the event take? Represents session length in milliseconds on session end events
EventLtvValue double Monetary value extracted from the event
DataConnectionType varchar(255) Data connection type
ExceptionHandled bool Handled exception or crash
IsFirstRunEvent bool Is this a first run event?
FirstSeenTimestamp bigint Timestamp of the first event on this user
IsUpgradeEvent bool Is this an app upgrade event?
SuccessfullyClosed bool Is the last session successfully closed? Will be false if app is forcefully killed
ApplicationTransitionTypeId smallint Application Transition TypeId. AppInit = 1
AppExit = 2
AppBackground = 3
AppForeground = 4
eventcustomflags varchar(2048) Event custom flags
EventAttributes varchar(10240) A JSON string that contains key/value pairs of event attribute names and values
UserAttributes varchar(10240) A JSON string that contains key/value pairs of user attribute names and values

eCommerce Only Columns

Column Name Data Type Description
ProductActionTypeId smallint eCommerce Product Action Type Id
0 = unknown
1 = add_to_cart
2 = remove_from_cart
3 = checkout
4 = checkout_option
5 = click
6 = view_detail
7 = purchase
8 = refund
9 = add_to_wishlist
10 = remove_from_wishlist
EcommerceScreenName varchar(50) eCommerce screen name
EcommerceIsNonInteractive bool Is eCommerce action interactive?
PromotionActionTypeId smallint Promotion Action Type Id
0 = unknown
1 = view
2 = click
ProductAction varchar(5000) JSON string representing product action details
PromotionAction varchar(5000) JSON string representing promotion action details
ProductImpressions varchar(5000) JSON string representing product impressions
ShoppingCart varchar(5000) JSON string representing shopping cart info

Event and User Attribute Columns

Each individual event name table (not including otherevents) also has one column per event attribute, named like: “ea[attribute_name]”, and one column per user attribute, named like “ua[attribute_name]“.

The benefit of these individual attribute columns is that you don’t have to use slower JSON parse functions in your query to extract attribute values from either EventAttributes or UserAttributes columns. If you wish, individual User Attribute columns can be turned off by disabling the Send user attribute columns setting.

Partner Feed Data

Events from each connected Partner Feed will be stored under a single table unless the Split Partner Feed Data by Event Name checkbox is enabled. You can choose the table name for each Feed in the Connection Settings.


Device Application Stamp Forwarding

Events can be forwarded with a Device Application Stamp stored in the device ID column. You can enable this in the settings page for your data warehouse configuration by toggling the Store Device Stamp checkbox.

Error Handling

mParticle loads data into Redshift via Amazon S3 and can tolerate the Redshift cluster being unavailable for up to 30 days, depending on data volume. In the event of extended downtime on your cluster, a data replay can be arranged.

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